SPRING 2014 SYLLABUS PH 111 GENERAL PHYSICS II Instructor: 4 Credit Hours Dr. E. Michonova-Alexova, Text: Physics by Giancoli, 7th Ed. Companion website for 6th Ed.: http://wps.prenhall.com/esm_giancoli_physicsppa_6/ MasteringPhysics website: http://www.masteringphysics.com/ Class page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Erskine-College-General-Physics/205235069566040 Class group on Facebook (closed) https://www.facebook.com/groups/354268921253957 PREREQUISITE PH 110 or an equivalent level course taken elsewhere COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of this course: 1. Students will have improved problem solving skills and estimating skills. 2. Students will be familiar with Physics lab techniques and equipment. 3. Students will be knowledgeable about the basic terminology and methods of physics. 4. Students will know the concepts and be able to solve problems involving the topics listed below. The course supports the mission of Erskine College by encouraging thinking and intellectual curiosity in the area of physics. You will usually work with others on homework and lab assignments. The course should give you an appreciation and a sense of awe for the universe in which we live. Lab reports will develop your writing skills as you present your analyses of lab data. CONTRIBUTION TO EDUCATION MAJORS This course meets the National Science standards by enhancing the student’s understanding for the Biology content area and Chemistry content area. The student’s learning of these topics is assessed through passing the course. Elements of active learning incorporated in this course include working problems in class, working homework problems, collecting and analyzing data during the lab sessions, and performing calculations with the lab data. Elements of reflective teaching incorporated in this class include consideration of the concepts of physics, consideration of how the mathematical equations model the real world, and written lab reports in which the student answers questions reflecting the experiments. HOMEWORK READING SCHEDULE MWF Class meets for lectures. Class READ TOPIC Jan 27 (Mon) 16:1-4 Electric Charge Jan 29 (Wed) 16:5-7 Coulomb’s Law Electrostatics Jan 31 (Fri) 16:8-10 Electric Field Feb 3 (Mon) 17:1-4 Electric Potential & Potential Difference Electric Field Feb 5 (Wed) 17:5-8 Electric Potential, Capacitors Feb 7 (Fri) 17:9-11 Applications Feb 10 (Mon) 18:1-5 Current, Resistance, Ohm’s Law Feb 12 (Wed) 18:6-10 Electric Power, Alternating Current Feb 14 (Fri) 19:1-5 Circuits, EMF, Terminal Voltage Capacitors, Kirchhoff’s Rule Problems Feb 17 (Mon) 19:6-11 Batteries, RC Circuit; Applications Feb 19 (Wed) 20:1-6 Magnetism Earth’s B Field Feb 21 (Fri) 20:7-12 Ampere, Ampere’s Law, Applications Feb 24 (Mon) TEST 1 Chapters 16 – 19 Feb 26 (Wed) 21:1-7 Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s Law, Generators, Transformers, Magnetism Feb 28 (Fri) 21:8-15 Magnetism & AC Circuits Mar 3 (Mon) 22:1-4 Maxwell’s Equations, EM Waves, Speed of Light Mar 5 (Wed) 22:5-8 Light Reflection & Refraction Mar 5 (Wed) 23:1-5 Reflection, Mirrors Mar 7 (Fri) 23:7-10 Thin Lenses , Optics Mar 10 (Mon) 24:1-5 Waves, Huygen’s Principle, Interference Mar 12 (Wed) 24:6-10 Diffraction, Thin Films Mar 14 (Fri) Albert Einstein’s birthday (official Physics holiday; no class) Spring Break March 17 – 21 Mar 24 (Mon) 25:1-6 Camera, Eye, Corrective Lenses , Magnifier, Telescopes Mar 26 (Wed) 25:7-12 Resolution, Microscopes, X-rays, Diffraction Mar 27 (Thu) TEST 2 Chapters 20 – 24 (during the lab period) Mar 28 (Fri) 26:1-4 Special Relativity: Postulates Mar 31 (Mon) 26:5-8 Special Relativity: Time dilation, twin paradox, length contraction, 4D space-time Apr 2 (Wed) 26:1-6 Special Relativity : E=mc2 Apr 4 (Fri) 27:1-5 Quantum Hypothesis, Photoelectric Effect, etc Apr 7 (Mon) 27:6-11 Matter Waves, Atom, Blackbody, Photoelectric Effect, Compton Effect Apr 9 (Wed) 28:1-4 Quantum Mechanics Apr 11 (Fri) 28:5-9 QM Atom, Periodic Table Apr 14 (Mon) 29:1-9 Molecules and Solids Apr 16 (Wed) 30:1-6 Nucleus, Radioactivity, Decays, Half-life Easter Break April 17 – 21 Apr 23 (Wed) 30:7-13 Decay Series, Dating, Detectors Apr 24 (Thu) TEST 3 Chapters 25 – 30 (during the lab period) Apr 25 (Fri) 31:1-5 Nuclear Reactions, Fission Apr 28 (Mon) 31:6-9 Dosimetry, Tracers, NMR Apr 30 (Wed) 32:1-6 Elementary Particles: antiparticles, neutrinos May 2 (Fri) 32:7-12 Unified Theories, String Theories May 5 (Mon) 33:1-4 Astrophysics: Stars and Galaxies; General Relativity, Gravity and the Curvature of Space May 7 (Wed) 33:5-7 Cosmology: The Expanding Universe, the Big Bang May 8 (Thu) CLEMSON UNIVERSITY PLANETARIUM (during the lab period) May 9 (Fri) 33:8-10 Cosmology: Dark Matter and Dark Energy; Large Scale Structure of the Universe May 12 (Mon) FINAL EXAM REVIEW May 14 (Wed) FINAL EXAM REVIEW Final Exam: May 18 Chapters 16-33