Lauren Becker AP English 4 4/1/14 Critical Theory Essay Hamlet and Oedipus: Part Two Hamlet is a literary work that has been referred to a countless number of times throughout history. This is because there are so many things one can say about Hamlet. I have my own opinions about Hamlet, the character, from the psychoanalytical perspective. I believe that OVERGENERAL—STAY SPECIFIC ESPECIALLY IN YOUR FIRST SENTENCES AND DRAW THE READER IN. Hamlet had a repressed desire to kill his father and be with his mother. This desire, also known as the Oedipus complex from Freud, was repressed because Hamlet knew that he shouldn’t have those feelings toward his mother because it was very inappropriate. However, those repressed thoughts and urges were brought forth when Hamlet saw Claudius fulfill the wants of his repressed desires. This caused Hamlet to have hesitation in killing Claudius because, then, he identified with Claudius. These aspects are shown in several parts of the play. I believe Hamlet had a large Oedipus complex, a repressed desire to kill his father and take his place at his mother’s side ("Dr. Freud's Hamlet.") (Brill). This is shown when Hamlet yells at Gertrude, “You are the Queen, your husband’s brother’s wife, and-would it were not soyou are my mother” (Shakespeare 72). The fact that Hamlet brings the situation up shows that Hamlet is upset with his mother for marrying his uncle. However, it’s weird to randomly bring the situation up in that manner,SUPPORT OR OMIT the way he inverts the phrase bringing up the fact that’s she’s been married twice and then bringing up that she’s his mother, C bringing the twice married situation up shows that Hamlet has an odd fascination with Gertrude’s sex life, which is not normal and is part of his Oedipus complex. WHERE ELSE IN THE TEXT DO YOU SEE EVIDENCE OF THIS? BRING ALL THE WORDS/SCENES THAT SHOW THIS. The reason Hamlet was so upset with his mother was because he wanted to have her, not Claudius ("Dr. Freud's Hamlet.") (Brill) (Jones 50) (Jones 93) (“Hamlet’s Oedipus Complex . . . .”). That fact explains what happens in the rest of the play. STAY SPECIFIC WITH LANGUAGE. SEE IF YOU CAN REVISE TO ELIMINATE PHRASES LIKE “THE REASON” AND “THE FACT” AND “THIS SHOWS” I also adhere to the belief that the reason for Hamlet’s thoughts to be repressed was that he knew that it was inappropriate to want to take his father’s place by killing him, and have his mother all to himself. Nevertheless, Hamlet still had these urges. This causes a lot of frustration in Hamlet and comes out in anger with Gertrude. For example, when they were in Gertrude’s closet after Hamlet killed Polonius, “A bloody deed. Almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king and marry with his brother” (Shakespeare 73). C In this scene Hamlet used killing as an example to show anger at his mother for her actions, telling his mother that the fact she killed her husband in order to marry his brother is as bad as Hamlet killing someone in cold blood, without even knowing who it is he’s killing. The anger, towards his mother, in Hamlet is present because he has desires for Gertrude and he knows he shouldn’t want that. Therefore he takes his frustration, his inner feelings and the code of social conduct conflicting, out on her and keeps his actual feelings for his mother repressed (Jones 89) (“Hamlet’s Oedipus Complex . . . .”). In the end, I believe that Claudius did what Hamlet repressed desires wanted, thus is bringing the desires to the front of Hamlet’s mind. This made Hamlet identify with Claudius because Claudius did exactly what Hamlet wanted to do. This caused Hamlet to have hesitation when killing Claudius because Hamlet was going to kill Claudius for doing exactly what he wanted to do. GETTING A BIT REPETITIVE HERE. SAY IT ONCE AND GET OUT. This comes out when the ghost enters and only Hamlet sees him, “Queen: ‘To whom do you speak this?’ Hamlet: ‘Do you see nothing there?’ Queen: ‘Nothing at all, yet all that is I see’ Hamlet: ‘Nor did you noting hear?’ Queen: ‘No, nothing but ourselves’” (Shakespeare 76).<-IF QUOTATION ON LY SHOWS HAMLET ONLY SEES THE GHOST, YOU’VE ALREADY SAID THIS Only Hamlet saw the ghost because the ghost is Hamlet’s manifestation of his repressed desires to be with his mother. The ghost told Hamlet to kill Claudius because Claudius was restricting Hamlet from doing that (" Seitenlicht"). Claudius has lived out Hamlet’s repressed desires to kill his father and marry his mother (Jones 99) (“Hamlet’s Oedipus Complex . . . .”). Thus, Hamlet identified with Claudius because of what Claudius did, and he hesitated to kill him, even though the ghost, which was his repressed feelings, ordered him to do so ("Dr. Freud's Hamlet.") (Brill) (Jones 101) (“Hamlet’s Oedipus Complex . . . .”) . Therefore, I believe that Hamlet had an Oedipus complex that controlled a lot of his actions. However, his Oedipus complex, or his desire, was repressed because Hamlet knew that it was irresponsible and irrational to do those things or want those things. These repressed thoughts were center stage when Hamlet watched Claudius do what his repressed desires wanted to do. This caused Hamlet to identify with Claudius, which was why he hesitated to kill Claudius, and the talk of killing Claudius spanned almost the entire play. LAUREN; YOU SUM UP VERY WELL IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH YOUR CENTRAL CLAIM, THE CAUSE AND EFFECT OF HAMLET’S OEDIPUS COMPLEX. FOR REVISION, MAKE SURE YOUR BODY PARAGRAPHS FOCUS MORE ON EVIDENCE. BEING EVERY, AND I MEAN EVERY, EXAMPLE FROM THE TEXT THAT REVEALS, COMPLICATES OR CHALLENGES THIS CLAIM. IN PLACES YOU ARE SIMPLY RESTATING YOUR CLAIM, BUT YOU TAKE CARE OF THIS NEED IN THAT 1ST PARAGRAPH. LOOSEN UP AND SPEAK MORE TO THE EVIDENCE AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF YOUR CLAIM. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO RECOGNIZE THIS CONFLICT IN HAMLET? Works Cited Brill, A.A. “The Interpretation of Dreams.” On Repression in Hamlet. N/a. Web. 8 April 2014. "Dr. Freud's Hamlet." Dr. Freud's Hamlet. N/a., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. "Hamlet's Oedipus Complex According to Ernest Jones." Hamlet's Oedipus Complex According to Ernest Jones. Shakespeare Navigators, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. Jones, Ernest. Hamlet and Oedipus. New York City: W. W. Norton & Company Inc., 1976. Print. " Seitenlicht." Critical View on Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Reading of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. N/a., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2014.