DECEMBER 2013 SUNDAY MONDAY LOCAL LEGEND 1 – Sanctuary 2 – Chapel 3 – Narthex 4 – Lounge Food Gathering Sunday First Sunday of Advent 1 8:30/10:30 Communion Worship –1 Consecration Sunday (Return pledge card at Services) 9:30 Coffee Hour –5 Angel Trees in Narthex Second Sunday of Advent 8 8:30/10:30 Worship - SM Weekend Phoenix Girls Chorus 9:30 Coffee Hour –5 Last Day to Return Angel Tree Gifts 2014 Offering Envelopes in F/H 2:30 Orpheus Male Chorus (Tickets) 6:30 Choraliers –1 (Tickets) 6:00 ALC Friends to Mannheim Steamroller’s Christmas 5 – Fellowship Hall 6 – Library 7 – Education A 8 – Education B 9 – Education A & B Sanctuary Trees/Wreaths Up TUESDAY 2 8:00 Cursillo Small Groups –4/9 8:00 Sewing/Crafts/Prayer Shawl –5 10:00 Altar Guild Decorate Trees & Brunch -1/9 10:30 Grief Group-4 1:00 WNA Task Force –5 3:00 Intercessors –4 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 10 – Education C 11 – Parish Nurse Office 12 – Choir Room 13 – Choir Robe Room 14 – Administration Workroom 15 – Senior Pastor 16 – Pastor of Care 17 – Pastor of Outreach 18 – Business Administrator 8:00 Cursillo Sm Group–10 3 10:00 Pastor’s Bible Study –5 11:00 Arthritis Exercise-6 11:00 Intercessor Tues Group -4 12:00 Cactus Conf. Pastors –10 1:00 Christmas Pipes are Singing –1 2:30 Genesis Bells –1 3:30 Christo Bells –1 6:30 AA -9 10:30 WELCA Bible Study –9 4 11:15 WELCA Advent Lunch –5 1:30 Staff Meeting –10 2:30 Care Ministry Meeting –16 3:00 Greece Tour Orientation-9 4:00 Outreach Team –10 4:30 WNA Education –1/2/9 5:15 WNA Catered Dinner –5 6:00 WNA Gathering –1 7:00 Greece Tour Orientation-9 8:00 Cursillo Small Groups –4/9 9 8:00 Angel Tree Gifts Packaged –3 8:00 Sewing/Crafts/Prayer Shawl –5 10:00 WELCA Board Mtg-10 10:30 Grief Group-4 10:30 ALC Good Book Club @ Pam’s 1:00 WNA Task Force-5 3:00 Intercessors–4 5:00 Ultreya Dinner –5 8:00 Cursillo Small Group –10 10 10:00 Pastor’s Bible Study –5 11:00 Arthritis Exercise –6 11:00 Intercessor Tues Group -4 11:00 Personnel-10 12:00 Cactus Conf. Pastors –10 1:00 Christmas Pipes Are Singing –1 1:30 Trusts –10 1:30 Genesis Bells –1 3:30 Christo Bells –1 6:30 AA -9 6:30 Prison Family Support–4 7:30 Cursillo Small Groups–4/9 16 8:00 Sewing/Crafts/Prayer Shawl –5 10:30 Grief Group-4 1:00 WNA Task Force-5 3:00 Intercessors–4 6:30 Phoenix Boys Choir – 1 (Ticket Event) 8:00 Cursillo Small Group –10 17 8:00 Council Meeting –9 10:00 Pastor’s Bible Study –5 11:00 Arthritis Exercise –6 11:00 Intercessor Tues Group -4 11:15 Office Girls @ Pam’s 12:00 Cactus Conf. Pastors –10 1:00 Christmas Pipes Are Singing –1 1:30 Genesis Bells –1 3:30 Christo Bells –1 6:30 AA -9 9:30 Phoebe Circle –7 9:30 Esther Circle –8 1:30 Staff Meeting –10 4:30 WNA Education -1/2/9 5:15 WNA Catered Dinner -5 6:00 WNA Gathering –1 15 Third Sunday of Advent 8-12:00 Handbell Ringers of SC Setup & Rehearsal 1/9 8:00 Men’s Bible Study-4 9:00 2015 Benevolence/Outreach-10 11:00 Arthritis Exercise –6 1:00 Executive Committee –15 1:30 Finance Committee –9 1:30 Cursillo Small Group –10 2:30 2015 Governance Meeting-10 2:30 Celebration Choir –12 3:00 SCW Prayer Group 7:00 Phoenix Girls Chorus -1 8:30/10:30 Worship –1 9:30 Coffee Hour –5 9:30 Blood Pressure Screening –9 3:00 Handbell Ringers of Sun City–1 (Ticket Event) 5:00 Youth Group at Benson’s Fourth Sunday of Advent 22 8:30/10:30 Worship –1 9:30 Coffee Hour –5 First Sunday of Christmas 29 8:30/10:30 Worship –1 9:30 Coffee Hour –5 23 8:00 Cursillo Small Groups –4/9 8:00 Sewing/Crafts/Prayer Shawl –5 10:30 Grief Group-4 1:00 WNA Task Force –5 3:00 Intercessors –4 24 OFFICE CLOSES AT NOON Christmas Eve 3:00/5:00 Christmas Eve Worship –1 (4:00 Choir/Musicians’ Reception-9) 30 8:00 Outreach Crew –6 8:00 Cursillo Small Groups –4/9 8:00 Sewing/Crafts/Prayer Shawl –5 1:00 WNA Task Force –5 3:00 Intercessors –4 18 12:00 Staff Christmas Lunch 4:00 Outreach Team-10 4:00 Mission 2015 Presentation With Questions/Answers-1 5:00 Yuletide Potluck -5 6:00 WNA Gathering -1 31 NOON Deadline for 2013 Offerings OFFICE CLOSES AT NOON New Year’s Eve Christmas Day 9:30 Christmas Day Communion Worship –1 8:00 Bulletin Crew –6 6 9-2 Richard Hazelton Art Show-9 (Proceeds to Courtyard Lighting) 10:00 Social/Support Teams @ Pam’s 5:00 Neighborhood Groups 5C/5F Christmas Party –5 8:30 Happy Hour 2H @ Coco’s Gr 9-1:00 Choir Retreat-5 9:00 Thunderbirds 2G –9 9-5 SERVICE SATURDAY Ring Bells at Fry’s & Safeway ANNUAL REPORTS DUE 26 8:00 Men’s Bible Study-4 3:00 SCW Prayer Group 7 4:00 Worship Stephen Ministry Weekend 13 8:00-12 Handbell Ringers of SC-1 8:00 Bulletin Crew –6 10:00 Health/Service Teams @ Pam’s 1:30 Offering Envelope Crew –5 5:00 Choir Christmas Party –5 14 9:00 Birds of Pray 2A – 9 9:30 Funsters 3F at Solberg’s 11-1 Group 3C Lunch -5 1:30 Valley Chamber Chorale-1 4:00 Worship -1 7:00 Masterworks Chorale -1 2014 Offering Envelopes in Fellowship Hall 19 8:00 Men’s Bible Study-4 10:00 Freedom Plaza Communion 10:15 SM Pajama Christmas Party -5 10:30 Royal Oaks Communion 11:00 Arthritis Exercise –6 1:30 Cursillo Small Group –10 2:30 Celebration Choir –12 3:00 SCW Prayer Group 25 OFFICE CLOSED SATURDAY 12 11 OUTREACH DEADLINE Third Sunday Food Gathering 5 8:00 Men’s Bible Study –4 9:00 SM Peer Support Groups goes Christmas Caroling (Bus) 10:00 Mission 2015 Leaders-9 11:00 Arthritis Exercise –6 1:30 Cursillo Small Group –10 2:30 Celebration Choir –12 3:00 SCW Prayer Group 3:00 Art Show Setup-9 FRIDAY 20 8:00 Bulletin Crew –6 10:00 SM Leadership and Prayer Support Teams @ Pam’s 21 8:00 Brass Rehearsal-1 9:00 Choir and Bell Rehearsal-1 8:30 Good Eggs 3D @ Links 9:30 Paradise RV Park @ Park 9:30 Wanderers 3A 4:00 Worship –1 27 8:00 Bulletin Crew –6 11:00 Morning Ladies at Tivoli’s 28 4:00 Worship –1 January 2014 Su 5 12 19 26 Mo Tu We 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 Th 2 9 16 23 30 Fr 3 10 17 24 31 Sa 4 11 18 25 1 New Year's Day 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day