File - Miss Jessica's Process of Translation

Digital Unit Plan Template
Unit Title: Translation (From mRNA to Protein)
Name: Jessica Ly
Content Area: Science (Biology)
Grade Level: 9th-12th
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):
CA Content Standard(s):
HS-LS1-1: Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the structure of DNA determines the structure of proteins which carry out the essential functions
of life through systems of specialized cells.
Common Core Standard(s):
WHST.9-12.9: Draw information from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Big Ideas:
 Translation, the decoding of mRNA into protein formation, takes place in the cytoplasm with 3 key components: (1) mRNA (2) ribosomes (3) tRNA.
 Translation occurs in 3 steps: (1) Initiation (2) Elongation (3) Termination
 mRNA is read according to a genetic code where codons (3 base pairs) pair to tRNA anticodons to direct protein synthesis
Unit Goals and Objectives:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
1. Identify 3 key components of translation and describe how they are functionally related to each other.
2. Name the 3 stages of translation and list the main events taking place at each stage.
3. Decode a given mRNA sequence into its tRNA and amino acid counterparts using the genetic code.
Unit Summary:
Throughout the particular genetic unit, students will be exposed to various learning modules and engage in various activities to demonstrate the knowledge of
mRNA translation into proteins. Students will be introduced to translation through a lecture presentation and further explore the concept through hands on
activities such as a webercise, class activity, and independent assignments. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and be assessed for learning through
informal entry-level assessments (graphic organizer) and formal formative (crossword puzzle, timeline) and summative assessments (infographic, comic strip).
By the end of the unit, students will be able to successfully accomplish the 3 objectives.
Assessment Plan:
Anticipation Graphic Organizer: What
processes/players do you think have a role in
Crossword Puzzle: Vocabulary Terms
Quizlet: Matching genetic code mRNA codons to
tRNA anticodons
Infographic: The possible uses of the knowledge
about the process of translation
Quickwrite: Explain how the genetic code is
degenerate in your own words
Comic Strip: The sequence of events and key
players in the process of translation
Timeline: Outline the steps of initiation, elongation,
Lesson 1
Student Learning Objective:
Acceptable Evidence:
1. Identify 3 key
components of translation
and describe how they are
functionally related to each
Students can list
1. mRNA
2. ribosome
3. tRNA
as key components of
translation and explain
their respective roles
Instructional Strategies:
☒ Communication
☐ Collection
☐ Collaboration
☒ Presentation
☐ Organization
☐ Interaction
Lesson Activities:
Instructional Strategies:
☐ Communication
☒ Collection
☐ Collaboration
☐ Presentation
☐ Organization
☒ Interaction
Lesson Activities:
Instructional Strategies:
☐ Communication
☐ Collection
Lesson Activities:
Activate Prior Knowledge:
Ask “What does translation mean? Can you provide an example of
translation?” From a list of given vocabulary words, students will create a
graphic organizer to anticipate which they think will be involved in
Lecture Presentation:
Prezi slideshow (images, videos, definitions, etc.) presented with audio
lecture. Guided notes will be provided to accompany lecture and will be due
at the end of lecture. Students may also use guided notes as a study source.
Lesson 2
Student Learning Objective:
Acceptable Evidence:
3. Decode a given mRNA
sequence into its tRNA and
amino acid counterparts
using the genetic code.
Students can correctly pair
a given codon sequence to
anticodon sequence.
Students will explore internet sites and digital interactive tool to practice
reading codons for translation to appropriate anticodon. Students will also
practice search and retrieval methods to further their understanding of
underlying concepts.
Hands-On Class Manipulative:
Students will personify the components of translation (mRNA, ribosomal
large/small unit), tRNA, amino acids, proteins) and assemble the correct
formation by following teacher instructions
Lesson 3
Student Learning Objective:
Acceptable Evidence:
Illustration Project/Graphic Organizer
2. Name the 3 stages of
translation and list the
main events taking place at
each stage.
Students can illustrate
initiation, elongation, and
termination as 3 stages of
translation on a flowchart.
☒ Collaboration
☐ Presentation
☒ Organization
☐ Interaction
In groups of 3, students each illustrate the process of initiation, elongation,
and termination. Illustrations should include major structures and list steps
in a graphic organizer. Students will edit graphic organizers based on peer
revision and be graded according to assessment rubric. Students will be
required to present their graphic organizers and submit engaging questions
to online digital interactive website.
Unit Resources:
Textbook: Biology by Miller & Levine: Chapter 12: DNA and RNA—Section 12.3 RNA and Protein Synthesis; pgs. 302-306
Discovery Education Puzzle Maker
ReadWriteThink Timeline Generator
Teacher Site
Useful Websites:
Translation Definition: Provides definition of translation and explanation of process
Scitable: ; ;
Transcription and Translation Tool: Digital interactive tools to allow students to practice recognizing codon and anticodon complementary relationship
Translation Animated Videos: Videos to help students visually picture events occurring at the microscopic level
Translation Step-by-Step Image: