What are the two parts of the ECF compartment?
- Plasma (fluid of the blood)
- Interstitial fluid (IF)
What does hydrostatic pressure do?
Causes the movement of fluid between compartments.
Solute movement between compartments is an ___ process, thus needing ATP.
active transport
Active transport does what?
Moves substances against its concentration gradient through a membrane protein, which is why it requires energy.
What is osmolality?
The ratio of solutes in a solution to its solvent.
What are the two barriers that separate ICF, IF and blood plasma?
- Plasma membrane (selectively permeable barrier) of cells, separates ICF from IF.
- Blood vessel walls, divide IF from blood plasma. Only in capillaries can exchange occur between the two.
What physiological response do we experience when the blood gets more concentrated?
Thirst, so that our water intake is regulated.
What is this diagram showing?
The thirst response
The antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or vasopressin controls what?
The amount of water reabsorbed from the collects ducts in the kidney.
What does ADH do?
Retains water in the kidneys and constricts arterioles in the peripheral circulation (reduces blood flow to extremities).
What are the six most important electrolytes?
- sodium
- potassium
- chloride
- bicarbonate
- calcium
- phosphate
Aid in nerve excitability, endocrine secretion, membrane permeability and controlling movement of fluids between compartments.
If the body needs more calcium and phosphate, what part of the body might be broken down to obtain them?
Bone tissue