A word after a word after a word is power
Margaret Atwood
Reading is the sole means by which we slip involuntarily, often helplessly into another's skin, another voice, another's soul
Joyce Carol
What were the systems of writing first used for?
Systems of writing were first used as a means of recording administrative and commercial transactions. Gradually, these systems became more advanced, preserving ancient wisdom, historical records, and religious ceremonies, all of which had previously been memorized and were passed down orally.
What was the first form of literature?
It was a long narrative poem, known as an epic, which focuses on the legends surrounding a great warrior or leader, and his battles to protect his people from their enemies and the forces of evil.
The foundation of Western literature:
Later, as Greek influence declined, Roman poets developed their own Latin version of the form, even borrowing the story of the Trojan War, as Virgil did in the Aeneid, to produce an epic of the beginning of Rome. The scale and depth of Homer’s epics, and their poetic structure, provided the foundation on which Western literature is built.
The life that you seek you will never find
The Epic of Gilgamesh
A recent study suggests that half of the global area burned by fires each year is a result of deliberately set and managed fires, rather than wildfires caused by natural factors
Main ideas:
Half of the land burned globally each year is attributed to deliberately set and managed fires, not solely wildfires caused by natural factors.
The increase in the annual area burned by wildfires due to global heating may be greater than currently predicted by computer models.
Related information:
Researchers created a database of around 500 managed fires and developed a computer model to distinguish between managed fires and wildfires.
The variability in wildfires is being underestimated if managed fires are not accurately accounted for, leading to an underestimation of the influence of climatic factors.
This article discusses the rising anxiety in young people and the perceived link to social media and smartphones. It emphasizes the need to follow scientific evidence rather than succumbing to moral panic
Main ideas:
Anxiety in children is on the rise, leading to concerns about the impact of social media and smartphones.
The correlation between the rise in anxiety and the introduction of smartphones and social media in the 2000s is intuitive but lacks solid evidence.
Related information:
Social media and smartphones are often blamed for the rise in childhood anxiety, but the evidence supporting this claim is inconclusive.
Other factors like social inequality and fears about climate change may also contribute to anxiety in young people.
This article discusses the concept of ambiverts and omniverts, which are personality types that fall between introversion and extroversion
Main ideas:
Personality types exist on a continuum from introversion to extroversion.
Ambiverts have a combination of introverted and extroverted traits, while omniverts alternate between introverted and extroverted behavior
Related information:
The concept of ambiverts has been studied and appears in psychological literature, while the term omnivert seems to be a pop-psychology construct.
Personality traits have a genetic predisposition but can change over time.