2022-06-16T04:55:05+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Evergreen</p>, <p>Deciduous</p>, <p>Semi-deciduous</p>, <p>ephemeral, caducous, fugacious</p>, <p>marcescent</p>, <p>annual</p>, <p>summer annual</p>, <p>winter annual</p>, <p>Biennial</p>, <p>Perennial</p>, <p>man changes the growth habits from one type to another</p>, <p>monocarpic</p>, <p>polycarpic</p>, <p>vernal, aestival, autumnal, hibernal</p> flashcards
17 Plant Life cycle

17 Plant Life cycle

  • Evergreen

    Keep leaves all year long

  • Deciduous

    Bare leaves with lifespan of 1 year, drop prior to new leaves

  • Semi-deciduous

    Loose there leaves about the time new ones are immerging, never leafless

  • ephemeral, caducous, fugacious

    leaves short lived, dies and falls off

  • marcescent

    leaves die but does not fall off

  • annual

    grows and completes entire life in single year

  • summer annual

    Germinates in early spring, sets seed by fall

  • winter annual

    Germinates in fall, grows through winter, sets seed in spring

  • Biennial

    Two year lifecycle

  • Perennial

    continues to grow and blume every year

  • man changes the growth habits from one type to another

    biennial or perennials are grown as annuals such as carrots

  • monocarpic

    flowers once then dies

  • polycarpic

    flowers multiple times

  • vernal, aestival, autumnal, hibernal

    spring, summer, fall, winter