2023-09-01T00:47:57+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueDefinition of mineral, <p>"Naturally occuring"</p>, <p>"Generally inorganic"</p>, <p>"Solid substance"</p>, <p>"Orderly crystalline structure"</p>, <p>"Definite chemical composition that allows for some variation"</p>, Protons, How is the atomic number of an element determined?, Neutrons, What particles are in the nucleus of an atom?, Atom, Electrons, Covalent bond, Ionic Bond, Ion, Metallic Bond, Element, Chemical Compound, Octet Rule, Chemical Bond, Diagnostic Properties, Ambiguous Properties, Luster, Common terms to describe luster, Color, Streak, Ability to transmit light, Crystal shape/habit, Hardness, Mohs scale, Cleavage, Fracture, Tenacity, Density, Specific gravity, Rock-forming minerals, Economic mineral, Classification of minerals (hierarchy), Silicate, Eight elements that make up rock-forming minerals, Nonsilicate, Silicon-oxygen tetrahedron, Independent tetrahedron, Polymerization, Light/Nonferromagnesian silicate, Potassium feldspar, Plagioclase feldspar, Quartz, Muscovite, Clay (mineral), Dark/ferromagnesian silicate, Olivine, Augite, Hornblende, Biotite, Garnet, Calcite, Dolomite, Halite, Gypsum, Common nonsilicate mineral groups, Common silicate mineral groups, Renewable, Nonrenewable, Mineral resource, Ore depositflashcards
Refers to a resource that is virtually inexhaustible or that can be replenished over short time spans
Refers to a resource that forms or accumulates over such long time spans that it must be considered as fixed in total quantity
Mineral resource
All discovered and undiscovered deposits of a useful mineral that can be extracted now or at some point in the future
Ore deposit
A useful metallic mineral that can be mined at a profit or certain nonmetallic minerals
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