Writing a Process Analysis Essay


Writing a Process Analysis Essay

Process Whaaaat??

A Process Analysis Essay explains the important elements involved in completing a specific task.

How does one ride a bike?

How does one successfully complete high school?

How does one write a song?

How does one write a successful Process

Analysis Essay?

Beyond a Set of Instructions

A process analysis essay is NOT just a set of objective instructions.

If all you need is specific instructions, you could make a bullet pointed list!!

How to Ride a Bike

1. Find a bike with training wheels.

2. Adjust the height of the seat.

3. Practice riding on a flat, open street where there are no cars.

4. Continue step 3 until you are comfortable on the bike.

5. Remove the training wheels.

6. Practice riding without training wheels as your parent or friend holds on to the back of your bike.

7. When you feel comfortable, ask your parent or friend to let go of the back of your bike as you ride.

8. Practice! Practice! Practice!

So what makes the essay different from a list of instructions?

So what makes the essay different from a list of instructions?

In an essay you communicate the value and significance (either personal or communal) of the task.

If it’s not important to know, why explain it?

What makes this process important?

Unique? Interesting? Valuable?

So what makes the essay different from a list of instructions?

This means you need a thesis – a clear explanation of the significance of this task.

There must be a purpose in your explaining it to your audience. (This purpose can be explicit or implicit.)

So what makes the essay different from a list of instructions?

Pay attention to your tone!

How you write about the topic will influence how your reader feels about the topic.

A process analysis essay provides a subjective look at a process.

(My explanation of how to read a book might be different than yours…)

Ways to Organize Your Essay

• Topic by Topic

• Step by Step / Chronologically

• Via a Narrative / Multiple Narratives

(anecdotes or examples)

Things to Remember

• Thesis

• Purpose

• Tone

• Structure

(Aren’t these important in all essays?? Why, yes.

Yes they are.)

So there is my list about the important elements of writing a process analysis essay.

If I were to write an essay about it, what would I do differently?
