Of Mice and Men Vocabulary Journal

Of Mice and Men Vocabulary Journal
For each of the following words, create a journal entry with the following parts: word, part of
speech, definition (as used in context), sentence from book, and page number.
Write a sentence explaining how the word is used in the novella. Is it used to describe a
character or setting? Does it contribute to the events in the plot? Does it further explain a
concept, image, or event?
1. bindle (n)—bag, sack, or bundle, usually of bedding and other possessions, carried by a
“…George unslung his bindle and dropped it gently on the bank” (3).
George is a hobo. He does not have a proper suitcase or backpack, so he ties his
belongings in a bindle.
1. junctures
2. debris
3. mottled
4. recumbent
5. wearily
6. morosely
7. timidly
8. scowled
9. resignedly
10 brusquely
11. imperiously
12. dejectedly
13. scoffed
14. skeptically
15. abruptly
16. mollified
17. pugnacious
18. ominously
19. derogatory
20. plaintively
21. gravity
22. profound
23. complacently
24. derision
25. receptive
26. lynch
27. rheumatism
28. raptly
29. reprehensible
30. reverently
31. bemused
32. poised
33. wryly
34. aloof
35. liniment
36. fawning
37. disarming
38. scornful
39. sullenness
40. contemptuously
41. indignation
42. ego
43. averted
44. crestfallen
45. woe
46. sulkily
47. retorted
48. belligerently
49. monotonous
50. craftily
1. junctures (1) -n- seams; closures
2. debris (1) -n- remains; ruins; wreckage
3. mottled (1) -adj- blotchy; speckled; spotted
4. recumbent (1) -adj- lying down; reclining
5. wearily (1) -adv- tiredly; with exhaustion
6. morosely (4) -adv- drearily; dully
7. timidly (4) -adv- shyly; apprehensively; faintheartedly
8. scowled (4) -v- frowned; glared
9. resignedly (6) -adv- giving up
10 brusquely (9) -adv- harshly; bluntly
11. imperiously (9) -adv- arrogantly; domineeringly
12. dejectedly (10) -adv- with depression; with sadness
13. scoffed (10) -v- insulted; ridiculed
14. skeptically (21) -adv- with doubt; with disbelief
15. abruptly (25) -adv- suddenly; hurriedly
16. mollified (27) -adj- soothed; calmed
17. pugnacious (28) -adj- aggressive; unfriendly; hostile
18. ominously (29) -adv- threateningly; fatefully; forebodingly
19. derogatory (30) -adj- negative; uncomplimentary; unflattering
20. plaintively (32) -adv- sorrowfully; mournfully; pathetically
21. gravity (37) -n- importance; significance
22. profound (37) -adj- deep; heavy; serious; wise
23. complacently (38) -adv- done at ease, unruffled; self-satisfiedly
24. derision (42) -n- hate; arrogance
25. receptive (44) -adj- interested; open-minded
26. lynch (46) -v- to execute; to hang; to string up
27. rheumatism (49) -n- a disease of stiff joints, muscles or bones
28. raptly (64) -adv- attentively; absorbedly; intently
29. reprehensible (64) -adj- shameful; disgraceful; despicable
30. reverently (66) -adv- respectfully
31. bemused (66) -adj- engrossed; enthralled
32. poised (69) -adj- balanced
33. wryly (71) -adv- amusingly; comically; ironically
34. aloof (74) -adj- distant; detached; unapproachable; proud
35. liniment (74) -n- cream; ointment
36. fawning (75) -adj- subservient; groveling; servile
37. disarming (76) -adj- making one helpless or harmless
38. scornful (81) -adj- arrogant; sarcastic
39. sullenness (86) -n- depression; despair; gloom
40. contemptuously (86) -adv- done with hatred
41. indignation (86) -n- resentment; anger
42. ego (89) -n- individuality; personality; self; pride
43. averted (89) -adj- turned away; prevented
44. crestfallen (91) -adj- disappointed; discouraged; unhappy
45. woe (95) -n- sorrow; misery; grief
46. sulkily (104) -adv- marked by depression
47. retorted (112) -v- answered; replied; responded
48. belligerently (112) -adv- aggressively; forwardly
49. monotonous (114) -adj- repetitiously dull
50. craftily (114) -adv- schemingly; slyly; deceptively