Characterized by increased economic interconnections among states and societies. Digital technologies have played a crucial role in facilitating international transactions and intensifying economic connectivity.
Production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of scarce goods and services. Economic questions include what to produce, how to produce, how to value and exchange goods, how to distribute resources, and how to use them.
It involves rational wealth accumulation and reinvestment for profit. Competition among capitalists motivates them to seek market dominance to maximize profits.
It has evolved from limited trade in ancient civilizations to mercantilism, liberal capitalism, and global interdependence. Capitalist competition and economic ideologies like Marxism critique capitalism, emphasizing exploitation and automation.
From the wheel to modern digital technology, have played a significant role in globalization. Digital technology has transformed communication, transportation, and manufacturing processes.
It established institutions like the IMF, World Bank, and GATT/WTO to regulate the international economic system. These institutions facilitate global economic cooperation, enforce trade agreements, and provide loans to countries in need.
Global trade, employment, and capital flows, leading to economic disruptions and inflation.
Established institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, and GATT/WTO. These institutions facilitate global economic cooperation, enforce trade agreements, and provide financial assistance to countries in need.
Controls vast resources, technology, and international markets. They contribute to global economic integration through global value chains and algorithmic management.
Due to limited resources and systems to withstand disruptions. Economic shocks in one country can spread regionally or globally, affecting exchange rates, interest rates, asset prices, and employment.
International institutions and TNCs influence national economic policies, particularly regarding national debt and global value chains. Their actions can have far-reaching effects on a country's economic development.