AP European History 2013-2013 Androstic Luther encouraged princely control of religion in their states Princes favored this takeover suggested by Luther Charles V banned Luther from the empire Luther was protected by German princes States claimed the right to determine their own religion States seized church property (political interests superseded religious) Princes organized into the League of Schmalkald -supported by Francis I of France Peasants revolted in Germany, adopting Lutheranism as their religion Peasants applied principle of “equality of all believers” Used religious base to fight for social reform (controlled rent and greater rights) Luther condemned these “filthy swine” and called for brutal repression Repression of peasants sparked the Anabaptist movement Schmalkaldic League formed, supported by Francis I, who feared a “universal monarchy” Francis I also allied himself with the Ottoman Turks Charles V appealed to the Pope for support, which was ignored Schmalkaldic League goes to war with Charles V in 1546 The League is later supported by Francis I in the war Peace of Augsburg ended the conflict Each state given power to chose its religion (Catholic or Lutheran) No individual freedom of religion permitted Converting clergy may move; may not carry territory with him Germans almost evenly divided between Catholics and Protestants Huge victory for Lutheranism and states’ rights Huge loss for Calvinism, which was not recognized as a legitimate religion in the peace agreement