2021-08-16T04:10:21+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueGreat value propositions are embedded..., Great value propositions focus on few..., Great value propositions focus on..., Great value propositions align with..., Great value propositions focus on the..., Great value propositions differentiate from..., Great value propositions address..., Great value propositions outperform..., Great value propositions are..., Great value propositions focus on unsatisfied...flashcards
10 Characteristics of Great Value Propositions - Strategyzer
...pain relievers and gain creators, but do those extremely well
Great value propositions focus on...
...jobs, pains, or gains that a large number of customers have or for which a small number is willing to pay a lot of money
Great value propositions align with...
...how customers measure success
Great value propositions focus on the...
...most significant jobs, most severe pains, and most relevant gains
Great value propositions differentiate from...
...competition in a meaningful way
Great value propositions address...
...functional, emotional and social jobs all together
Great value propositions outperform...
...competition substantially on at least one dimension
Great value propositions are...
...difficult to copy
Great value propositions focus on unsatisfied...
...jobs, pains, and gains
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