Modern World History Four Paragraph Essay Rubric Topic: Name: _________________________ Great Essay 45 - 41 points Introduction 10 points Body Paragraph B 10 Points Mixed Essay 35 - 32 points Poor Essay 31 - 27 - First sentence introduces place, time period and topic - First sentence introduces place,time, and topic but not clearly - First sentence introduces either the place, time or topic - First sentence does not introduce the place, time or topic - Key points briefly referenced, key background terms defined -Some key points referenced, key background terms are defined but not clearly - Few key points referenced, key background terms are partially defined - A key point is referenced, key background terms mentioned but not defined -Thesis is present that references the question and the three key points Body Paragraph A 10 points Good Essay 40 - 36 points ___________________________________________ -Thesis is present but does not reference one of the three key points or questions clearly - Thesis is present, but does not reference the three key points -Thesis is present but unclear Topic sentence broadly references key point Topic sentence is present but does not reference key point Topic sentence is present but is confusing or irrelevant Paragraphs are organized and arguments are easy to follow Paragraphs are organized and argument is mostly easy to follow Paragraphs are somewhat organized but are not easy to follow Paragraphs have very little organization or connection to thesis. Examples are historically accurate and described thoroughly in significant detail, defining all key terms and aspects of each example Examples may have 1-2 minor historical inaccuracies and are described but missing some in depth details of key terms Examples have 3-4 minor historical inaccuracies or 1-2 major historically inaccuracies and are only partially explained between, missing multiple key terms and details Examples have multiple inaccuracies and are only minimally described missing most key terms and details Examples are connected to the question, mostly analyzed, explained, but lacking few historical connections and details Examples are loosely connected to the questions and not explained enough to show historical connections Topic sentence specifically references key point Topic sentence broadly references key point Topic sentence is present but does not reference key point Topic sentence is present but is confusing or irrelevant Paragraphs are organized and arguments are easy to follow Paragraphs are organized and argument is mostly easy to follow Paragraphs are somewhat organized but are not easy to follow Paragraphs have very little organization or connection to thesis. Examples are historically accurate and described thoroughly in significant detail, defining all key terms and aspects of each example Examples may have 1-2 minor historical inaccuracies and are described but missing some in depth details of key terms Examples have 3-4 minor historical inaccuracies or 1-2 major historically inaccuracies and are only partially explained between, missing multiple key terms and details Examples have multiple inaccuracies and are only minimally described missing most key terms and details Examples are loosely connected to the questions and not explained enough to show historical connections - no key points referenced, key background terms are not mentioned or defined Topic sentence is absent Unorganized paragraph and sentence structure. Inaccurate facts or no evidence to support thesis. Examples are barely connected to the question and not explained Examples are connected to the question, analyzed, and explained thoroughly to support key point including details and historical connections Examples are connected to the question, mostly analyzed, explained, but lacking few historical connections and details - First sentence is off topic -Thesis is not present Topic sentence specifically references key point Examples are connected to the question, analyzed, and explained thoroughly to support key point including details and historical connections See Me Essay 27 - 0 Examples are barely connected to the question and not explained Topic sentence is absent Unorganized paragraph and sentence structure. Inaccurate facts or no evidence to support thesis. Conclusion 10 points Great Essay 45 - 41 points Good Essay 40 - 36 points First sentence is re-worded thesis, referencing three key points - First sentence is a thesis that references three key points, but it is the same as the introduction Mixed Essay 35 - 32 points - First sentence is a thesis but it does not referenced all three key points Examples key point are referenced Grades: - Thesis is not present - Examples are not referenced - Examples are not specifically referenced or minimally referenced - Examples of some of they key points are referenced - Topic of the essay is connected to another area of study. The connection is somewhat accurate/and only gives a surface level understanding of the topic in relation to the past, present, or future. - Topic of the essay is connected to another area of study but this connection is somewhat confusing and/or does not show the importance of the topic in history Essay is properly formatted, directions are followed Essay is properly formatted, most directions are followed. Essay is somewhat properly formatted and some directions are followed Essay is not properly formatted and/or directions are not clearly followed. Lack of care or disregard for following directions that were provided. Evidence of care and thought in editing if applicable Evidence of care and thought in editing is mostly evident, if applicable Evidence of care and thought in editing is somewhat evident, if applicable Evidence of care and thought in editing is minimally evident, if applicable Little to no evidence of care and thought in editing is evident, if applicable _________/ 45 Comments: - Thesis is present but key points are not referenced. See Me Essay 27 - 0 - Examples of key points are mostly referenced. Topic of the essay is connected to another area of study. The connection is accurate and displays a deeper understanding of the importance of the topic in relation to the past, present, or future. Conventions 5 points - If Applicable! Poor Essay 31 - 27 - Topic is not connected to another area of study. - Topic of the essay is minimally connected to another area of study but this connection is inaccurate and confusing.