1st Nine Week*s Assessment Study Guide

1st Nine Week’s Assessment Study Guide
The Most Dangerous Game
1. How does Zaroff “help Providence a bit”?
He turns on lights that cause ships to crash
2. What are the qualities ideal game for hunting should have?
Courage, cunning and reason
3. Give one example of suspense.
“I have invented a new sensation”
4. Give one example of foreshadowing.
3 examples include- discussion of island between Rainsford and Whitney, hearing screams while
swimming to shore, seeing crimson stains on the grass
5. Give an example of external conflict.
Rainsford vs Ivan, Rainsford vs. the sea, Rainsford vs. the hounds
The Scarlet Ibis
6. When does Doodle really become part of the family?
When he begins to crawl
7. How did Brother realize that Doodle was “all there”?
When he smiles at him
8. What does Brother share with Doodle?
Old Woman Swamp
9. How does Brother encourage Doodle to keep trying to walk?
By painting a mental picture of them both as old men and Doodle still riding in the go-cart
10. What does Brother do after they show the family Doodle can walk?
He cries
11. What can Doodle do better than Brother?
He can lie
Correct the following sentences
1. My sister, a registered nurse, has attended many seminars.
2. Mother, will you have some more broccoli?
3. After we had finished lunch, we headed back to our classrooms.
4. As we strolled slowly down the walkways in the formal garden, we noticed countless tulips and
5. Although she could not make out the words, Mrs. Strain was certain that she heard two male
6. As I traveled through England, I saw many wonderful sights: soaring cathedral spires, ancient
ruins, and magnificent castles.
7. The restaurant serves fish, chicken, and steak ; you may order any of them grilled, blackened, or
8. The students presented reports on five mammals: dolphins, kangaroos, squirrels, bats, and
9. If I were hungry I would eat; however, I am still full from breakfast.
10. “Do you like walks on the beach?” asked Beth.
11. The best known of the novels by James Fenimore Cooper is The Last of the Mohicans.
12. We subscribe to Time and Scientific American.
13. It is almost time for their favorite television program, The Simons of Barclay Lane, which the
Tumarelli family watched every Friday.
14. “Sarah,” asked Mr. Lopez, “ have you found your dog?”
To Kill A Mockingbird Study Guide
Can Calpurnia read and write?
Does Dill want to see Boo Radley? yes
Why is Miss Caroline upset with Scout? Scout already knows how to read and write
How does the black community in Maycomb feel about Atticus? They support and respect him
Maycomb is in what state? Alabama
What is Atticus’ profession? lawyer
Who is Scout and Jem’s best friend? Dill
Who is the narrator of the story? Scout
Who does Scout think got her in trouble on her first day of school? Walter Cunningham
List 3 things that the town of Maycomb thinks about the Ewell family. Live at the town dump, crude, dirty
Who is the only “mother” figure Scout has ever known? Calpurnia
What 3 things inspire Scout, Jem and Dill when they play? Books, Boo Radley, Dill’s arrival
What did Jem lose as he escaped the Radley house? Pants
Describe Boo Radley. Pale, shy, crazy myths, recluse, scared
List 3 things about Mrs. Dubose. Old and sick, morphine addict, nasty attitude (way of speaking),
16. What crime is Tom Robinson accused of? rape
17. What 3 problems did Atticus face in defending Tom? Ewells, misunderstanding of the community, lynch
18. Why did Atticus take Tom’s case? Judge Taylor appointed him
19. Where did the children watch Tom’s trial from? Colored balcony
20. Describe Mayella Ewell. Victim of her father’s cruelty and abuse
21. Why was Tom not Mayella’s attacker? He has a crippled arm
22. Why was Tom found guilty? He was black
23. How did Tom die? Shot trying to escape
24. Who wrote an editorial in the town paper describing how unfair Tom’s trial was? Mr. Underwood
25. How did Bob Ewell really die? Boo stabbed him
26. What point of view is the novel told from? First person point of view
Who said the following quotes?
27. “…anybody sets foot in this house is your company, and don’t let me catch you remarking on their ways…”
28. “I want you to go home and wash your hair with lye soap.” Miss Caroline
29. “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy.” Miss Maudie
30. “Don’t you say hey to me you ugly girl.” Mrs. Dubose
31. “… she asked me to come inside the fence and bust up a chiffarobe for her.” Tom
Identify the following people
Miss Maudie- nice neighbor across the street
Calpurnia- housekeeper, mother figure
Mr. Cunningham- Walter’s father, gets everyone to leave the jail, accepts no charity
Atticus- Scout and Jem’s father, voice of wisdom, moral compass of the story
Mayella Ewell- liar, victim of abuse
Dill- from Meridian, visits in the summer, daring, tells big stories, Scout’s fiance
Scout- tomboy, Atticus’s daughter, main character, hot-headed
Bob Ewell- alcoholic abusive father, attacked kids on Halloween
Heck Tate- sheriff
Boo Radley- recluse, nice, kind, mysterious neighbor that the kids want to meet
Answer the following questions:
What year was Harper Lee born? 1926
What state was Harper Lee born in? Alabama
What year was To Kill A Mockingbird published? 1960
How many other novels did Harper Lee write? None, 0
What major award did To Kill A Mockingbird win? Pulitzer prize
Why does Heck Tate claim Bob Ewell fell on his knife? To protect Boo
Review for Odyssey Test
Who wrote The Odyssey? Homer
When was The Odyssey written? 750 BC
Define epic poem?a long narrative poem about a legendary hero
What literary device helps an author compose poems in front of an audience? repetition
What are the characteristics of the narration of an epic poem? 3 things- narrator asks for poetic inspiration,
begins in the middle of things, use of figurative language
Part 1
What is “We saw a cavern yawning” an example of? personification
Who is Posiedon? God of the sea
What event originally took Odysseus away from his home? Trojan War
What happened after the men raided the Cicones? Odysseus’s men became unmanageable and
What effect does the lotus plant have on the men? The men loose the desire to return home
What is “You cast your lives like dice” and example of? simile
What does Odysseus compare the Cyclops to? Shaggy mountain
Why does Odysseus decide not to kill the Cyclops in his sleep? The men cannot open the cave door
How does Odysseus endanger his men’s lives as they leave the island? He yells back to Polyphemus
What warning did a wizard give Polyphemus? He would be blinded by someone named Odysseus
How did Odysseus surprise Polyphemus? He was so small and was still able to hurt him
What does Polyphemus pray to Poseidon for? 3 things- Odysseus will never see home, lose all
companions and if he returns home things will be bad
Part 2
What do the men do with the bag from Aeolus? Open it to release powerful winds
What is Charybdis? A whirlpool
What does Circe warn Odysseus about? Sirens, Charybdis, Scylla and cattle
What does Odysseus instruct his men to do to him as they encounter the Sirens? Tie him up
What does the crew do when Odysseus begs to be untied as he listens to the Sirens song? Tie him tighter
Who was Scylla? 6 headed monster
What is “All the sea is like a cauldron” an example of? simile
What happens when the men encounters Scylla? 6 men die
What did Odysseus make the men do before they could mourn their dead companions? Take an oath not
to harm the cattle
What does Odysseus use to defeat Circe? Powerful herb
Who warns Odysseus about Helios’s cattle? Tiresias
Who sends a bolt of lightning to destroy Odysseus’s boat? Zeus
Why is Odysseus’s crew killed? They killed and ate Helios cattle
Part 3
Describe Athena at the beginning of Part 3?caring and supportive
Why does Athena disguise Odysseus? The suitors will not recognize him
What does Homer compare Odysseus’s and Telemachus’s crying to? A bird losing its fledglings
Describe Antinous- selfish
How does Odysseus feel when he first meets Penelope? sad
What test does Penelope devise for the suitors? Perform a test with a bow
What does Homer compare Odysseus to as he strings his bow? Harper (someone who plays a harp)
How do the Phaecians treat Odysseus? kindly
How long has Odysseus been away from home? 20 years
Who recognizes Odysseus when he first enters his home? His dog
Part 4
How does Odysseus react to Eurymachus plea to be spared? Threatening the suitors with death
What does Telemachus do after Amphinomus is killed? Leaves to obtain more shields and spears
Who does Penelope believe the beggar is? A god
What does Odysseus fear as a result of the slaughter of the suitors? His having to leave Ithica
Who does Odysseus put his faith in after the battle? Zeus
What test does Penelope use to discover Odysseus’s true identity? The test of the bed/bedroom
What does Eurymachus offer if Odysseus will spare their lives? Repay all food and drink, 20 oxen each
and gold and bronze
How does Odysseus prove his strength and shame the suitors? Stringing the bow and shooting it through
12 sockets
Who helps Odysseus in the battle against the suitors? Telemachus, Eumaeus, Philoteus
How does Eurycleia recognize Odysseus? Scar on leg
What is the best theme of The Odyssey? A person must show courage and cleverness to overcome
obstacles and achieve goals