Power Application Program Assignments for two High School Courses J.Foy Physics, Math and Programming Instructor L&N STEM Academy Knoxville, TN joe.foy@knoxschools.org New AP Computer Science Lab Requirement • Effective August 2014, AP Computer Science lab requirement has changed • Instead of using previous provided lab, instructors must create their own Over 20% of AP test (MC and FR) questions were from the “GridWorld Case Study” • AP Central has provided three very good labs, two will be supplemented by a power transmission lab created this summer 1-2 New AP Computer Science Lab Requirement • With one exception, the full program is complete Transmission line or station trip • Students will initially be provided with a partial set of code Station ArrayList<> Load ArrayList<> PowerLine ArrayList<> 1-3 New AP Computer Science Lab Requirement • Progressive lab assignments will include: Adding GUI selection for load adjustment Implementing “Comparable” interface for objects Adding toString method, compareTo method Adjusting station demand, assigning adjustments to specific station Scanning ArrayList Adjusting power line losses as a result of station demand changes Scanning ArrayList, Math.pow() method 1-4 New AP Computer Science Lab Requirement • Progressive lab assignments will include: Changing station output in response to load changes (algorithm development) Extending provided Station Class to include additional power station Changing GUI to permit selection of line or station to trip, adjusting line losses and even causing “blackout” if necessary (algorithm development) 1-5 Honors Math 3199 Lab Assignment • Students will connect Vernier voltage and current probes to solar panel, and will then write Embedded program which calculates power output and displays on LCD Materials not received yet, lab not written Program will be written in “C” 1-6 Honors Math 3199 Lab Assignment • Students will write Mac-resident Cprogram which performs basic analysis of wind data taken from one month of BPA website listings File operations: open, close, read, write Create 2-D array, store and retrieve data, recognizing “NaN” data String->float; float-String with formatting Console output and input Pointers, primitive data types Loops, control instructions 1-7 Honors Math 3199 Lab Assignment • Extensions: Students will add wind-power-density calculation and report to output file Students will extend existing analysis to include multiple months Students will select size, type and number of wind turbines, determine estimated power output available at the location 1-8 AP Computer Science Program Initial system no load changes. Notice Johnson City line losses, total line losses, total generation, and efficiency 1-9 AP Computer Science Program Johnson City demand was increased by 50 MWatts. Notice Johnson City line losses, total line losses, total generation, and efficiency 1-10 AP Computer Science Program Johnson City demand was decreased by 50 MWatts. Notice Johnson City line losses, total line losses, total generation, and efficiency. These are back to initial values. 1-11 Honors Math 3199 C-Program Daily Average, May 2014, Seven Mile Hill Level 2 site. Output also written to text file. 1-12 Honors Math 3199 C-Program Per hour Average, May 2014, Seven Mile Hill Level 2 site. Output also written to text file. 1-13