Special Populations & Career and Technical Education October 8, 2014 H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Agenda: October 8, 2014 The Big Picture Resources for Planning Special Education Students in Career & Technical Education English Language Learners in Career & Technical Education Accountability H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver The Big Picture H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT HISD CTE Reform Goals 1. Ensure equitable access to quality CTE programs for all students 2. Provide relevant and highly-engaging coursework 3. Increase the number of students graduating with industry-recognized certificates and relevant work experience 4. Increase student opportunities to earn college credits and potentially Associate’s Degrees H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver HISD Roadmap to Career Readiness H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Resources for Planning H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT High School Plan H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Resources Plan Your Path: http://www.houstonisd.org/planyourpath Principal’s Resources: http://www.houstonisd.org/principal H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Resources H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Resources Virtual Job Shadow http://www.virtualjobshadow.com/ H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Special Education Students in Career and Technical Education H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Special Education Transition and CTE IDEA 2004 Federal law for special education aligned w/NCLB Emphasis on strengths and data Post Secondary Education Addresses transition H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Special Education Transition and CTE Early Transition Planning In Texas, state law requires that “appropriate state transition planning must begin for a student no later than when the student reaches 14 years of age” This starts at age 12 for students whose disability falls within the autism spectrum Career and Technical Education (CTE) often plays an important role in the secondary transition planning process H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Special Education Transition and CTE Least Restrictive Environment Most Restrictive Environment CTE Pathway Special Education Courses: • Career Exploration • Pre-employment Training • OJT H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Special Education Transition and CTE Naviance • Career Key: Ideal way to assist students to focus on the future • Career Clusters: Courses needed to meet future goals H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Special Education Transition and CTE H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Special Education Transition and CTE H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Special Education Transition and CTE H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Special Education Transition and CTE H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Special Education Transition and CTE Collaboration with Transition Coaches 15 Itinerant Coaches Each assigned to Middle Schools and High Schools Emphasis on educating middle school students, parents, and teachers regarding career options H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Participation in ARDs When? Anytime initial or continued enrollment in CTE courses is considered, a CTE representative must be included as a member of the student’s ARD committee H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Participation in ARDs Who? The CTE representative should be the teacher of the course being considered. If the teacher is not able to participate in the ARD meeting, this representative must be someone who has full understanding of the course content, prerequisite skills, equipment and safety rules, certification and licensure requirements, related fees, and participation in related organizations. H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Participation in ARDs At the ARD/IEP meeting, the Career and Technical Education teacher should be prepared to: – – – – – – – – provide course description describe program of study (sequence of courses) review the course competencies discuss and document any occupational hazards that exist in the course discuss the safety test for the course participate in the discussion to determine the best placement for the student determine appropriate modifications and accommodations determine which competencies the student will be accountable for mastering H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Website Information: Accommodations/Modifications http://cte.unt.edu CTE Website that contains accommodations manual for CTE and other information Log on to this website, click on Teacher Tools, then Special Populations http://ctsp.tamu.edu Career and Technical Special Populations training and resource center. Provides free, online tools for working with students with communication and learning differences H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver English Language Learners in Career and Technical Education H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ELPS Proficiency Levels: Handout • Beginning • Intermediate • Advanced • Advanced High/ Transitional H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Beginning and Intermediate Level Students • Require a modified program • Require an extra reading course • May not be able to understand information asked of them by content teachers H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Advanced and Advanced High/Transitional Students • Require only the ESL/English course, however, an extra Reading/Writing course is recommended • Need some additional accommodations to comprehend academic discourse and informational text H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Accountability: Our Responsibilities District Monitoring (Performance Based Monitoring: PBM) School District Effectiveness is measured in three critical areas: • Student Performance • Program Effectiveness • Data Integrity Using: • Student assessment data • Dropout and graduation data • PEIMS data With these data sources: • Bilingual Education/ELL • Career and Technical Education • No Child Left Behind-Title 1, Part A and Migrant • Special Education H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: Student Assessment: Tutorials Providing Tutorials to CTE Students Pulling Students from CTE classes for Tutorials H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: Teacher Certification Teacher Certification • To be eligible for CTE weighted funding, the teacher of record for each CTE course must be a qualified/certified teacher as defined in 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 231 • Teachers who teach a CTE course that counts towards a student’s graduation requirements must also meet the core academic ‘Highly Qualified’ requirements as defined by No Child Left Behind (NCLB) H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: Campus Bell Schedule Campus Bell Schedule To be eligible for CTE Weighted Funding, the campus bell schedule must be set so that students are receiving an average of 45 minutes (minimum) of contact hours each day for each course (0.5 credit hours) 0.5 Credits/Semester – 225 min./week, 450 min./2 weeks 1.0 Credits/Semester – 450 min./week, 900 min./2 weeks 1.5 Credits/Semester - 750 min./week, 1500 min./2 weeks H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: CTE Student Scheduling CTE Student Scheduling Considerations • CTE Participants – no Plan of Study on file or students take one or more CTE courses in several career clusters and a clear coherent sequence is not evident • CTE Concentrators – take two or more courses (for three or more credits) in a coherent sequence and have a signed Plan of Study on file • Nontraditional Occupations for Males and Females H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: Student Participation Coding Student Participation Coding Description of Student’s CTE Participation CTE Indicator Code • Not enrolled in a CTE course 0 • Enrolled in one CTE course (participant, 6-12) 1 • CTE Coherent Sequence Taker (CTE concentrator, 9-12) 2 H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: Career Preparation and Practicum Career Preparation and Practicum Courses •Career Preparation: Students receive instruction by participating in occupationally specific classroom instruction and ‘PAID’ training site experiences •Practicum: Students receive instruction by participating in occupationally specific classroom instruction and either ‘PAID’ or ‘UNPAID’ training site experiences H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: Scheduling for Career Preparation and Practicum Courses Teacher and Student Scheduling for Career Preparation and Practicum Courses 1.0 Semester Credit Hours – requires the scheduling of two class periods 1.5 Semester Credit Hours – requires the scheduling of three class periods H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: Special Education Students Special Education Students • Coding a special education student with a CTE participation code of 2 requires that the four-year plan be consistent with the ARD/IEP developed for the student* • ARD/IEP meeting attendance is required by a CTE representative when a SPED student is enrolled in a CTE course or the ARD/IEP committee is considering placement of the student in a CTE course* *TAC 75.1023 -Provisions for Individuals who are Members of Special Populations H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: CTED Courses CTED Courses •Any CTE course may be taught as a CTED course, but only students with disabilities in grades 7-12 may enroll in CTED courses •CTED courses: •must be self-contained •serve only special education students (those who would not be able to participate in a regular CTE class) •be taught by a general education certified CTE teacher H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: When A Student is Away CTE contact hours may NOT be claimed when a student receiving CTE services is not able to participate in their regular schedule When to use the CTE Override in Chancery: 1) When a student is placed in a disciplinary setting for more than 5 consecutive days and the same amount and type of CTE services are not able to be provided by a CTE teacher 2) When a student in a special education homebound, hospital class, and/or state supported living center setting is not receiving the same amount and type of CTE services as he/she received previously 3) When a Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) student, also being served in Compensatory Education Home Instruction (CEHI), is not receiving the same amount and type of CTE services as she received previously H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: CTE Budget CTE Budget •Campus-Based Fund 143 should be used solely to support the campus CTE programs Example expenditures: Salaries for full time CTE teachers, subpay when CTE teachers attend training, consumable welding supplies, consumable toner for a CTE printer, travel for CTE students to attend CTE Student Organization (CTSO) in-district events H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Accountability: CTE Audits CTE Department will conduct Student Participation Coding Audits between November 1, 2014 and December 12, 2014. All identified campus corrections will need to be completed by December 19, 2014 H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Other Resources • TAC, §75. Curriculum/Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Provisions for Career and Technical Education • 2014 -2015 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (CTE section – pgs. 159-174) • HISD School Guidelines, 2014-2015 • HISD Data Quality Manual, 2014-2015 H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver Contacts Jennifer Alexander Manager, Multilingual Programs Susan Hurta Sr. Manager for High School , Special Education Amruta Kulkarni Manager, Career & Technical Education Houston Independent School District- 2014 H I S D Becoming #GreatAllOver