Surgery Western University Department of Surgery Resident Research Grant Application Form PART 1 – APPLICANT INFORMATION: Please complete your response in the table below: 1. Name of Principal Investigator (Resident): 2. Residency Program: 3. Post Graduate Level: 4. Name of Supervisor(s): 5. Supervisor’s Division: PART 2 – PROJECT INFORMATION: Please complete your response in the table below: 6. Title of the Project: 7. Location where the Research Study will take place (e.g. site; laboratory; office) 8. Time Period of Support Being Requested: 9. Total Amount of Money Being Requested*: 10. Does this project involve human participants or animal subjects? 11. Has this project been submitted or received approval by the UWO Health Sciences Research Ethics Board? (if yes, please include a copy of the approval notice with your application) 12. Has this project been submitted or received approval by the UWO Animal User Subcommittee? (if yes, please include a copy of the approval notice with your application) *(NB: please be sure to append to the application a detailed page outlining a justification of the budget). PART 3 – SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY SUPERVISOR 13. Outline your role as the Supervisor: Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, SJHC, E3-117 London, ON, Canada N6A 4V2 t. 519.663.3349 14. For the Principal Investigator only, please provide information on any other funds applied for and received for all current research projects including funds received from other local and hospital resources. All applications must be indicated, whether or not they have been approved. Please enclose front sheet and all budget sheets with this application of all grants held currently or applied for (please do not submit the whole application). Be sure to note the name of the agency, the title of the project, amount funded/year, and total budget funded. All applications must be indicated, whether or not they have been funded (F) or applied for (A). PART 4 – THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE RESIDENT: OUTLINE OF PROPOSED RESEARCH STUDY 15. Purpose of the Research (1/2 page maximum): RRG- Application Form 2 16. Background Information (if appropriate) and Formulation of the objectives & hypothesis (1 page maximum): 17. Experimental plan or design, sample size justification, expected results & potential pitfalls (1 page maximum): RRG- Application Form 3 18. Please provide a 500 word summary briefly describing your long term career plans and research objectives: RRG- Application Form 4 PART 5 – SUPPORTING MATERIAL The following information should be appended sequentially to this application form: Please provide a letter of recommendation from the Supervisor outlining the research potential of the applicant as well as the level of support/resources available for the proposed project. Please attach a mini curriculum vitae (CV) for the principal investigator, supervisor and co-applicants describing appointments, publications and abstracts for the last 5 years only (do NOT include lectures, presentations etc.). Each CV should be a maximum of 2 pages. Please attach a detailed budget for the funds requested. PART 6 – SIGNATURE SECTION Note: 1) Signature by the Principal Investigator/applicant attests to the fact that all supervisor(s) have reviewed the application and are in agreement with its content. 2) Signature of the Division Chair/Chief, Residency Program Director as well as the Supervisor attest to the fact that the applicant is a member of the Clinical Department and the Division supports the proposed project. Signature of Applicant Printed Name of Applicant Date Signature of Division Chair/Chief Printed Name of Chief/Chair of Division Date Signature of Residency Program Director Printed Name of Residency Program Director Date Signature of Supervisor Printed Name of Supervisor Date PART 7 – SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Please submit the signed original application and all supporting documentation by PDF electronically to the Department of Surgery Office c/o The Department of Surgery Research Committee will review the applications. RRG- Application Form 5