to expect
exspectáre exspectávit, exspectátus
to foresee
praevidére, praevidit, praevisus
to receive, accept
accipere, accépit, accéptus
to love
amáre, amávit, amátus
to hear
audíre, audívit, audítus
to fall
cádere, cécidit, casúrus
to capture, to take
cápere, cepit, captus
to create
creáre, creávit, creátus
to give
dare, dedit, datus
to say
dícere, dixit, dictus
to be
esse, fuit, futúrus
to shout
exclamáre, exclamávit, exclamátus
to drive out
expéllere, expúlit, expúlsus
to make, to do
fácere, fecit, factus
to wage, to wear
gerere, gessit, gestus
to have
habére, hábuit, hábitus
to throw
iácere, iecit, iactus,
to find
inveníre, invénit, invéntus
to kill
interfícere, interfécit, interféctus
to send
míttere, misit, missus
to hate
odisse, odit, osúrus
to prepare
paráre, parávit, parátus
to put, to place
pónere, pósuit, pósitus
to be able
posse, pótuit
to promise
promíttere, promísit, promíssus
to remain
remánere, remánsit, remansúrus
to rule
regnáre, regnávit, regnátus
to ask
rogáre, rogávit, rogátus
to know
scire, scivit, scitus
to write
scríbere, scripsit, scriptus
to save
serváre, servávit, servtáus
to stand
stare, stetit, statúrus*
to fear
timére, tímuit
to wish, to will
velle, voluit, vult, volunt
to come
veníre, venit, ventúrus*
to see
vidére, vidit, visus
to conquer
víncere, vicit, victus
to cut off
interclúdere, interclúsit, interclúsus
to sail
navigáre, navigávit, navigátus
to call
vocáre, vocávit, vocátus
to deliberate
deliberáre, deliberávit, deliberátus
to depart
discédere, discéssit, discessuúrus
to order
iubére, iussit, iussus
to owe, to ought
debére, debúit, débitus
to destroy
delére, delévit, delétus
to put down
deponer, depósuit, depósitus
to build
aedificáre, aedificávit, aedificátus
to harrass
lacéssere, lacessívit, lacessítus
was, were
erat, erant
to move
movére, movit, motus
to propose
propónere, propósuit, propósitus
to hold, to keep
tenére, ténuit, tentus
to show
monstráre, monstrávit, monstrátus
to compel
cógere, coégit, coactus
to punish
puníre, punívit, punítus
to pretend, to feign
simuláre, simulávit, simulátus
to hope
speráre, sperávit, sperátus
to be absent
abésse, áfuit, afutúrus
to pour in
infúndere, infúdit, infúsus
to recall
revocáre, revocávit, revocátus
to escape
evádere, evásit, evásus
to break
frángere, frégit, fractus
to seize, to snatch
rápere, rápuit, ráptus
to happen
accídere, accídit
to lead
dúcere, dúcit, ductus
to divide
divídere, divísit, divísus
to accuse, to blame
accusare, accusavit, accusatus
to dismiss
dimittere, dimisit, dimissus
to explain
explicáre, explicávit, explicátus
to ask, to seek
petere, petivit, petitus
to return, to go back
redire, rediit, rediturus, (redeunt)
to collect
colligere, collegit, collectus
to show
ostendere, ostendit, ostensus
to set out (deponet)
proficisci, profectus est
to return (deponent)
reverti, reversus est
to die (deponent)
[moriuntur], mori, mortuus est
to think
putáre, putávit, putátus
to take back
[recipiunt], recipere, recepit, receptus
to retreat
[reciiunt], recipere se, recepit se, receptus se
to do, act, drive, discuss, spend time
agere, egit, actus
to open
aperire, aperuit, apertus
to attempt (deponent)
conari, conatus est
to speak (deponent)
loqui, locutus est
to follow (deponent)
sequi, secutus est
to accuse, to blame
accusáre, accusávit, accusátus
to dismiss
dimíttere, dimísit, dimíssus
to explain
explicáre, explicávit, explicátus
to ask, seek
pétere, petívit, petítus
to return, go back
redíre, rédiit, reditúrus, 3rd person plural present rédeunt
to foresee
prævidére, prævídit, prævísus
to expect
exspectáre, exspectávit, exspectátus
to collect
collígere, collégit, colléctus
to set out (deponent)
proficísci, proféctus est
to show
osténdere, osténdit, osténsus
to return (deponent)
revérti, revérsus est
to be cautious of, beware of
cavére, cavit, cautus
to begin (a defective verb)
cœpit, cœptus
to warn
monére, mónuit, mónitus
to answer
respondére, respóndit, respónsus
to read
légere, legit, lectus
to be born (deponent)
nasci, natus est
to know, learn
nóscere, novit, notus
to live
vívere, vixit, *victúrus
to grasp, arrest
comprehéndere, comprehéndit, comprehénsus
to narrate, tell
narráre, narrávit, narrátus
to prove, test
probáre, probávit, probátus
to consult
consúlere, consulúit, consúltus
to free
liberáre, liberávit, liberátus
to please, (to be pleasing dative)
placére, plácuit, (placitúrus)
to defile
proprofánáre, profánávit, profánátus
to affect, move
afficere, affécit, afféctus, [afficiunt]
to attack (dep.)
aggredí, aggressus est, aggrediuntur
to go
ire, iit, iturus
to forgive (w. dat./obj)
ígnóscere, ígnóvit, ígnótus
to behead
décóláre, décólávit, décólátus
to be unwilling
nolle, nouit
to permit
permittere, permíssit, permíssus
to proscribe, list
proscríbere, proscrípsit, proscrípsus
to drive away, to push, banish, rout
péllere, pépulit, pulsus
to deprive (thing deprived of in abl)
priváre, privávit, privátus
to give back, return
réddere, réddidit, rédditus
to teach
docére, dócuit, doctus
to rest
requiéscere, requiévit, requiétus
to leave
relínquere, relíquit, relíctus
to eat
comédere, comédit, comésus
to command
imperáre, imperávit, imperátus
to bring forth
proférre, prótulit, prolátus [present: prófert, próferunt] [ferre follows this pattern