Spring KASBO 2015 AP A – Z Brian Pelletier – Tyler Technologies AP Goals • • • • Review a few lesser known options Uncover additional ways to manage vendors Study fields in the Invoice Entry process Examine some new features in V10.5 Munis Programs • Getting help… AP Settings • A few of these options may make processing easier/quicker • Allow duplicate invoice #’s & Allow blank invoice #’s allow you to set these on the vendor • Display Document & Voucher #’s allow you to remove them from Invoice Entry screen AP Settings • Re-encumber liquidated POs upon cancellation of an invoice: Reopens/encumbers PO lines when invoice cancelled • Re-encumber liquidated POs with credit memos: Allows entering a credit memo against a PO and reencumber PO for amount of credit • Suppress invoice date warning while holding current year open: Eliminates warning on most every invoice entered July 1 until the fiscal year is closed AP Settings • Update PO’s and contracts with recurring invoices: Newer option • Default a blank date when adding an invoice: does not default current date. • PO to Invoice max variance percent and amount: Max percent/amount difference between invoice and PO AP Settings • Allow duplicate vendor FIDs/SSNs: Blank - error prevents adding a dupe FID/SSN. Checked - a warning box appears to proceed • Include addresses on help: Shows addresses when using help on remittance lookup • Force vendor entry in all capital letters • Use general vendor address: only used if using Address Types AP Settings • W-9 Vendor restriction: Invoice handling for vendors with no W-9 flag set. o o o o None – No restriction Hold – Place invoices on Hold until W-9 Warn – Warning during invoice entry Stop – Stop invoice entry AP Settings • Invoice Discrepancies: Used to identify discrepancies and send workflow notifications AP Locks • Certain functions in Munis prevent users from running other programs. Tis is referred to a Lock. • Locks are recorded by the Munis program and removed when the user exits • Occasionally a lock isn’t released Invoice Entry Invoice Entry - Batch • Functions: o Warrant Post: Allows posting of invoices with a specific warrant in a batch of invoices o Sort: Allows user to select the view/print sort sequence of invoices. Options: • Order of Entry • Vendor Number • Vendor Alpha • Vendor Type o Invoice Find: Find an invoice by invoice or vendor number o Quick Entry: Allows entry of invoices in a screen with fewer fields. Quick entry screen is customizable by each district and includes only the fields you choose. Can quickly toggle back and forth between Quick and traditional entry screen. o Group Entry: Initially designed to enter multiple invoices against one PO • Change Yr/Period: Used to correct or change the year/period on all invoices in a batch • Single Check: Creates a batch where each invoice appears on a separate check • Update Warrant: Used to correct or change the warrant on all invoice in a batch Invoice Entry Invoice Entry • Address: Select “Include addresses on help” in AP Settings to see: • Invoice #: Can be duplicate for vendors you designate. Warning appears no matter the setting • Notice Document # and Voucher # do not appear on screen as it is disabled in AP Settings! • Check/Wire #: Use to record a check or wire already processed Invoice Entry • Warrant: Can be left blank or set during entry. Can mix warrants in a single batch. • Invoice Date: Contains current date unless you set “Default a blank date when adding an invoice” in AP Settings • Department: Will default in if set on the Munis user account (User Attributes) • Separate check: If vendor has multiple invoices, selecting this option ensures this invoice will appear on it’s own check Invoice Entry • Include documentation: Checking box prints the check at the end of the run for special handling or including documentation with check • Comment button: Allows user to enter free form text comments associated with invoice • 1099: Defaults from vendor record if set otherwise user can change during entry • A: Column denotes if item is a Fixed Asset • Bud: Column indicates if expenditure from 1 – Current year budget or 2 – Carry forward budget Quick Entry • User defined screen contains a subset of the fields available on traditional invoice entry Quick Entry • Quick Entry fields set in the Forms Definition program in AP Settings. • Find process “apinveqe” Recurring Invoices • Allows creation of an invoice template to model frequent invoices Recurring Invoices • Use an allocation if amount spread over multiple accounts by percent • If you cannot use allocation use the Quick Entry button on current recurring invoice to quickly change the amounts on the detail screen Select Items to be Paid • Process gathers invoices and generates a report of invoices to be paid Select Items to be Paid • Can gather invoices with a matching warrant and/or invoices with no warrant (Include/Exclude radio button) • Program optionally utilizes Due Date and Discount Dates to gather invoices due to be paid. Beneficial for clients that pay invoices more than once a month. Vendors – One Time Pay • Refers to a special Vendor Status Vendors – One Time Pay • Setup one of these and use to pay vendors that receive one or a very small number of payments (refund checks etc.) • Assists in managing your vendor file by reduce the number of little used vendor records • Do not use One Time Pay if the invoice will be 1099 reportable Vendors – One Time Pay • Invoice entry prompts for vendor info Vendors – One Time Pay • Info on specific vendors available in invoice & check inquiry functions Vendor Merge • Allows merging 2 vendors into one • All information associated with merged vendor moves to designated vendor (invoices, PO’s, checks, etc.) Invoice Open Report • Used to report on invoices open each day within a defined date range