habitat of infectious agent
where it lives, grows, , and replicates itself
Mode of Transmission
Reservoir to Host
Infectious Agent
contains bacterium, fungus, parasites, or prions.
How are infectious pathogens destroyed
Disinfecting, Sterilizing, cleaning, antimicrobial treatment (antibiotics,antifungals)
Animate Reservoirs examples
People, insects, birds, and animals
Inanimate reservoirs Examples
Contaminated Soil, Food, water, medical equipment, IV fluids, feces.
How are reservoirs avoided/ destroyed
hand hygiene
preoperative skin preparation prior to surgery
clinical and surgical environment cleansed properly
Other portals of exit include:
blood, or body fluids that leave the body through the GI tract, resp tract, and skin
(T/F) Portal of exit and portal of entry can be the same.
Example of a pathogen.
Influenza both enters through the mouth and leaves out the mouth too for spread.
To break chain of infection at Portal of Exit:
Careful contaminate of body fluids through usage of drains or dressings can be implemented and methods can be used to decrease body secretions.
5 Modes of Transmission
Vector-borne transmission
To break chain of infection at Transmission
Hand Hygiene
proper barrier devices
To break chain of infection at Susceptible Host:
proper nutrition
dietary supplements
proper hygiene
control of blood sugar
(T/F) Individuals level of immunity at the time of exposure is a variable to how the host will react to an infectious agent
(T/F) Interactions between pathogens present in the body and the virulence of the infectious agent are a factor to how the host reacts to said infectious agent.
if an infectious agent is very efficeint at making people ill, then its considered more __________ than other infectious agents
potent/ virulent
Factors that Increase Host Susceptibility:
Age (infants and older)
Underlying disease (HIV/AIDS)
Malignancy (cancer)
Transplants (due to immunosupresent medication)
Medication (immunosuppressants, antirejection medication, antineoplastics, antimicrobials, corticosteroids, gastric supresants(proton pump inhibitors)
Surgical Procedures
Radiation Therapy
Indwelling Devices (endotracheal tubes, urinary catheters, central venous catheters, arterial catheters)
Contact Transmission
Transmission via contact with object(indirect) or person(direct)
Droplet Transmission
Transmission through droplets from activities such as coughing, sneezing, and singing
Airborne Transmission
Transmission through the air
Vector Transmission
Vehicle Transmission
Contaminated of a common source (water food) that infects various individuals
A pathogen known for indirect contact transmission
Staphylococcus Aureus
(T/F) PPE can serve as an indirect mode of transmission of pathogens.
True, if unclean and improper usage. (improper hand hygiene, improper sterilization of equipment for surgical procedures)
Pathogens transmitted via droplets:
Bordetella pertussis
(Norovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus)
CPR, endotracheal intubation, and chest physiotherapy can cause what type of transmission
Droplet Transmission
(T/F) size of infectious agent, humidity, and air temperature
Pathogens of Airborne Transmission
Tuberculosis, rubeola (measles), and varicella (chicken pox)
**under certain conditions, influenza and rotoviruses can be airborne, but do not require negative pressure rooms
Pathogen that commonly contaminated produce and is considered vehicle transmission
Mosquitos and rats are common sources of:
vector borne transmission
3 types of defense
Physical and chemical barriers
Nonspecific immunity
specific immunity
Physical and Chemical Barriers
skin (primary physical defense)
mucus membranes
cillia (resp tract)
tears, sweat, and WBCs
natural flora of GI tract
ph in vagina
skin 3 major functions
reduce water loss
protect against abrasion and micro-organisms
provide a permeable barrier against the environment
Nonspecific Immnuity
Neutrophils and macrophages working as phagocytes. Phagocitizing micro organisms. Released during inflamatory response
Specific Immunity
antibodies and lymphocytes. AB bind to infectious agents and activate the white blood cells and complement to destroy infectious agent