What defines lead-based paint(LBP)?
Any surface coating that contains Lead (Pb) ≥1.0 mg/cm2 (or more than 0.5% by weight (5000ppm))
Risk assessment reports require all LBP hazards to be identified as
Deteriorated or Intact
What does deteriorated LBP refer to?
Any coating that is peeling, chipping, chalking, cracking; damaged; separated from the substrate.
What does intact LBP refer to?
Paint with no more than a nail hole, a hairline crack or without any damage.
A LBP hazard is _______ to lead from lead-contaminated dust, lead-contaminated soil, deteriorated LBP on friction, impact, or chewable surfaces
What is a friction LBP hazard?
Any LBP on a friction surface, subject to abrasion (rubbed up against)
What is a impact LBP hazard?
Any damaged/deteriorated LBP on a surface as a result of impact from a related building component (takes the force from another thing hitting against it, not scraping).
What is a chewable LBP hazard?
If the surface had LBP and human bite marks - that's it.
A potential LBP hazard is any surface or fixture...
coated with intact LBP.
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer is a main tool used...
to identify the presence of lead-based paint.
What do we call the material below a painted surface?
A portion of a building accessible to all people is...
a common area
Examples of common areas are:
Hallway, laundry, playground, garage, stairway, recreational room, community center, boundary fence, elevator, pool area, entry lobby, and office
A residential dwelling is...
A detached single family dwelling unit like individual dwelling units (no more than 5 rental units); multiple dissimilar rental units; Five+ of similar dwellings, porches and stoops, garages, and fences, and nonagricultural or noncommercial outbuildings
What is target housing?
Any dwelling/building built prior to 1978
What are exceptions to target housing?
Housing made for elderly, disabled; housing without bedroom units or vacant housing pending demolition (without a child under age of 6 lives)
A child-occupied facility is any portion of a building or whole building built before 1978 where...
Children under the age of 6 are present for any of the following times: 2 days per week for 3 hours per visit6 hours per week60 hours per year.
Measures to permanently eliminated LBP and or LBP hazards for the next 20 years are referred to as...
Measures to temporarily reduce human exposures to LBP hazards are referred to as...
Interim Controls
There are 3 methods of abatement:
Removal includes:
The replacement of LP surfaces or components.
Taking LBP and dust hazards off of surfaces or components.
Removal or covering of soil lead hazards.
Dose removal include forming a barrier between LBP and the environment?
No, that is part of enclosure
Enclosure includes:
Use of rigid, durable construction materials.
Mechanically fastened to the substrate.
Forms a barrier between LBP and the environment.
Encapsulation is:
the application of a substance that forms a barrier between LBP and environment using a liquid applied coating.
Examples of interim controls are:
· Cleaning all surfaces – Dust removal (wet methods encouraged!)
· Substrate stabilization and pain
· Friction and impact surface treatment
· Accessible and Chewable surface treatments
· Contaminated bare soil treatments.
Can LBP be identified by sight alone?
A LBP evaluation is twofold:
Inspection and Risk Assessment
What are the two ways to identify lead in paint?
XRF Analyzer or Laboratory analysis
A lead inspection is a...
Surface-by-surface investigation to identify the presence and location of LBP in target housing or child occupied facilities.
What can be used during/for a lead inspection?
XRF Analyzer & Paint Chip Sample (Lab analysis)
What does chemical testing kits test for and are they approved for identifying LBP?
Chemical testing kits are used to identify the absence of lead and aren't approved for identifying LBP presence.
A risk assessment is the...
On-site investigation of a dwelling to determine the presence of lead-based hazards using a visual assessment, environmental sampling, and dwelling assessment.