ABO Reporting - Transplant Pro


Proposal to Modify ABO

Determination, Reporting, and

Verification Requirements

Operations and Safety Committee

Spring 2015

The Problem

 Accidental ABO incompatible transplants – rare but devastating

 Safety gaps and risk

 Varying requirements and complex language:

 Deceased and living donation

 Candidate and donor

 OPTN and CMS

 Compliance issues

Goal of the Proposal

 Reduce risk of accidental ABO incompatible transplants

 Increase transplant safety

 Improve policy consistency and clarity

 Further align requirements with CMS

How the Proposal will Achieve its Goal

 Address safety gaps

 Provide clarity and consistency in policy

 Further align policies with CMS

 UNet sm changes enhance system safeguards for intentional ABOi transplants

Concerns noted in Public Comment

 OPOs conducting verification at recovery when the intended recipient is not known

 Requiring on-site recovering surgeon to participate in verification

 Additional requirements not needed given infrequency of unintended ABOi transplants

 Proposed policy too prescriptive

 Entire process was redesigned

General Public Comment Themes

 Requests for the following:

 no differences from CMS requirements

 updated templates and electronic solutions

 postpone policy requirements until after ETT (TransNet sm ) implementation

 Concerns about clarity of policy

Substantive ABO Policy Changes

Requirement Current Proposed Align







Two ABO results must be obtained for deceased and living donors

Living donor recovery verification (time out) must be conducted

Deceased donor recovery verification (time out) must be conducted

Living donor recovery verification (time out) must be conducted




Organ check-in

Pre-procedure ABO verification

• Prior to incision

• Prior to recovery

Prior to leaving


• Prior to match run

• Prior to generation of donor ID

Prior to general anesthesia for donor

If organs remain in same OR suite

• Donor and organ info:

All cases

• Recipient info:

When intended recipient is known

If organs remain in same OR facility

All cases

Eliminates verification when leaving donor OR



If organ arrives from different OR suite

If recipient surgery starts prior to organ receipt no rule no rule

ABO Determination: Core Principles

Blood type and subtype results based on two laboratory tests

•Reduce chance of allocation being done on one erroneous lab result

Samples drawn on different occasions. With each collection, a separate patient identification and labeling procedure conducted prior to the blood draw

•Reduce chance of “wrong blood in tube” due to misidentification or label error

ABO Determination:

Changes from current policy

 Remove OPO option to have one blood draw sent to two labs

 Require protocol to have process when ABO primary types do not match

 Exception clause for accelerated deceased donation cases

ABO Determination:


Alignment with CMS







2 Blood types on separate occasions

2 Blood types on separate occasions

2 Blood types on separate occasions

2 Blood types on separate occasions

Blood type must be done not specific

Blood type must be done not specific

ABO Reporting: Core Principles

 Base reports on two lab results

 Use source documents

 Enter reports independently by two different users

 Complete reports before becoming active in OPTN system

ABO Reporting:

Changes from current policy

“Qualified health care professional” must report

 Safer timing

 Exception clause for accelerated deceased donation cases

 Addresses living donor VCA reporting

ABO Reporting: Timing Changes







Prior to

Match Run

Prior to


Prior to generate

Donor ID

Prior to

Active OPTN

Wait List

Before on tx hospital wait list

Before recovery


Before organ recovery

Medical eval prior to donation

ABO Verification (Time Out):

Core Principles

Confirmation of critical information includes surgeon

• Reduce chance of delayed or missed communication

Confirmation done at critical points of hand-off or introduction of risk

• Reduce chance of “wrong patient/wrong organ” and chance for accidental ABOi transplant

Changes will address

FMEA 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7

ABO Verification (Time Out):

Changes from current policy

 Deceased donor: Donor and organ info (All cases)

Recipient info (When the intended recipient is known)

 Living donor: All cases prior to general anesthesia

 Timing and scope safer for all

ABO Verification (Time Out):

Changes from current policy

 Organ Check In

 New

 Conditional: When organ received from outside OR suite

 Pre-Transplant Verification

 New

 Conditional: When surgery starts before organ arrives

ABO Verification (Time Out):

Changes from current policy

 All verification requirements now listed in responsible party policy

 What must verified and what can be used as a verification source put in table format

 Transplant surgeon and licensed health care professional included in pre-transplant verification

ABO Verification: Alignment with CMS





Recipient is

Known: Prior to recovery

If organ in same suite: Before leave room and when enter recipient room


Recipient is

Known: Prior to recovery



All: Prior to general anesthesia

If organ in same facility; Before leave room and when enter recipient room

All: Before removal donor organ


After organ arrival, prior to transplant

After organ arrival, prior to transplant


Liver ABOi


• Add warning

• Address FMEA


Match Run

• Add candidate blood type on view

• Highlight ABO compatibility status with symbol !


• Human factors tool will assist with verifications

Subtype Second

User Verification

• Align programming with current policy

• Program subtype to verified by second user

• Same process as is currently done for primary type

What Members will Need to Do

OPOs and Transplant Hospitals :

Define “qualified health care professional” in protocols and process for resolving primary blood type conflicts

 Be familiar with required verification information and acceptable sources

 OPOs :

 Assure two blood type determination and reports completed before match run

 Conduct deceased donor organ recovery verification

 Rerun match if organ not allocated on initial run or if data are updated/reported

What Members will Need to Do

 Transplant hospitals :

 Conduct living donor organ recovery verification before anesthesia

 Conduct organ check-in when organs arrive from different OR suite

 Conduct pre-procedure verification when surgery starts before organ arrives


 Theresa Daly, MS, FNP

Committee Chair thd9003@nyp.org

 Regional Rep Name

Region X Representative email address

 Susan Tlusty

Committee Liaison susan.tlusty@unos.org

Extras if needed



Never Event





Wrong Organ Arrived

Wrong Organ/Wrong


Not On Match Run

Labeling errors

ABO Testing issues

Communication issues

Changes to ABO data

Top Failure Modes

Number Failure Mode

1 OPO releases organ to recipient not on match run

2 Blood type verification does not occur prior to implantation

3 Candidate erroneously listed as accepting an ABO incompatible (pediatric heart, liver)

4 Wrong organ arrived-not checked at arrival to verify correct organ arrived for the correct potential recipient

5 If intended recipient surgery begins prior to arrival, no requirement for blood source documentation availability to confirm compatibility prior to anesthesia

6 Blood samples are mislabeled (candidate)

7 Verification occurs without both source documents for recipient and donor

8 One blood sample sent and tested twice

9 Only one sample drawn and tested prior to match (no ABO confirmation by second sample)

10 No pre-transfusion specimen is available for testing

11 Blood samples are mislabeled (donor)
