Flashcards: Chemical Raising Agents
3 types of raising agents
Mechanical, biological, chemical
Carbon dioxide
Created from a chemical reaction, mainly used in bread
Rubbing in
Traps air as the mixture falls, mainly used in scones
Used in swiss roll, as whisk spins it traps air
Bicarbonate of soda
Causes yellow discolouration and an unpleasant aftertaste, mainly used in gingerbread due to its string flavour that is able to mask the aftertaste
Fat traps air against sugar, used in cakes
Bubbles of this expand and raise the mixture
Traps air as mixture is turned over, used in mousse
Raising agent
Gas added to mixtures to improve the texture, when heated it expands and raises the mixture
Baking powder
Used in scones, has no aftertaste. Bicarb mixed with other things
Cream of tartar
Chemical raisig agent not widely used, virtually tasteless residue
Liquid vapourises to increase in volume, mainly used in choux pastry
3 factors for biological raising agent
Moisture, warmth, sugar
Mainly used in bread, overheating will kill it. Ferments carbohydrate into alcohol and releases co2