(TO CHANGE OR REORGANIZE) Forces that weakened the Catholic Church: ◦ New emphasis on secular (worldly) & individuals vs. religion (Middle Ages) ◦ Merchants want to be leaders, not Church clergy/popes ◦ Merchants did not want to pay TITHES (taxes) to Church ◦ Printing press spreading ideas faster! ◦ Church clergy corrupt & poorly educated! Monk from Wittenberg, GER. Took stand against church’s INDULGENCES: pardon that bought your way into heaven Posted 95 THESES on Church door attacking this idea & “pardon merchants”, Oct. 31st, 1517 ◦ Began the Reformation movement for religious reform 1. Can only win salvation by faith alone in God 2. Bible is ultimate authority & all teachings should be based on it 3. All people with faith are equal before God Pope was unhappy! Threatened Luther with EXCOMMUNICATION (kick out) unless he RECANT (take back) his statements Luther threw decree in a bonfire & Pope excommunicated Luther Edict of Worms (outlaw & heretic) Holy Roman Emperor (Charles V) was ANGRY & sent him to Town of Worms for trial Luther video: Indulgences, 95 Theses, Printing Press (5 minutes) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZTKKjxv BhE A prince sheltered Luther for 2 years Luther returns! New religious sect: LUTHERANS ◦ Luther translated New Testament into German ◦ Found priests now dressing in regular clothes & called ministers ◦ Now leading church service in German, not Latin! 1524 German peasants like Luther’s ideas demand end to serfdom (slavery) & started a revolt Luther mad! Told German princes to crush revolt successful Peasants felt betrayed & rejected Luther Most northern German princes supported Lutheranism went against Pope Signed a protest against the Church Protesting Princes PROTESTANT ◦ term applied to Christians belonging to nonCatholic Churches Holy Roman Emperor CHARLES V (Hapsburg family) went to war against Protestant Princes & defeated them But couldn’t make them come back to the Catholic Church Tired of fighting signed PEACE OF AUGSBURG (1555) ◦ Religion of each German state be decided by its ruler (own Pope) TUDOR FAMILY: King Henry VIII wants a son, but wife too old! Divorce not allowed (Pope’s rule) Henry calls Parliament (government) to pass laws that end Pope’s power in England REFORMATION PARLIAMENT Henry marries Anne Boleyn ACT OF SUPREMACY: Made English King—not the pope—the head of England’s Church Henry’s 3 kids: Mary, Elizabeth, & Edward Edward ruled for 6 years, then died Mary took over & was Catholic, so turned Church back over to the pope! Mary pushed out, and Elizabeth restores Protestantism She becomes head of the Church of England, or ANGLICAN CHURCH Mary’s husband, King Philip II of Spain (Catholic), was angry & planned attack on England Sent 130 ships, 8,000 sailors, & 19,000 soldiers England defeated the Spanish (under Elizabeth’s rule) Word spreads to France to JOHN CALVIN Writes book that says all humans are sinful & CAN’T EARN salvation only a few are already CHOSEN PREDESTINATION = God has already chosen those to save (predetermined) New religion, CALVINISM (Protestant sect); based out of Geneva, Switz. STRICT! Princes in North Germany converting to Protestantism (no more Pope) Hapsburg Family & Holy Roman Empire in South Germany still support Roman Catholic Church Begins war Charles V defeats Protestant Princes, but can’t get them to convert back In France, Catholics vs. Huguenots (Fr. Protestants) went to war frequently DON’T WRITE THIS DOWN , you already have this information! PEACE OF AUGSBURG= says each state’s ruler free to choose religion Peace short-lived Small states around Holy Roman Empire converting to Protestantism; tensions high Leads to THIRTY YEARS’ WAR Movement to help keep Catholics stay loyal COUNTER-REFORMATION: Catholic church has lost so many people Ignatius of Loyola creates Society of Jesus (JESUITS) to spread Catholic word again & stop Protestantism Sent out INDEX OF FORBIDDEN BOOKS 1. Protestant churches flourish 2. Religion no longer unites Europe 3. Individual monarchs & states gain power (church declines) 4. Helped set stage for modern world Catholic bishops agreed on these doctrines: ◦ 1. Church’s interpretation of Bible was final ◦ 2. Christians need BOTH faith and good works for salvation (opposite of Luther) ◦ 3. Bible and Church are equal authorities ◦ 4. Indulgences are valid expressions of faith (but false selling was banned)