lecture 5 - INAYA Medical College

Foundation year
T. sanaa abdel hamed
Are to:
1. Describe the compositions of the blood plasma.
2. Describe and give the functions of the three types of
blood cells.
3. Label picture of blood cell.
4. Interpret abbreviations used in blood studies.
5. List and describe major disorders of the blood.
6. Analyze several case studies involving the blood.
 The average human has 5 litres of blood.
 It is a transporting fluid.
 It carries vital substances to all parts of the body.
X 500
X 500
• plasma (55%)
• red blood cells
(Male: 4.32-5.72 trillion cells/L*
(4.32-5.72 million cells/mcL**)
Female: 3.90-5.03 trillion cells/L
(3.90-5.03 million cells/mcL)
• white blood cells
• (3.5-10.5 billion cells/L)
( 150,000 to 450,000 )
• liquid part of blood.
• plasma transports:-
1. Soluble food molecules.
2. waste products.
3. Hormones.
4. Antibodies.
1. transport oxygen.
2. biconcave shape: increases the surface area so more
oxygen can be carried.
3. Also carry CO2.
4. no nucleus.
5. contain haemoglobin.
(the oxygen carrying molecule)
the bodies “defence”.
part of the immune system.
much larger than RBCs.
far fewer.
have a nucleus.
• (3.5-10.5 billion cells/L)
• 5 types. neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes,
eosinophils and basophils
if you get cut; platelets produce
tiny fibrin threads. These form a
web-like mesh that traps blood
cells. Which forming a clot .
• 1. To coagulate (v): means to clot, to change from
liquid to semi-solid.
• 2. To arrest (v): means to stop.
arrest - noun.
• 3. Haemostasis (n) means stopping bleeding or
slowing the movement of blood.
• 4. Haemorrhage (n) means heavy bleeding.
• 5. Haemophilia (n) means a hereditary haemorrhagic
disease due to deficiency of coagulation factor VIII (a clotting
haemophiliac – adj.
• 6. Leukocytes (n)[loo-ko-syt]: means white blood cell. The
prefix leuko- means white. The suffix -cyte means cell.
• 7. Leukaemia (n)[loo-keem-ia]: means a malignant disease
where an abnormal number of leukocytes form in the blood.
Leukoaemic – adj.
• 8. Septicemia (n)[septi-seem-ia]: means blood poisoning; a
condition where the bacteria or their toxins are present in the
blood and cause very severe illness. The prefix septo- means
• 9. Thrombin (n) means a substance which converts
fibrinogen to fibrin and so coagulates blood.
• 10. Thrombosis (n): means blood clotting. The combining
form thromb/o- means blood clot.
• 11. Erythrocyte (n): means red blood cell. The prefix erythromeans red.
• 12. Haematology (n): means scientific study of blood. The
combining form haemat/o means blood.
• 13. Haematemesis (n): means vomiting blood. The suffix –
emesis means vomiting.
• 14. Haematoma (n): means collection of blood within the
tissues that clots to form a solid swelling. The combining
form –oma means tumour or swelling.
• 15. Embolism (n): means blocking of an artery by a
mass material (embolus). Emboli – plural.
• 16. Cholesterol (n)[kol-est-er-ol] is a fatty substance (lipid) that
circulates in the bloodstream,
that is a main component of cell
membranes and is important in
• metabolism and hormone production.
• 17. Hyperlipidaemia (n): means a high fat concentration in
the blood. The prefix hyper- means high or excessive. The
combining form lipid/o means fats. The suffix –emia means
abnormal condition of blood.
• Thank you