2023-09-21T06:08:33+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>what is a drug?</p>, <p>what is difference between pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics?</p>, <p>what should the ideal drug be (3 things)?</p>, <p>what are more ideal drug properties (6)?</p>, <p>what is the therapeutic objective of drugs?</p>, <p>what are the abbreviations: PO, IV, Subcut, Tx, Sx, Dx, Rx, PRN, Stat</p>, <p>why should we teach pharmacology to nurses?</p>, <p>what are the goals in dosage + administration?</p>, <p>what are the goals in maximize therapeutic effects?</p>, <p>what are the goals in minimize therapeutic effects?</p>, <p>what are the goals in minimize adverse interactions?</p>, <p>what are 4 steps of pharmacological nursing process?</p>, <p>how many names do drugs have?</p>, <p>what are 6 stages of new drug R&amp;D and their question answered?</p> flashcards
3. intro to pharmacology

3. intro to pharmacology

  • what is a drug?

    any chemical affecting living process

  • what is difference between pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics?

    pharmacology: study of all drugs

    clinical pharmacology: study of drugs in humans

    therapeutics: study of medical use of drugs

  • what should the ideal drug be (3 things)?

    effective, safe, predictable

  • what are more ideal drug properties (6)?


    easy to administer

    low cost


    minimal drug interactions

    chemically stable

  • what is the therapeutic objective of drugs?

    optimize risk-benefit ratio -> maximize benefits while minimizing harm

  • what are the abbreviations: PO, IV, Subcut, Tx, Sx, Dx, Rx, PRN, Stat








    as required


  • why should we teach pharmacology to nurses?

    anticipate potential drug responses

    intervene promptly and effectively

    defence against medication errors

    improve patient care + education

  • what are the goals in dosage + administration?

    provide trade + generic name (acetaminophen + Tylenol)

    teach proper dosage, schedule, administration, storage

  • what are the goals in maximize therapeutic effects?

    teach expected effects, inform on delays, teach non drug measures (exercise)

  • what are the goals in minimize therapeutic effects?

    inform of potential adverse effects

  • what are the goals in minimize adverse interactions?

    inform of potential drug-drug / drug-food interactions

  • what are 4 steps of pharmacological nursing process?

    1. pre-administration assessment: predict therapeutic + adverse effects

    2. analysis + detection: appropriateness of Rx, potential adverse effects + interactions, self-care capacity

    3. planning: define therapeutic goals + priorities

    4. evaluation: therapeutic effects, adverse reactions, adherence, satisfaction, quality of life

  • how many names do drugs have?


    chemical: N-acetyl-para-aminophenol

    generic: acetaminophen

    brand: aspirin, Tylenol

    best to use generic!

  • what are 6 stages of new drug R&D and their question answered?

    drug discovery -> optimize target affinity, cytotoxicity tests

    preclinical (animal tests) -> organismal toxicity, kinetic parameters

    phase I: is it safe (humans)?

    phase II: does it work (humans)?

    phase III: better than what we already have?

    IV: rare and long term adverse effects

    this can take 10-25 years