What are the 5 symmetry operations and their elements?
What does n-fold rotation Cn do
What does the Identity, E do?
Nothing; molecule is unchanged
What is Reflection? Signma_v,Sigma_h,Sigma_d
What is inversion?
(x,y,z) goes to (-x,-y-,z)
What is n-fold improper rotation
C1 group
Only identity
Ci group
identity and inversion
Cs group
identity and mirror plane
Cn group
identity and n-fold rotation
Cnv group
identity, n-fold rotation, and sigma_v
identity, n-fold rotation, sigma_h
Dn group
identity, n-fold principle axis, n twofold axes perpendicular to Cn
identity, n-fold principal rotation, n twofold axes perpendicular to Cn and sigma_h
identity, n-fold principal rotation, n twofold axes perpendicular to Cn and sigma_d