Que preposiciĆ³n es usado para: Modo (* mano)
La diferencia entre por y para en relaciĆ³n con: Tiempo
Para es tiempo exacto y por es tiempo aproximado
Usos de "por" (7)
1) Causa, razĆ³n 2)lugar (por aquĆ) 3) tiempo (por las maƱanas) 4)distribuciĆ³n (per hour, por hora/for 20 euros, por 20 euros, per person, por persona) 5)complemento agente (esta traducciĆ³n ya ha side revisada por (by) dos personas) 6) sin (te quedan dos problems por terminar) 7) medio (method) - MĆ”ndamelo por una agencia de paqueterĆa/send it to me BY parcel agency
We use mĆ”s que to make general comparisons between things or objects that have more value than a quantitative comparison. In other words, it canāt be measured with numbers.
We use mƔs de to make comparisons between quantities and everything that has to do with numbers.
MĆ”ndamelo __ (via/through) una agencia de paqueterĆa (parcel service/parcel carrier)
Cual es la preposiciĆ³n se usa para causa (I am tired of seeing the same thing)
El patio __ este colegio es muy grande
Ese bolso es __ (for/para) hombres - pero no se usa para
RamĆ³n trabaja __ jardinero (AS A)
de acuerdo; estar de acuerdo
ok, all right- de acuerdo, vamos; in agreement (los negocios estƔn de acuerdo on el contrato)
Se utiliza la preposicion "a" siempre delante del objecto directo cuando nos referimos a una persona o animal bien conocido o especifico
cuando se trata de oraciones subordinads que expresen finalidad, se acepa la preposicion __ cuando el verbo es de movimiento
quien es aquel (hombre) __ barba y bigote?
a jaime le gusta leer de todo, __ filosofĆa del derecho
ĀæDe quĆ© trata la pelĆcula?
What is the movie about?
ĀæDe quĆ© se trata la pelĆcula?
What is the movie about
I just finished eating
Acabo de comer
Le di una entrada de fĆŗtbol a Mario.
i gave mario a football ticket/I gave a footbal ticket to mario
Le di una entrada de fĆŗtbol a RocĆo para Mario.
I gave rocio a football ticket for mario
ĀæLes has dado la merienda a los niƱos?
Have you given the kids a snack?
ĀæHas traĆdo la merienda para los niƱos?
Have you brought the snack for the kids?
To frightened by/to be frightened to
de- a body part (cayĆ de cabeza, I fell on my head), por- down, caye por las escaleras (i fell down the staris)
To break up with someone
Romper CON alguien
To end it with someone (breakup)
Terminar con alguien
conformarse * algo
settle for something/to be happy with something/to be content with something
to consist of
to ocunt on someone/to rely on
a, con, por, contra
dar a: to give to, dar con: to find, dar por:to consider, dar contra:give against
due to something/someone
decide on something /someone
challenge someone
apologize to someone for something
to insist on, to endeavor to
to strive to/for something
to pay attention to
to get fed up with
growing impatient for something
insist on something
bemoan/complain about/
to escpae something/someone
messing with someone
dying of
To forget (having se/reflexivo) hace que sea mas sobre TU y TU cupla de olvidar
Pasar por: to go through something (suffer), pass through (layover), to pass by (pasa por un mercado)
Pasar de: to move from, to be too (Maria pasa de buen aond, Maria is too nice)
preocuparse de: to take care of, to see to it, to make sure, mind your own business (dejame en paz y preocupate de tus asuntos)
preocuparse por: to worry about
quedar con: to arrange to meet/to stay with/ t still be (quedar con hambre)/ to remember (queda con todo lo que dices- she rememebrs everythign. yousay)
Quedar en:to arrange, to agree
Quedar para: left for
Quedar a:to be left, to stay, to be left over
complain about something/complain of something
try something with someone
vote for someone because of something/ in order to * something