French Revolution Jeopardy Review

The French The Rise of The Fall of Impossible
Revolution Napoleon Napoleon Questions
Question 1 - 10
• Name the 3 Estates in France, and who was in
Answer 1 – 10
• 1st Estate – The Clergy (The Catholic Church)
• 2nd Estate – The Nobility (Knights, Lords…)
• 3rd Estate – Everyone else (doctors, lawyers,
merchants, workers, peasants)
Question 1 - 20
• Name both the King, and the Queen during
the time of the French Revolution’s beginnings
Answer 1 – 20
• King – Louis XVI
• Queen – Marie Antoinette
Question 1 - 30
• What controversy arose over the voting
process at the Estates General convention?
Answer 1 – 30
• Each estate was allowed only 1 vote, making
the larger population of the 3rd estate useless
in expressing the opinion of the common
people of France
Question 1 - 40
• What was the Storming of the Bastille?
– Answer with the following details
• 1. What was the Bastille?
• 2. Why was it stormed?
• 3. What was the outcome of the event?
Answer 1 – 40
• 1. The Bastille was a prison, it typically was reserved
for political prisoners
• 2. It was stormed because the 3rd Estate feared a
punishment from the King, and they wanted
weapons. Failing to gain them peacefully, violence
• 3. The Prison guard was defeated, and angry
commoners attain weapons, and proceeded to cause
havoc and instill fear in the general public of Paris
Question 1 - 50
• The 3rd Estate, locked out of the Estates
General by the King, proceed without the
other 2 Estates in what became known as
_________________________, where they
created the new Constitution of France
entitled “_______________________”
Answer 1 – 50
• The 3rd Estate, locked out of the Estates
General by the King, proceed without the
other 2 Estates in what became known as The
Tennis Court Oath, where they created the
new Constitution of France entitled “The
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”
Question 2 - 10
• After arresting the King, a new government:
The National Convention is made up of 3 main
factions, complete the chart below
• 1. The Mountain – Radicals
• 2. ____________ - _________
• 3. ____________ - _________
Answer 2 – 10
• 1. The Mountain – Radicals
• 2. The Girondins - moderates
• 3. The Plain – swing votes (undecided)
Question 2 - 20
• What historical event occurred in France in
Answer 2 – 20
• King Louis XVI was beheaded
Question 2 - 30
• There were 3 very influential leaders in the
National Convention, Complete the chart
• 1. ____________________
• 2. George-Jacques Danton
• 3. ____________________
Answer 2 – 30
• 1. Jean-Paul Marat
• 2. George-Jacques Danton
• 3. Maximilien Robespierre
Question 2 - 40
Who was the last person killed by the guillotine
during “The Reign of Terror” ?
Answer 2 – 40
• Maximilien Robespierre
Question 2 - 50
• Name 1 of the changes of France’s
Revolutionary government that lasted and 1
change that did not last
Answer 2 – 50
Question 3 - 10
• How did Napoleon begin to become
recognized in France?
Answer 3 – 10
• Napoleon first earned national recognition
through his military successes
Question 3 - 20
• What historical event happened in France in
the year 1799?
Answer 3 – 20
• Napoleon takes over the French government
through a coup de tat, and crowns himself
emperor of France for life.
Question 3 - 30
• Napoleon appointed various relatives to ruling
positions in various conquered countries
across Europe
• Name 3 relatives Napoleon appointed to such
positions and the countries each relative
Answer 3 – 30
Joseph (brother) – Spain
Jerome (brother) – Westphalia
Louis (brother) - Holland
Elisa (sister) – Tuscany
Joachim (brother in law) – Naples
Eugene (stepson) - Italy
Question 3 - 40
• Napoleon was at war with the “Allied powers”
• What countries made up the “Allied powers”
Answer 3 – 40
• Allied powers – Great Britain, Austria, Prussia,
and Russia
Question 3 - 50
• Explain each of the following terms:
• 1. Peninsular War
• 2. The Continental System
Answer 3 – 50
• 1. Peninsular War – a failed war against Spain
and Portugal, Napoleon was forced to
• 2. The Continental System – The British
Blockade of all trade with France, and the
French blockade of all trade with Britain
Question 4 - 10
• In 1812 Napoleon launched an unsuccessful
military campaign against what country?
Answer 4 – 10
• Russia
Question 4 - 20
• Napoleon started the Russian campaign with
600,000 men, and returned with only 94,000.
• Name 2 reasons for this
Answer 4 – 20
• 1. Many of the soldiers were not loyal to
• 2. Many died because of harsh weather
conditions and rough terrain (crossing freezing
• Many died because of lack of supplies (upon
reaching Moscow the French found no
supplies, they were purposefully burned by
the Russians)
Question 4 - 30
• After the Russian campaign the Allied powers
captured Napoleon in the Battle of Paris
• After capturing Napoleon they sent him to live
in Exile where?
• How long was Napoleon Exiled here?
Answer 4 – 30
• Napoleon was exiled to the Isle of Elba, he
remained there for 1 year before escaping and
returning to France
Question 4 - 40
• After “the hundred days” Napoleon lost his
final battle to Great Britain at The Battle of
• Again Napoleon was exiled, this time under
strict guard, on a more remote location
• Where was he exiled, and for how long?
• Then what happened to Napoleon?
Answer 4 – 40
• He was exiled to the Island of St. Helena, for 6
• After 6 years Napoleon died of stomach
Question 4 - 50
• The Congress of Vienna met in the year _____,
to fix the problems caused by Napoleon across
Europe, The Napoleon was made up of the
following people: complete the chart below:
• _________ – Austria
• _________ - Russia
• Talleyrand - _______
• Hardenburg - Prussia
Answer 4 – 50
• The Congress of Vienna met in the year 1815,
to fix the problems caused by Napoleon across
Europe, The Napoleon was made up of the
following people:
• Metternich – Austria
• Alexander I - Russia
• Talleyrand - France
• Hardenburg - Prussia
Question 5 - 20
• Who were the “sans culottes”?
• Who was their leader?
• How did he die?
Answer 5 – 20
• Those without knee breeches (they served as
a political group of Revolutionaries that
supported the common class)
• The leader of the sans culottes was Jean-Paul
• Marat was murdered in his bathtub (stabbed)
Question 5 - 30
• Name 3 reforms Napoleon made to the
following items:
• (10 points a piece, maximum 30)
• 1. Church and State Relations
• 2. The Economy
• 3. The Law
• 4. Education
Answer 5 – 30
• 1. Church and State Relations – Napoleon signed The
Concordat which was an agreement with the Pope,
that officially declare Catholicism as the official
religion of France, though no one was required to be
Catholic, as religious tolerance was the law.
• 2. The Economy - Napoleon established a national
bank for France, and a new minted currency
• 3. The Law – Created the Napoleonic Code: a
common set of laws for all of France
• 4. Education – Established military and government
schools across France
Question 5 - 40
• Arrange the following names in the correct
chronological order based on the date of their
• Napoleon
• Jean-Paul Marat
• Louis XVI
• Maximilien Robespierre
• George-Jacques Danton
Answer 5 – 40
• Correct order:
– Louis XVI
– Jean-Paul Marat
– George-Jacques Danton
– Maximilien Robespierre
– Napoleon
Question 5 - 50
• Place the following Governments of France in
the correct chronological order:
– The National Convention
– Emperor Napoleon
– The Directory
– King Louis XVI
– King Louis XVIII
Answer 5 – 50
• Correct order:
– King Louis XVI
– The National Convention
– The Directory
– Emperor Napoleon
– King Louis XVIII
Question 5 - 60
• The Congress of Vienna was dominated by the
views of ______________, explain his beliefs,
and how they affected the future for Europe
after Napoleon.
Answer 5 – 60
• Metternich – Metternich despised democracy,
and political change. Because he was so
influential at the congress, Metternich was
able to guide the congress to adopt many new
monarchies across Europe, and encouraged a
return to the Old ways (the opposite of the
ideals of the revolution)