Homework menu - Burps, bottoms and bile

Here is this terms topic homework menu. We are learning all about the
human body! It runs alongside our weekly spelling and reading homework.
You can choose to complete as many courses as you wish – they will all help
us with our projects in class. Don’t forget to bring them every Wednesday
to share with the other children, earn a marble and display in the
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Create a week long food
Who spends the most
diary – make note of all time in the bathroom in
of the different foods
your house? Make some
you eat each day. Which observations and display
types of foods do you
your findings in a chart
eat the most of? Which
or graph.
do you eat least? Can
you think of ways to
make your diet better?
Use books and/or the
Drop grubby copperinternet to research
plated coins (1p and 2p)
different ways to boost
into a range of
your immune system.
different fizzy drinks
Make a poster or advert
and leave them
for a doctors surgery to
overnight to see what
help people prevent
happens. Which type
getting ill.
has the most powerful
cleaning properties?
Some people sneeze
Try some new foods and
because they are allergic drink that you’ve never
to certain substances
tasted before. Describe
(like pollen or dust
its taste, smell and
mites). Survey your
texture. What did you
friends and family to
like/dislike about it?
find out if anyone you
know has any allergies.
Use a table to record
your results. Can you look
on the internet or in a
book to find the 5 most
common allergies people
in the UK have?
Find out how to look after
your digestive system with
some colon-cleansing foods
(for example cider vinegar,
flax seeds, avocado and
spinach.) Make a song or
poster encouraging people
to look after their guts and
explain why it’s important!
What qualifications and
training do you need to
become a dentist? (You
could look online or ask
Create a word search or
(for an extra challenge!) a
crossword puzzle
containing some of the key
topic vocabulary you have
learnt. Ask a friend or
family member to solve it.
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Choose an organ in the
body to conduct some
research about. Why is
it so important? What
is its job? Record the
information that you
have found.
Use books or the
internet to research
teeth. Create a poster
to explain why brushing
and looking after your
teeth is so important!
How often should it be
done? How long for?
What should be used?
Where should you go to
get your teeth
Create a quiz!
Create a ‘What am I?’
quiz by selecting an
organ and then
describing it with clues.
For example; What am I?
I am in the left hand
side of your chest. I
pump blood around your
body. My blood contains
oxygen that your other
organs need. I have veins
and arteries…. The heart!
A healthy diet is
essential to looking
after your body! Can
you design a healthy
menu for a week? Make
sure you include food
from every dietary
group and get the
balance right!
Find a recipe for a dish
that is good for your
digestion. Now cook or
bake it! Record your
experience – you could
use photographs or even
bring some of your food
Use books or the internet
to research the digestive
system. Draw and label
what you find! Can you copy
the organs carefully?
Create a quiz!
Create a ‘What am I?’
quiz by selecting
different bones and
then describing them in
turn with clues.
Create a quiz!
Create a ‘What am I?’ quiz
by selecting parts of the
digestive system and then
describing them in turn
with clues.
Research why exercise is
important for your body.
Record an exercise diary
for you and your family.
What are your findings?
What other exercise or
activities could you make
time for in the week?
Here is a super link to lots of websites and games that may help you with your homework this
term… http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/revision/Science/living/humanbody.html
Please continue to help your child to learn their times tables. We have daily practise at
school using the ‘sands of time’. This half term we are looking closely at the links between
the 3 and 6, 4 and 8 and are also going to begin looking at 7 and 9… Don’t forget to read your
book as much as you can and bring it every day! If your child needs to change their books
there is chance at the end of every day.
Any problems, please come and see me!