Lehigh University students initiated the Peer Mentor

Lehigh University students initiated the Peer Mentor Program in fall
semester 1998 to assist first-year students with the transition from high
school to a competitive university. The Peer Mentors are composed of upper
class students who have a diagnosed learning disability or attention deficit
disorder. Each mentor has demonstrated leadership capability and has
experienced academic success at Lehigh University.
This handbook was created by the Peer Mentors during our training retreat.
A successful mentoring relationship is achieved when the mentor communicates clearly
and on a regular basis. The following are potential roles that mentors play in the lives of
their mentee:
1. Effective Communicator
Active listener, approachable.
2. Guide
 Assist with your mentee’s navigation through LU’s network of departments,
offices, and services.
3. Teacher
 Provide instruction to your mentee of certain skills needed to succeed at the
university and in preparing for life after graduation.
4. Advisor
 Assist your mentee in developing academic and personal goals.
5. Role Model
 Be an example of a healthy and well-balanced individual.
6. Door Opener
 Provide your mentee with opportunities to establish a network of contacts that
could be of benefit during his/her tenure as an undergraduate student and
beyond graduation.
7. Friend/Mentor
 Be a friend
Facilitate mentee academic and personal growth
Provide information and guidance
Support and encourage
Inspire trust and integrity
Act as a confidant and friend
Share experience and knowledge
Provide information concerning Lehigh resources
Maintain confidentiality
Commit to one (1) full academic year
Attend mandatory training sessions
Schedule a face to face meeting with your mentee during the first week of classes
Attend New Student Orientation session and First Year Welcome.
Attend at least one other mentoring event per semester
Regular contact with mentee according to the Fall Contact Schedule
Initial Meeting with Mentee:
Introduce yourself and share some basic information about yourself
Talk about how to adjust to college during their first month
Schedule your first face to face meeting in a comfortable location
Initial Questions for Mentee:
Where are you from? What is your hometown like?
What made you decide to come to Lehigh University? What other schools were
you considering?
What was your favorite subject in high school?
Do you have any nicknames that you would like to be called by?
What kind of music do you listen to?
What is your major?
What career or jobs are you interested in?
What aspect of college are you most excited about?
What are your expectations of our mentoring relationship?
What do you think I could learn from you?
What kind of activities would you like to do?
What did you do over the summer?
Questions for Future Meetings:
How are your classes going? Are you attending class?
Are you having difficulty in any of your classes?
How can I, as your mentor, help with referrals to academic advising or other
student services?
Have you become acquainted with any faculty members?
Have you purchased your books?
Have you reviewed your course outlines or syllabi? Do you look at Coursesite?
When is your first exam?
Do you know any students in your classes?
Have you considered a study group or study partner?
Have you attended time management, study skills, and note taking sessions?
Are you aware of the academic deadline dates to withdraw from classes?
Have you made any new friends?
How are you getting along with your roommate?
Have you become involved in any organizations or activities?
Are you missing home? How often are you able to visit?
Are you sleeping OK?
What do you think of the food here?
What do you think of your hall mates?
First week of Class
Invite your mentee for lunch or coffee
Personally invite mentee to the First Year Welcome
Exchange contact information (phone #, e-mail)
First week of September
Make sure to ask if they have made an appointment with Academic Support
Remind them of the Last Day for Drop/Add without a “W” grade
Second week of September
Check in with your mentee…the workload is picking up.
Remind mentees about upcoming Four O’Clocks which begin next week.
For those who receive accommodations, remind them to pick up their letters.
Advise them to arrange to meet with their professors to hand deliver the letter and
discuss the academic accommodations.
Ask how Four O’Clocks went…offer support if needed.
Remind them of tutorial services available to them: Math Help Center; the Center
for Writing and Math, and the Center for Academic Success
Early November
Ask about the second set of Four O’Clocks.
Remind them of the last day to withdraw with a “W” grade.
Advise them not to withdraw from a course until they’ve consulted with their
professor, or academic advisor, or someone from our office.
Remind them that there are only five weeks left of class.
Last week of classes
Offer ideas for how to prepare for finals.
Fall 2013
August 26 - Monday …………………………First Day of Classes/Registration
September 2 - Monday………………………..Labor Day/Classes are in Session
September 6 – Friday………………………… Last Day to Drop/Add a class without “W” grade
September 24 - Tuesday thru…………………First set of Four O’clock Exams
October 3 –Thursday
October 14-15 Monday–Tuesday…………….Pacing Break
October 29 - Tuesday thru……………………Second Set of Four O’clock Exams
November 7 - Thursday
November 4-15 - Monday-Friday…………….Registration for Spring 2014
November 12 – Tuesday……………………...Last Day to Drop a class with a “W” Grade
November 27-29 - Wednesday-Friday………..Thanksgiving Break
December 6 – Friday………………………......Last Day of Classes
December 7 – Saturday thru……………….....Study Period Before Final Exams
December 9 - Monday
December 10 - Tuesday thru………………….Final Exams
December 18 – Wednesday
Note: Academic Calendar – Fall 2013 - Spring 2014 can be found on Lehigh University’s
Office of the Registrar Website
Student Confidentiality Agreement
As a student who works or volunteers in the Office of Academic Support Services for Students with
Disabilities, you may come in contact with student information that is sensitive and confidential in nature.
You are required to keep this information STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Please treat any information that you
come in contact with the same respect that you would ask others to treat sensitive information about
Your requirement to treat this information as confidential falls under two areas of authority: Federal Law
and University Policy.
The Confidentiality of Student Records (including disciplinary records) falls under a federal law called
FERPA (The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) otherwise known as 20 U.S.C. § 1232g.; 34 CFR Part
99. This law states that there are strict limitations on what information a University can release without a
student’s permission (or in line with exceptions to the law). If you have questions on the applicability of
FERPA, please contact the Assistant Dean of Students or The Office of the General Counsel.
This document, as well as portions of the Code of Conduct, portions of the Student Handbook, and other
University documents state that Lehigh University will maintain a certain level of confidentiality in regards
to student records. Additionally this document will be seen as a “reasonable request of a University
Official” and therefore the Code of Conduct (Specifically: Respect for the Lehigh University Community
(D)) applies.
Please read and sign the following statement regarding confidentiality:
I, ______________________________, understand that as a student worker or student volunteer, I may
come in contact with student information that must be treated confidentially. I understand that I am not
permitted to release, repeat, duplicate, or discuss any student information for which I may have access.
Additionally, I understand that if I reveal, release, duplicate, or discuss any confidential information I will
be charged with violations of the Lehigh University Expectations of Conduct and will be held accountable
via the processes outlined in the Lehigh University Code of Conduct.
Date: _______________________
Students with Learning Differences
Lehigh University students initiated the Peer Mentor Program in fall semester 1998 to
assist first-year students with the transition from high school to a competitive university. The
Peer Mentors are composed of upper class students who have a diagnosed learning disability
or attention deficit disorder. Each mentor has demonstrated leadership capability and has
experienced academic success at Lehigh University.
First-year students are matched with a peer mentor by college and/or major. The
rationale for matching students in this manner is because upper class students of the same
major and/or college have most likely taken the same courses, taken the same professors, and
have experienced the same challenges as the freshman with whom they have been matched.
The first-year students who have participated in the Peer Mentor program and who have
worked with the Office of Academic Support Services have traditionally performed
significantly better than students who have not participated in support services.
Program participation is voluntary and students may choose to withdraw from the
program at any time. The following events are planned for the first-year students:
Orientation for New Students with Learning Differences
Mentors/First Year Student Luncheon (first week)
Pre-Registration Dinner: Course advising (early November)
Your participation in the Peer Mentor Program is voluntary. Our statistics indicate that students
who take advantage of Academic Support Services and participate in the Peer Mentor Program are
more likely to obtain a higher GPA during their first year than non-participants.
I hereby authorize Cheryl A. Ashcroft, Assistant Dean of Students, to release my name to the Peer
Mentor Program. I understand that information concerning my learning disability or
ADHD may be shared with my Peer Mentor and that this information will be held confidentially. I
also understand that I may revoke this authorization and my participation in the Peer Mentor
Program at any time.
Student’s Name: ______________________________________
College: ____________
Cell Phone #: __________________________________________
Email: ____________
Student’s Signature: ____________________________________
Date: ____________
______ I definitely want a Peer Mentor
______ I’d like to think about it but contact me for the dinner
______ Thank you but I do not want to be contacted by a Peer Mentor
Academic Life and Transition
Academic Support for Students with Disabilities
Career Services
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Ally (LGBTQA) Services/
The Rainbow Room
First-Year Experience
Health and Wellness Center
Health Center: 610-758-3870
Wellness Center: 610-758-3869
Multicultural Affairs
Office of Student Leadership Development
Gender Violence Prevention
Student Handbook
University Counseling and Psychological Services
Services: http://studentaffairs.lehigh.edu/counseling
Women’s Center
Writing and Math Center
Phone: 610-758-4152 ~ Fax: 610-758-5293
Cheryl A. Ashcroft
Assistant Dean of Students
E-mail: caa4@lehigh.edu
Lisa S. Ruebeck
Director, Learning Disability Support
E-mail: lsr307@lehigh.edu
Irene Karvoski
Administrative Assistant
E-mail: ihk207@lehigh.edu