Flashcards: Jep RADSAF
What is TEDE or Whole Body Dose?
5 rem or 50 mSv
What is LDE or Lens Dose Equivalent?
15 rem or 150 mSv
What is SDE or Shallow Dose Equivalent?
50 rem or 500 mSv
What is Dose to a fetus during gestation?
500 mrem or 5 mSv
What is Dose to a minor or the public?
100 mrem or 1 mSv
What is an unrestricted area?
Less than 2 mrem/hr
What is a Radiation Area sign?
Greater than 5 mrem/hour at 30 cm from source
What is a High Radiation Area?
Greater than 100 mrem/hour at 30 cm from source
What is Grave Danger, Very High Radiation Area?
Greater than 500 rad in one hour at 1 meter from the source
What is Caution Radioactive Materials?
Displayed where radioactive materials are stored and used
What is Caution Airborne Radioactivity Area?
Displayed where radioactivity may be airborne
What is the first step in a minor spill?
Notify others in the area of the spill
What are ALARA concepts?
Time, Distance, and Shielding
What is a major spill procedure?
Call the RSO before cleaning the spill
What is a daily procedure for preventing contamination?
Checking hands before leaving the department at lunch or end of day
What are the steps done prior to disposal of a radioactive vial or syringe?
Deface vial, measure background, return to manufacturer
What is a daily survey?
Using a GM meter and looking for contamination
What is a weekly wipe survey or removable contamination survey?
Using an alcohol pad or wipe tester and surveying surfaces where radioactivity was injected or manipulated
What is less than 2400 dpm per 100cm² (24 dpm/cm²)?
The results of wiping the outside and inside of a radioactive package
What is a Yellow II package?
Package surface reading of 1 mR/hr and 1 meter reading of 0.5 mR/hr
What is Edge Packing?
Greater light collection efficiency at the edge vs. center due to reflections
What is 3-5 million?
A daily uniformity flood for a scintillation camera should contain this many counts
What are Pixels?
The camera crystal is electronically divided into a matrix consisting of many small areas
What is the Radioactive Materials license and NRC form 3?
These documents must be posted in a nuclear medicine department according to the NRC
What is above ALARA I but below ALARA II?
A technologist with a TEDE of 167mrem for quarter 1 falls within which ALARA range?