Stephen Walters Step 1 study schedule General: I started studying everyday at 8:30 AM. Would read till about noon then do 1 question block (46 questions or whatever it was), took 45min-hour for lunch, then after lunch from ~1-2pm I would review the question block, which consisted of referencing the topic in first aid and taking some minor notes if necessary. I would then read from 2-3pm and do another qbank at 3. From 3:45-6pm I would drive home, exercise, eat dinner. From about 6-8:30 I would review that question bank and read. At night I would often incorporate some more general reading (Goljan high yield, images in FA and Goljan, charts in medical micro made…). I very rarely finished all the chapters I set out to read for each topic in that 1 or 2 day block so would finish them on the review/makeup day or in june (6/11-6/24..see below). I used USMLE World and when finished that I used Kaplan Qbank (about 500 questions). I would HIGHLY recommend exercising and getting plenty of sleep. I didn’t take any days off but would stop studying around 3 or so on Sunday and take the rest of the day off. I listened to Goljan audio while I was driving to and from school and occasionally while working out. Stress quality over quantity. Your Step 1 score is important and can open a lot of doors. It will also carry over into 3rd year. It is a challenging experience but work hard and you will do great. If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Best of luck! Materials: -First Aid -Step up to USMLE step 1 -Goljan (book and audio) - Medical micro. Made ridiculously simple (JUST the charts) -Usmle world Q bank, Kaplan Q bank MAY: 5/9-5/15 Friday (start): Behavioral science, embryology, psychiatry (First Aid), Step up (pg.39-43), Qbank x2 Saturday: Genetics+development, environmental path., nutrition (Goljan), Qbank x2 Sunday: Biochem (FA), step up (pg. 11-22, 37-39), Immunology (FA), Immunopath. (goljan), Qbank x2 5/16-5-22 Monday: Biochem (FA), step up (pg. 11-22, 37-39), Immunology (FA), Immunopath. (goljan), Qbank x2 Tuesday: Microbiology (clinical mirco made ridic. Easy-Just charts and first aid), Qbank x2 Wednesday: Microbiology (clinical mirco made ridic. Easy-Just charts and first aid), Qbank x2 Thursday: Pharm. (First aid and step up pg. 20-26) Friday: Review and make up, Qbank x2 Saturday: Pathology (First Aid, Goljan ch. 1,2,5), Qbank x2 Sunday: Pathology (First Aid, Goljan ch. 1,2,5), Qbank x2 5/23-5/29 Monday: Heme./onc (First aid, step up ch. 10, Goljan ch. 11,12,13,14,15), Qbank x2 Tuesday: Heme./onc (First aid, step up ch. 10, Goljan ch. 11,12,13,14,15), Qbank x2 Wednesday: Respiratory (First aid, Step up ch.4, Goljan ch. 16), Qbank x2 Thursday: Respiratory (First aid, Step up ch.4, Goljan ch. 16), Qbank x2 Friday: Review and make up, Qbank x2 Saturday: Endocrine and reproductive (First aid, step up ch. 7+8, Goljan ch. 20,21,22), Qbank x2 Sunday: Endocrine and reproductive (First aid, step up ch. 7+8, Goljan ch. 20,21,22), Qbank x2 5/30-6/5 Monday: Cardio (First aid, step up ch. 3, Goljan pg. 73-80, ch9+10), Qbank x2 Tuesday: Cardio (First aid, step up ch. 3, Goljan pg. 73-80, ch9+10), Qbank x2 Wednesday: Musculoskeletal, CT, Derm (First aid, step up ch. 9, Goljan ch. 23+24), Qbank x2 Thursday: Musculoskeletal, CT, Derm (First aid, step up ch. 9, Goljan ch. 23+24), Qbank x2 Friday: Review and make up, Qbank x2 Saturday: Renal (first aid, Step up ch. 6, Goljan ch. 4 up to pg 73+ch. 19), Qbank x2 Sunday: Renal (first aid, Step up ch. 6, Goljan ch. 4 up to pg 73+ch. 19), Qbank x2 6/6-6/10 Monday: GI (first aid, Step up ch.5, Goljan ch. 17+18), Qbank x2 Tuesday: GI (first aid, Step up ch.5, Goljan ch. 17+18), Qbank x2 Wednesday: Neuro (first aid, Step up ch 2, Goljan ch.25), Qbank x2 Thursday: Neuro (first aid, Step up ch 2, Goljan ch.25), Qbank x2 Friday: Review and make up, Qbank x2 6/11-6/24 (Test date) Spent most of the time re-reading first aid start to finish, Qbank x2 everyday, Read any sections in any of the books above that I did not finish, Goljan high yield (recommend this)