2022-06-16T23:41:22+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Live underground because of perennating organs</p>, <p>Modified chute system that lives below ground, oriented vertically unlike rhizome</p>, <p>Only stem part of a bulb</p>, <p>Bulb with modified leaf wrapped around it for protection</p>, <p>Bulbs lacking tunic</p>, <p>Small bulbs underground that grow from motherbulb</p>, <p>Small bulbs produced above ground in leaf axles</p>, <p>Solid swollen stem lacking leaves (have tunics and look like bulbs)</p>, <p>Corms grown underground</p>, <p>Stems that contain eyes which are axillary buds</p>, <p>Tuber that only contains one Terminal bud at the proximal end</p>, <p>Plants that live in environments limited in water</p>, <p>Stems that have the ability to store water</p>, <p>Leaves that have the ability to store water</p>, <p>Plants that are adapted to deal with salt</p> flashcards
15 Modified Structures 2

15 Modified Structures 2

  • Live underground because of perennating organs


  • Modified chute system that lives below ground, oriented vertically unlike rhizome


  • Only stem part of a bulb

    basal plate

  • Bulb with modified leaf wrapped around it for protection

    tunicate bulb

  • Bulbs lacking tunic

    scale bulb

  • Small bulbs underground that grow from motherbulb


  • Small bulbs produced above ground in leaf axles


  • Solid swollen stem lacking leaves (have tunics and look like bulbs)


  • Corms grown underground


  • Stems that contain eyes which are axillary buds


  • Tuber that only contains one Terminal bud at the proximal end

    tuberouse root

  • Plants that live in environments limited in water


  • Stems that have the ability to store water

    stem succulents

  • Leaves that have the ability to store water

    leaf succulents

  • Plants that are adapted to deal with salt
