2022-06-16T20:17:12+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Poaceae most important foods</p>, <p>Scala naturae</p>, <p>Nodes</p>, <p>Internode</p>, <p>Leaf axle</p>, <p>Axillary buds</p>, <p>Stipules</p>, <p>Lenticels</p> flashcards
1 Introduction 2 The whole plant

1 Introduction 2 The whole plant

  • Poaceae most important foods

    Rice, Wheat, Corn

  • Scala naturae

    Aristotles rankings of things, Plants ranked low

  • Nodes

    Point of the stem where leaves emerge

  • Internode

    area in-between nodes

  • Leaf axle

    elbow of the petiole

  • Axillary buds

    growth buds that form in the leaf axle, effect the shape of the tree (without them the tree grows more vertical)

  • Stipules

    outgrowths at the base of the petiole

  • Lenticels

    Specialized structures on the stem used in gas exchange