Columbia Black-tailed Deer
Artiodactyla, Cervidae, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus. Coastal subspecies of mule deer, smaller body size, dark brown to black tail, compact bifurcated antlers.
Sitka Black-tailed Deer
Artiodactyla, Cervidae, Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis. Smallest mule deer subspecies, found in coastal rainforests, darker pelage, two distinct white throat patches.
White-tailed Deer
Artiodactyla, Cervidae, Odocoileus virginianus. Reddish-brown summer coat, grayish winter coat, long white tail that is raised when alarmed, antlers with single main beam and tines growing upward.
Fallow Deer
Artiodactyla, Cervidae, Dama dama. Introduced species, spotted coat in summer, palmate antlers, shorter legs, found in agricultural areas and woodlands.
Alaskan Moose
Artiodactyla, Cervidae, Alces americanus gigas. Largest moose subspecies, found in northern BC, large palmate antlers, dark brown coat, adapted for deep snow and cold climates.
Mountain Goat
Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Oreamnos americanus. White coat, black horns, prominent shoulder hump, excellent climbers, found in alpine and subalpine environments.
Bighorn Sheep
Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Ovis canadensis. Large curled horns in males, muscular build, brown coat with white rump patch, prefers open rugged terrain.
Thinhorn Sheep
Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Ovis dalli. Smaller than bighorn sheep, slender horns, prefers remote mountainous terrain.
Dall’s Sheep
Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Ovis dalli dalli. Pure white coat, found in high alpine environments, both sexes have slender curved horns.
Stone’s Sheep
Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Ovis dalli stonei. Darker coat than Dall’s sheep, mixed gray and brown coloration, found in northern BC mountain ranges.
1. Northeast Pacific 2. Coast and Mountains 3. Georgia Depression 4. Southern Interior 5. Southern Interior Mountains 6. Central Interior 7. Sub-Boreal Interior 8. Boreal Plains 9. Taiga Plains 10. Northern Boreal Mountains.
Federal (DFO, Environment Canada, Parks Canada, RCMP, Canada Customs) and Provincial (BC Environmental Assessment Office, BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development).
What are the different requirements of hunting licenses in BC?
How old do you have to be for each type of Hunting license
18+ regular and initiation licenses
10-17 regular and youth licenses
<10 no hunting
What species have compulsory Inspection
Black Bear (Haida Gwaii), Cougar, Caribou, Mountain Goat, Mountain Sheep, Lynx (some regions) Bobcat (some regions), Elk and Moose (Some regions and MU)
What species have Compulsory Reporting
Lynx (some Regions), Wolverine, Bobcat (Regions 2 & 3), Wolf (Regions 1 & 2), Elk (Management Units 6-12 & 6-13), Moose (most of Region 7B/9), Feral Pig