Leona Math PLC Welcome! Please sit at the table designated for your school. Challenge You have the next 5 minutes to correctly identify the meaning of the acronyms and symbols on the paper in front of you. GO! Insert Text Here 0 0 0 45 021345 9876543210 Hours Minutes Seconds Insert Text Here 0 0 0 34 021345 9876543210 Hours Minutes Seconds Insert Text Here 0 0 0 23 021345 9876543210 Hours Minutes Seconds Insert Text Here 0 0 0 12 021345 9876543210 Hours Minutes Seconds Insert Text Here 0 0 0 01 021345 9876543210 Hours Minutes Seconds The Answers Math PLC Goals To create a common understanding and standard for post testing and achievement. To apply new assessment resource tools into our math classes in preparation for the new statewide CCRS assessment. Math PLC Agenda Growth Data Post Test Achievement and Reflection Assessment Resources PARCC Galileo TenMarks Updates and Important Dates Year in Review and Survey ACHIEVEMENT GROWTH Criterion-Referenced Norm-Referenced % Passing AIMS % Growth in comparison to Measuring against the student’s percentile group Measuring Students against Students Standards 2013-2014 Galileo 10 Growth & Achievement Data Growth Reflection Access our google.doc survey at http://tinyurl.com/mathplcdata5914 What system trend do you notice in the data across the schools? Give a valid reason for why this might be the case. All TLG Schools 60.0 48.3 50.0 46.2 45.5 42.5 41.9 41.5 44.7 40.0 34.3 30.1 27.6 30.0 22.8 23.2 23.9 20.0 10.0 0.0 CCSS CCSS CCSS CCSS CCSS Geometry Geometry Geometry Geometry Algebra 2A Algebra 2A Algebra 2B Algebra 2B Algebra 1A Algebra 1A Algebra 1B Algebra 1B Algebra 1C A B2 A B3 B B2 B B3 B2 B3 B2 B3 B2 B3 B2 B3 B3 All TLG Schools What do you notice in the data between course averages? Give a valid reason for why this might be the case. What do you notice in the Algebra 1 data between course averages? Give a valid reason for why this might be the case. What do you notice in the Geometry data between course averages? Give a valid reason for why this might be the case. What do you notice in the Algebra 2 data between course averages? Give a valid reason for why this might be the case. Achievement Reflection Access our google.doc survey at http://tinyurl.com/mathplcdata5914 What do you notice in the data between course averages? Give a valid reason for why this might be the case. Based on your data observations, what recommendations do you have for Leona as a system? What would be appropriate FAME cut scores for a Post Test? Should it differ for each test? What’s in a Grade? Final Exams and Final Grade is there a Correlation? Why does it matter? – AZCCRS Assessment System – Accountability – Validity What does it look like in your classes? Personal Achievement Reflection Set the Final Exam FAME Range – – – – FFB Approach Meets Exceeds Using your final grades for a single course and that course’s post test results: – Complete the table on your handout so that each student’s final grade is categorized by their Galileo post test score using the ranges given above. Personal Achievement Reflection Access our google.doc survey at http://tinyurl.com/mathplcdata5914 What trends and outliers exist in the correlation between post-test achievement and the final grades give? What grading/classroom policies need to be changed in order to help align these scores? New Assessment Resources Common Core Alignment Varied Assessment Methods Interactive Item Formats 2013-2014 3-Act Lessons What do you see? What questions do you have? What do you need to know? 101 Questions Steve LeinwandCCSS Math Instruction Desmos Learnzillion Steve Leinwand Elaine’s Space Math Aracely’s Objective Journals Effective 7-12 Math Support Remembering How vs. Understanding Why Chris Shore’s Math Success - Math Projects Journal Formative Assessments Galileo for AIMS Success Rigor PARCC Sample Tests Galileo PARCC Practice Ten Marks Coming up May 29th WPHS, 8:00 am to 3 pm Sign Up NOW!!!!