Chapter Fifteen
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Learning Objectives
Describe integrated marketing communications
Understand the role of promotion
Explain the purposes of the three types of advertising
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the
major advertising media
Identify the major steps in developing an advertising
Recognize the various kinds of salespersons, the steps
in the personal-selling process, and the major sales
management tasks
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Learning Objectives (cont’d)
Describe sales promotion objectives and methods
Understand the types and uses of public relations
Identify the factors that influence the selection of
promotion-mix ingredients
10. Identify and explain the criticisms of promotion
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What Is Integrated Marketing
Define Integrated Marketing Communications
Why is IMC important for marketers?
What are media outlets and tools used in
developing effective IMC?
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Know the two common misconceptions about Promotion
What are the Roles of Promotion in marketing?
Be able to describe the relationship between information
flows and promotional effectiveness
Define Promotion Mix and be able to list and describe the
four elements
• Advertising
• Personal Selling
• Sales Promotion
• Public Relations
Are all four of these elements always required in an
effective promotion mix?
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Know the different Types of Advertising and
their purposes
Primary-Demand Advertising
Institutional Advertising
Selective-Demand (Brand) Advertising
Immediate-Response Advertising
Reminder Advertising
Comparative Advertising
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Advertising Media
Know the different Advertising Media
Direct Mail
Out-of-Home Advertising
Yellow Pages Advertising
Online Social Media
What are the advantages and disadvantages of
each medium?
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Major Steps in Developing an
Advertising Campaign
Know the steps in Developing an Advertising
Identify and analyze the target audience
Define the advertising objectives
Create the advertising platform
Determine the advertising appropriation
Develop the media plan
Create the advertising message
Execute the campaign
Evaluate advertising effectiveness
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Advertising Agencies
Define Advertising Agencies
Be prepared to discuss the services generally
offered by advertising agencies
Know the different between In-House
Advertising Departments and Independent
Advertising Agencies
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Personal Selling
Define Personal Selling
• What are its pros and cons?
Know the difference between different kinds of
Order Getter
Order Taker
Sales Support Personnel
Missionary Salespersons
Trade Salespersons
Technical Salespersons
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The Six Steps of the Personal-Selling Process
Know the Six Steps of the Personal-Selling
1. Prospecting
2. Approaching the Prospect
3. Making the Presentation
4. Answering Objections
5. Closing the Sale
6. Following Up
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Managing Personal Selling
Be prepared to discuss what Setting Sales
Objectives involves
 What must managers do to manage their
personal selling sales force?
 How can managers attract, hire, train,
adequately compensate, and motivate
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Sales Promotion
Define Sales Promotion
 Know the Sales Promotion Objectives
• (Hint: There are ten)
Be prepared to explain the different Sales
Promotion Methods
• Consumer Sales Promotion Method
• Trade Sales Promotion Method
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Sales Promotion Methods
Know the Factors Influencing the Choice of Sales
Promotion Method
• Objectives of the sales promotional effort
• Product characteristics
• Target market profile
• Distribution channels
• Availability of resellers
• Competitive and regulatory forces in the
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Sales Promotion Methods (cont’d)
• Rebate
• Coupon
• Sample
• Premium
• Frequent-User Incentives
• Point-of-Purchase Displays
• Trade Shows
• Buying Allowance
• Cooperative Advertising
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Public Relations
Define Public Relations
At whom are public relations efforts generally
Be prepared to discuss different Types of
Public Relations Tools
• Written and spoken communications
• Event sponsorship
What are the principal uses of public relations?
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Publicity and Promotion
Define Publicity
• In what media can publicity appear?
• What are some of the main issues covered in News
Define Promotional Campaign
• What role does promotion play in the overall
marketing mix?
Be prepared to discuss some of the principal
promotion and marketing objectives covered in
the textbook
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Developing the Promotion Mix
How do marketers develop a promotion mix?
Can more than one promotion mix be used at
one time?
On what do the Promotion Mix Ingredients
Be prepared to discuss some of the criticisms of
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