Be Free From Pain It is possible to do it without drugs Pain Costs Chronic pain is the most costly health problem in America, with an estimated annual cost of about $90 billion per year. This cost includes lost productivity, legal costs, doctors’ visits and medication; 80% of all visits to the doctor are pain related. Arthritis An estimated 40 million Americans have arthritis or other rheumatic condition. That number is expected to climb to 59.4 million, or 18.2% of the population, by the year 2020. Headaches Approximately 12% of all Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Nine out of 10 migraine sufferers report they can’t “function normally” during days in which a Migraine strikes. Three out of 10 migraine sufferers require bed rest when suffering from a migraine. Back Pain In 2001, over 13 million people saw a physician for the treatment of back pain. According to the NIH, 65 to 80% of all people have back pain at some time in their life. Half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year. Back pain costs an estimated $50 billion each year. Pain Meds Do not Fix the Problem! Pain medication provides TEMPORARY relief, but there is a cost American Journal of Medicine “Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for nosteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone. The figures for all NSAID users would be overwhelming, yet the scope of this problem is generally under appreciated” Drugs Have Their Dangers Other research links pain medications to high blood pressure Drugs Have Their Dangers Other research links pain medications to kidney failure Drugs Have Their Dangers Other research links pain medications to heart failure Drugs Have Their Dangers Other research links pain medications to ulcerations of the GI tract Drugs Have Their Dangers One study found that in 2,000 arthritic patients, NSAID use increased ulcer risk 10-fold. Almost 25% of NSAID users have ulcers, most of which are without symptoms News for Arthritis Sufferers Research has demonstrated that NSAIDs interfere with the formation of cartilage. So someone with arthritis who takes these drugs is trading short-term relief for longterm degeneration. The drugs actually make the condition worse. Is there a better answer? Many patients have a hard time understanding that diet can have an effect on pain and inflammation If you think about it, it makes sense. Drugs alter the body’s chemistry to affect pain. Diet is a natural way to affect the body’s chemistry. Eat your way out of pain Some foods promote pain and inflammation—others reduce it. Promotes pain and inflammation: Refined white sugar, refined white grains, hydrogenated oils (trans fats), deep-fried foods, chemical additives and animal fats. Reduces pain and inflammation: Fish oil, flax oil, fresh fruit and vegetables (the darker the color, the better), and drink plenty of water. Fresh produce should DOMINATE the diet. Eat your way out of pain In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers at the University of Athens Medical School found that people who ate the highest amount of cooked vegetables had a 75% lesser risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis than those who ate few vegetables. Eat your way out of pain The Journal of the American Medical Association has published research that a diet high in vegetables and olive oil—the so called “Mediterranean Diet” helps to reduce pain and inflammation. If you do nothing else— change your oil Many of the chemicals produced by the body that produce inflammation and that fight inflammation come from the fats and oils in our diet. If you do nothing else— change your oil Strictly avoid hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oil (trans fats). Eat lean meats, not fatty meats. And take a fish oil (like Biomega-3TM from Biotics Research). This step alone often improves chronic pain If you do nothing else— change your oil A combination of fish oil and vitamin E reduced the levels of cytokines (which are pro-inflammatory proteins that cause the joint swelling, pain and tenderness). Fish oil, in general is anti-inflammatory. Dr Richard Sperling, found in his research that fish oil may reduce inflammatory substances produced by white blood cells. If you do nothing else— change your oil Professor Caterson and other Scientists at Cardiff University in Wales have found that the Omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil work to inhibit enzymes that break down joint cartilage. In cases, vitamin D is needed In the Mayo Clinic Proceedings (December 9, 2003), a study of 150 children and adults suffering from vague musculoskeletal pain found that 93% of the subjects were vitamin D deficient. Exercise is Important A study published in the American Journal of Public Health (2005; 95(10): 1817-24), found that recreation involving physical activity, like participating in sports, had a positive effect on back pain. The more a subject participated in sports, the less likely it was to have back pain. Specific back exercises actually did not perform as well as general physical activity. Exercise is Important Children with juvenile arthritis took part in an eight-week individualized program of resistance exercise at the University at Buffalo. Their ability to function was greatly improved by the exercise. Some improved by as much as 200%. Exercise is Important According to a study, found in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Tai Chi can reduce arthritic pain. Some herbal preparations help with pain SculaciaTM contains a patented extract made from the herb skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) and an extract made from catechu (Acacia catechu). Some herbal preparations help with pain Skullcap has been used for it’s antiinflammatory and anti-tumor activity. Catechu is an herbal medicine used to treat high blood pressure, diarrhea, and stomach problems (dysentery, colitis, gastric cancer). This is a safe product that works because it supplies natural plant antioxidants. Studies have shown it to improve joint health. Chiropractic Helps Chiropractic: What better way to address pain than to directly affect the nervous system with chiropractic adjustments? They address pain by relieving pressure on the nerves. Chiropractic Helps Chiropractic helps other aspects of health as well. Let’s face it, the nervous system is responsible for ALL of the body’s functions. What better way to ensure good health than to make sure that the nervous system is functioning properly? Acupuncture Helps Research appearing in the Archives of Internal Medicine (2006; 166(4)) showed the efficacy of acupuncture treatment on low back pain. According to research appearing in the British Medical Journal (2004; 328(7442):744), acupuncture may be beneficial to headache patients. Natural Health Care Natural health care addresses the cause of pain—it does not merely address symptoms. Treating health problems naturally protects you from side effects like ulcers, kidney failure, heart failure, joint destruction, and increased blood pressure.