Makers of America: The Plains Indians

Caroline Chen
Period 6
Chapter #23 Identifications
Thomas Nast
Thomas Nast was an American cartoonist. He drew political cartoons during the Gilded Age,
exposing much of the political corruption of the time. He was called the "Father of Political
Cartooning". His biggest accomplishment was his exposing of Boss Tweed.
Horace Greely
Horace Greely was the founder of the Republican party and a lead reformer during the Gilded
Age. He was the editor of "The New York Tribune" and supported many reform and antislavery movements
Roscoe Conkling
Roscoe Conkling was a corrupt politician from New York. He was in the House of
Representatives and Senate and later became the leader of the Republican Stalwarts. He was
very against civil service reforms and supported the spoils system
James G. Blaine
James G. Blaine was a U.S. Representative as Speaker of the House. He was the U.S. Senator
for Main and Secretary of State twice. He funded Bates College and passed the Blaine
Amendments. He later became the leader of the Republican Half-Breeds.
Samuel Tilden
Samuel Tilden was nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate for the election of
Charles J. Guiteau
Charles J. Guiteau was a U.S. attorney who was a part of the Stalwart Party. He assassinated
President James A. Garfield but made people think Conkling was the culprit.
Hard or Sound Money
This was a species of money that was the metallic form of money. It was supported by wealthy
people because it would keep inflation rates down and make the rich's money worth more in
value. In contrast, soft money would create inflation and make it easier for debtors to pay their
Gilded Age
The Gilded Age was a time during the 19th century, when several corporations caused
corruption in politics and economics. The term was coined by Mark Twain, who came up with
it when describing that it looked good on the surface, but the corruption and poverty were
shown right under the surface.
The Bloody-Shirt was a tactic used by Grant in his presidential campaign. During his
campaign, Grant continuously reminded the people that he was a big reason of the Civil War
Caroline Chen
Period 6
victory. He kept provoking these emotions so that people would remember him as a hero and
therefore vote him into office.
Tweed Ring
The Tweed Ring was a part of New York City's Tammany Hall that was corrupt. It was led by
Boss Tweed and acted as a political machine in obtaining votes. It was ended by Samuel
Tilden when he reconstructed the area.
Credit Mobilier Scandal
The Credit Mobilier Scandal was the overcharging of building railroads to the U.S.
government. It was discovered that several high government officials took bribes from the
railroad company to overcharge the government so that the officials could keep some of that
excess money.
Whiskey Ring
The Whiskey Ring was the stealing of millions from the National Treasury by Grant's
administration to purchase and import whiskey. Grant said "let no guilty man escape", yet
pardoned his guilty secretary.
Resumption Act
The Resumption Act was an act passed by Congress in 1875. It promised to eliminate all
"greenbacks" to bring up the value of "hard money". Its goal was to prevent a second Panic of
1873 and went into effect in 1879.
Crime of '73
This was actually the Fourth Coinage Act of 1873, which said that silver would no longer be
used as a species of money. It made gold really valuable, but it made miners angry, so they
called it the Crime of '73
Bland-Allison Act
The Bland-Allison Act was passed in 1878 and said that silver could now be used as money
again. It was used to counter the Fourth Coinage Act because it devalued silver and made gold
the only valuable metal on the market.
The Half-Breed was one of the divisions of the Republican Party. It was led by James G.
Blaine and supported by Rutherford B. Hayes. This party supported civil service reform and
the ending of Reconstruction.
Compromise of 1877
The Compromise of 1877 between the Republicans and Democrats said that the Democrats
would vote in Hayes, a Republican, if he removes troops from the South once he takes office.
At the other end, the Republicans had to support the Democrats in a bill that would subsidize
Texas for the construction of a railroad in the South.
Caroline Chen
Period 6
Civil Service Reform
The Civil Service Reform was a convention of Liberal Republicans in Cincinatti in 1872.
They were against the Republicans' policies on the South and nominated Horace Greeley for
Pendleton Act
The Pendleton Act was passed in 1883 and implemented the placement of employees
according to merit and skill, and not by relations with higher ranking employers. It was
supported by President Arthur and created a 3-member Civil Service Commission.
"Billion Dollar" Congress
The Billion Dollar Congress was the 51st Congress that had a billion dollar budget, a surplus.
They passed the Pension Act of 1890, which gave pensions to most of the Union Civil War
veterans. This solved the "problem" of budget surplus.
Chapter #23.1 Guided Reading Questions
The "Bloody Shirt" Elects Grant
Ulysses S. Grant, Ohio Idea, Repudiation, Horatio Seymour, Bloody Shirt
1 Was General Grant good presidential material? Why did he win?
General Grant was not good presidential material because he had never had any political or law
experience. However, he won through his "bloody-shirt" tactic, in which he continuously reminded
the North of this Civil War victories, which made him really popular with the North. Also, Seymour
became unpopular when he said he was against eliminating "greenbacks".
The Era of Good Stealings
Jim Fisk, Jay Gould, Black Friday, Boss Tweed, Graft, Thomas Nast, Samuel J.
"The Man in the Moon...had to hold his nose when passing over America." Explain.
This phrase was used to imply that America was filled with corruption. The corruption was the
"stink" in America and referred to the scandals, spoils system, and scams of the century.
A Carnival of Corruption
Credit Mobilier, Whiskey Ring, William Belknap
Describe two major scandals that directly involved the Grant administration.
The Credit Mobilier was a scandal by the Union Pacific Railroad Company. This company bribed
government officials into letting them overcharge the government for railroad construction. The
company would then give some of the money to the officials. The Whiskey Ring was the stealing of
millions from the National Treasury by Grant's administration to purchase and import whiskey.
Even though Grant said "Let no guilty man escape", he pardoned his secretary, who was guilty.
Caroline Chen
Period 6
The Liberal Republican Revolt of 1872
Liberal Republicans, Horace Greeley
Why did Liberal Republicans nominate Horace Greeley for the presidency in 1872? Why
was he a less than ideal candidate?
The Liberal Republicans nominated Horace Greeley for the presidential election of 1872 because
they didn't want any more Reconstruction, which Grant supported. However, Greeley was less than
ideal because he criticized the Democrats, putting him in a bad position.
Depression and Demands for Inflation
Panic of 1873, Greenbacks, Hard-money, Crime of '73, Contraction, Soft-money,
Bland-Allison Act
Why did some people want greenbacks and silver dollars? Why did others oppose these
kinds of currency?
Some people wanted greenbacks and silver dollars because the usage of these would cause inflation,
which would make it easier for debtors to pay off their debts. The wealthy did not favor this because
with the usage of greenbacks and the silver dollar, their money would be worth less and the money
owed to them would also be worth less than the original value.
Pallid Politics in the Gilded Age
Gilded Age, Grand Army of the Republic, Stalwarts, Roscoe Conkling, Half-Breeds,
James G. Blaine
Why was there such fierce competition between Democrats and Republicans in the Gilded
Age if the parties agreed on most economic issues?
The Democrats and Republicans were still at edge because of sectionalism. Especially after the
Civil War, the North and South were still pitted against each other. The differing views on
Reconstruction also got in the way.
The Hayes-Tilden Standoff, 1876
Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel J. Tilden
Why were the results of the 1876 election in doubt?
The results of the election of 1876 were in doubt because Tilden only needed 1 more electoral vote
to win presidency. The determining states were Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida. Each state
had 2 votes, and a tie was found between the 2 candidates. Usually, the vote would go to the Senate
or the Speaker of the House, but both candidates were allied with one.
The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction
Compromise of 1877, Electoral Count Act, David Davis, Civil Rights Cases
How did the end of Reconstruction affect African-Americans?
After Reconstruction ended, African Americans were "equal" but not equal. They could vote, but
were prevented from doing so by intimidation from whites. Jim Crow laws were often used to
discriminate against blacks, and blacks were financially deprived, resulting in their sharecropping,
which is just another form of slavery.
Caroline Chen
Period 6
Chapter #26.1 The Great West Big Picture Themes
1. Native Americans out West faced two options: agree to settle on a reservation or fight the
U.S. Army as “hostiles.” Some chose reservations, others to fight, but all were cleared out. .
Chapter #26.1 Identifications
Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull was an inspiring man who led his people to go against the U.S. government
George A. Custer
George A. Custer was once great but was later made into a colonel. He also led an expedition
into the Sioux reservation and stated that he found gold.
Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph surrendered his band of Indians after attempting to travel towards Canada. He
later tried to be on equal terms with Sitting Bull.
Sioux Wars
The Sioux Wars all started when there was an attack at Fort Laramie. Following this was a
series of attacks between U.S. and the Native Americans.
Ghost Dance
The Ghost Dance would get fellow Native Americans to get together. The dance was said to
get rid of the white men and bring back the buffalo along with their old culture.
Dawes Severalty Act
The Dawes Severalty Act stated that the lands set aside for the Indians were allotted to
individual families rather than to tribes.
Battle of Wounded Knee
The Battle of Wounded Knee is where the Ghost Dance was rebuked and many Indians and
soldiers were killed.
Chapter # 26.1 Guided Reading Questions
The Clash of Cultures on the Plain
Know: Indian Territory, Sioux, Great Sioux Reservation, Tenth Cavalry
1. Describe the effect of westward expansion on Native Americans.
White men attempted to expand into the West by invading Indian Territory. They faced the Sioux
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Period 6
who had transformed from foot-traveling, crop growing villagers into advanced buffalo hunters and
nomadic traders. The government forced these Native Americans into small territory, mostly the
Great Sioux Reservation. The Tenth Cavalry served to fight during the Indian Wars.
Receding Native Americans
Know: George Armstrong Custer, Bozeman Trail, Sitting Bull, Battle of Little Big Horn, Chief
Joseph, Geronimo
2. How was the West "won?"
The Sioux party’s attempt to block the construction of the Bozeman Trail started the war. George
Armstrong Custer who was famous during the Civil War was demoted to colonel but led an
expedition in which he claimed to have found gold. The Battle of Little Big Horn was where the
Seventh Cavalry was attacked to nothing. Chief Joseph surrendered his band of Indians and hoped
to come to agreement with Sitting Bull. Geronimo led the Fierce Apache tribe but were put down
by the white men.
Bellowing Herds of Bison
Know: Buffalo Bill Cody
How were the Buffalo reduced from 15 million to less than a thousand?
The Buffalo’s number was reduced dramatically because of the arrival of white Americans on
Indian territory. The buffalo provided the necessities for Native Americans. However, after the
expansion of railroads, the killing of buffalo increased. Buffalo Bill Cody killed multitudes of
animals. Buffalo was hunted the most because of the highly valued hide and tongue. The rest of
their corpses was left to rot.
The End of the Trail
Know: Helen Hunt Jackson, Ghost Dance, Battle of Wounded Knee, Dawes Act, Carlisle Indian
School, Indian Reorganization Act
What did the government do to try to assimilate Native Americans?
Awareness of the cruel treatment of Native Americans were apparent after the publishing of Helen
Hunt Jackson’s book. The Ghost Dance was the Indians’ way of getting rid of white men and
bringing back the buffalo. This was stamped out during the Battle of Wounded Knee. Afterwards,
the Dawes Act allotted lands to individual families rather than the tribes. Education such as the
English language and white values were taught at the Carlisle Indian School. The Reorganization
Act attempted to bring back the Native Americans’ old ways.
Mining: From Dishpan to Ore Breaker
Know: Pike's Peak, Comstock Lode, Silver Senators
How did the discovery of precious metals affect the American West?
Many fifty-niners rushed to the Rockies in search of these precious metals. Pike’s Peak or Bust
would be inscribed on many of their wagons. In places like Comstock Lode, plenty of gold and
silver were discovered. This, in effect, attracted many pioneers, bringing labor and wealth into the
West. There was an outpouring of silver and gold and the interests of silver miners were promoted
by people known as Silver Senators.
Caroline Chen
Period 6
Makers of America: The Plains Indians
How was the cu1lture of the Plains Indians shaped by white people?
The women were excellent farmers who could grow plentiful crops and vegetables. Men were sent
to the outside where they would hunt for buffalo and obtain the source of clothing and food. Horses
enabled the Plains Indians to travel better and create them into hunting machines. This also
stimulated competition between other tribes for necessities.
Beef Bonanzas and the Long Drive
Know: Long Drive, Wild Bill Hickok
Why was cattle ranching so profitable in the 1870's?
Texas contained many cattle that could be profitable by their hide. At first, their meat could not be
beneficial because there was no way of transportation but this was fixed with the expansion of
railroads. The Long Drive was Texan cowboys who would take herds to railroad terminals. Order
at Abilene was held by Wild Bill Hickok. He was passive and would not attack unless for selfdefense.
The Farmers’ Frontier
Know: Homestead Act, Great American Desert, John Wesley Powell, Joseph F. Glidden
Did the Homestead Act live up to its purpose of giving small farmers a descent life on the
The Homestead Act gave lots of land to settlers on the conditions that they pay the government a fee
and live on it for a few years. Agricultural opportunities opened up when the Northern Pacific
Railroad shattered the myth of the Great American Desert. John Wesley Powell was one of many
men who thought that places with high rainfall were impossible to irrigate successfully. Joseph F.
Glidden perfected barbed wires, solving the problem of how to build fences on treeless prairies.
The Far West Comes of Age
Know: Boomers, Sooners, 1890, Frederick Jackson Turner, Yellowstone
What were some milestones in the “closing” of the West?
Six new states were admitted so that more votes would be sent to the Republican side. However,
sooners entered Oklahoma Territory and boomers entered when it was opened. Yellowstone was the
first national park opened by the government. Later, Yosemite and Sequoia were opened in 1890.
Frederick Jackson Turner discussed the closing of the frontier in one of his writings.
The Fading Frontier
Know: Francis Parkman, George Catlin, Frederic Remington
What effects has the frontier had on the development of the United States?
Frontiers helped start the civilization of the unconquered lands of the U.S. Francis Parkman and
Mark Twain were few American writers who will forever be remembered for the great works
that they created. George Catlin and Frederic Remington are the few painters who helped with
the pioneer movement and help settlers decide to move to the West for new opportunities of
Caroline Chen
Period 6
Chapter #24: Industry Comes of Age – Big Picture Themes
1. Before the Civil War, railroads had become important. After the war, railroads boomed and
were critical to the nation. Railroads, along with steel, were to be the skeleton on which the
nation’s economy would be built.
2. A class of millionaires emerged for the first time ever. Tycoons like Carnegie and
Rockefeller made fortunes. This type of wealth was championed by “Social Darwinism”
where the strong win in business.
3. Unfortunately, many of the mega-industries, like railroads, grew at the expense of the “little
man’s” interest. As businesses, they were out to make money, and they did. But the working
man cried foul.
4. To right these wrongs, the beginnings of anti-trusts began (to bust the monopolies) and
organized labor got a jumpstart (although they were still rather ineffective).
Chapter #24: Identifications
Government Subsidies
Government subsidies were the huge loans and grants given by the government to railroad
companies to build more and larger railroads.
Transcontinental Railroad
The Transcontinental Railroad was the revolutionary railroad that stretched from coast to
coast. It connected the eastern railroad to California's railroad at Promontory, Utah, in 1869. It
made transportation and communication much easier, but also took land away from the Native
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Cornelius Vanderbilt was the robber baron of the east in the late 1800s. He controlled about
4500 miles of steel railroad, worth millions, from New York City to the Great Lakes, where
his railroad met the California railroad owned by Stanford. His nickname was "Commodore".
Jay Gould
Jay Gould was one of the robber barons who inflated his profit by selling bonds worth more
than his product. Early in his career, he was involved with Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed.
He tried to corner the gold market and was exposed, damaging his reputation. He later took
control of the Western railroads.
Interstate Commerce Commission
The Interstate Commerce Commission enforced the Interstate Commerce of 1887,which stated
that railroads have to publish their rates, cannot discriminate against shippers, and cannot
charge more for a short run than a long run. This was the first instance that government
interfered with business.
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Period 6
Vertical Integration
Vertical Integration is the control of an entire industry by controlling all aspects of the
production, from raw material to distribution.
Horizontal Integration
Horizontal Integration is the monopoly of an industry by joining or squashing out competitors
of the same industry. It was used by John D. Rockefeller in the oil industry and was the reason
for his wealth.
Trusts are the combinations of several companies within the same industry to create a
monopoly and compete and eventually squash out other businesses.
J.P. Morgan
J.P. Morgan was a financial giant during his time, when he made it big through the banks. He
brought Andrew Carnegie's steel company for 400 million dollars. He refinanced the railroads
during the depression of 1983 and bought stocks in the competing railroads.
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was a law originally intended by the Congress to control various
monopolies, but ended up working against labor unions. It was signed in 1890 by President
Harrison and often used later by President Theodore Roosevelt.
Yellow Dog Contracts
Yellow Dog Contracts were also called Ironclad Oaths, and they were contracts between an
employer and a laborer that stated the laborer could only hold the job if he agreed to not join a
labor union. It was used by many corporations to prevent workers from protesting against
harsh conditions.
Blacklists were lists of workers that protested or were unruly. They were circulated around
corporations so that the corporations knew which people not to hire, preventing more labor
unions from rising.
Haymarket Square incident
The Haymarket Square incident was the riot of 100,000 workers in Haymarket Square,
Chicago, where the workers protested against police brutality. One of the immigrant workers
set off a bomb that killed several police officers. The event triggered anti-immigrant feelings
because the workers were immigrants.
Caroline Chen
Period 6
Chapter #24 Guided Reading Questions
The Iron Colt Becomes an Iron Horse
Know: Land grants
What were the advantages and disadvantages of government subsidies for the railroads?
The disadvantages of the government subsidies for railroads were that the land was already paid for
by citizens, but people had to pay more money for any land bought from railroads. The railroad
companies would also hold onto the land until they mapped out where the tracks would be laid. The
advantages were that it was a "cheap" way to create better and faster communication and
Spanning the Continent with Rails
Know: Union Pacific, Central Pacific, Paddies, Leland Stanford
Describe how the first transcontinental railroad was built.
The Central Pacific Railroad Company started at Sacramento, California and went east across the
Sierra Nevada and Rockies, while the Union Pacific Railroad was built from the Missouri River
area and went west. The two tracks met in Promontory, Utah in 1869.
Binding the Country with Railroad Ties
Know: The Great Northern, James J. Hill
Explain how the railroads could help or hurt Americans.
The railroads helped Americans because it increased and improved transportation and
communication, allowed people to move West, and allowed trade with Asia. However, it hurt
Americans because railroad construction was dangerous and took many lives, and was filled with
corruption that hurt the American economy, which was controlled by a few millionaires.
Railroad Consolidation and Mechanization
Know: Cornelius Vanderbilt, Pullman Cars
What technological improvements helped railroads?
The improvement of steel production helped railroads because they were more economic and were
stronger than traditional iron rails. The standard gauge of track reduced the number of car changes,
and the Westinghouse air brake increased safety. The Pullman Cars reduced the time needed to
move across a railroad during its construction.
Revolution by Railways
Know: Time Zones
What effects did the railroads have on America as a whole?
Railroads created a new market for the economy for raw materials and manufactured goods. It
stimulated the economy and urbanization, increased transportation and communication, and created
more millionaires.
Wrongdoing in Railroading
Know: Jay Gould, Stock Watering, Pools
What wrongdoing were railroads guilty of?
Caroline Chen
Period 6
The railroads were guilty of stock watering, which allowed stock promoters to inflate the railroad
quality claims and profit more out of the railroads actual value. The companies were also guilty of
bribing Congressmen and important people to overcharge the government so that they could have
more money.
Government Bridles the Iron Horse
Know: Wabash, Interstate Commerce Commission
Was the Interstate Commerce Act an important piece of legislation?
The Interstate Commerce Act was important because it stopped rebates and pools and required
railroads to publish their rates, preventing unnecessary overcharging of farmers. It was the first time
the federal government tried to interfere with businesses, and created the Interstate Commerce
Commission to regulate railroad business.
Miracles of Mechanization
Know: Mesabi Range, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison
What factors made industrial expansion possible?
Some of the factors that made industrial expansion possible were the abundant liquid capital, natural
resources (oil, coal), immigrants that provided cheap and expendable labor, and railroads that
provided better and faster transportation of raw materials.
The Trust Titan Emerges
Know: Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Vertical Integration, Horizontal
Integration, Trust, Interlocking Directorate
How did businesses organize to try to maximize profits?
Businesses maximized profits by using horizontal integration and creating a monopoly, using trusts
by combining with other businesses to drive out other competitors, and using interlocking
directorates by buying out competing director boards.
The Supremacy of Steel
Know: Heavy Industry, Capital Goods, Consumer Goods, Bessemer Process
Why was steel so important for industrialization?
Steel was important because it created a new market of raw materials and allowed for the making of
skyscrapers and railroads, increasing transportation. It pushed the dominance of the heavy industry
and concentrated on making capital goods, instead of consumer goods (textile, etc.).
Carnegie and Other Sultans of Steel
Know: Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan
Briefly describe the careers of Andrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan.
Andrew Carnegie entered the steel business and made money off of Henry Bessemer's steel. By
1900, he was producing 25% of the nation's steel. J.P. Morgan was a big banker and refinanced
railroads, insurances, and other banks. He bought Carnegie's business for 400 million dollars, and
then went on to buy other businesses, becoming the first billionaire in history.
Caroline Chen
Period 6
Rockefeller Grows an American Beauty Rose
Know: Kerosene
How was John D. Rockefeller able to become so wealthy?
John D. Rockefeller owned the Standard Oil Company of Ohio. He heavily employed in horizontal
integration and trusts, and used them to monopolize the entire oil industry, propelling himself to the
top of the chain.
The Gospel of Wealth
Know: Social Darwinism
How did the wealthy justify their wealth?
The wealthy justified their wealth with the theories of Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest) and
the Gospel of the Wealth (similar to divine rights).
Government Tackles the Trust Evil
Know: Sherman Anti-Trust Act
What two methods were tried by those who opposed the trusts?
Those who opposed the trusts formed labor unions and strikes. However they were not very
effective because many immigrants provided cheap labor as replacements to the strikers.
The South in the Age of Industry
How successful were Southerners at industrializing?
The Southerners were not that successful at industrializing because they were limited by Northerner
industrialists, but they were successful in getting goods and the invention of the machine that makes
The Impact of the New Industrial Revolution on America
Describe the positive and negative effects of the industrial revolution on working
The industrial revolution's positive effects were farmers becoming a group of wage earners, women
gaining more independence, and increased transportation and urbanization. The negative effects of
the industrial revolution were poor living and working conditions, corruption in economics and
politics, and widened social class divisions.
In Unions There is Strength
Know: Scabs, Lock-out, Yellow-dog Contract, Black List, Company Town
What conditions existed in America that led Jay Gould to say, "I can hire one half of the
working class to kill the other half"?
The conditions in America that led Jay Gould to say that were that job security was low, wages
were low, and everyone was always looking for jobs to support their families. Those on strike were
easily replaced by another working class, who would take whatever money they can.
Labor Limps Along
Know: National Labor Union, Knights of Labor
Explain the similarities and differences between the National Labor Union and the Knights
of Labor.
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Period 6
The National Labor Union included all people of the lower class except for the Chinese, and they
didn't really support the women and the blacks. The Knights of Labor was a secret society created in
1869 that included all lower class workers except for "nonproducers". Their goal was economic and
social reform, safety and health codes, and shorter workdays. They also looked down on industrial
warfare or competition.
Unhorsing the Knights of Labor
Know: Haymarket Square
What factors led to the decline of the Knights of Labor?
The Knights of Labor participated in many failed May Day Strikes of 1886. They were accidentally
involved in the Haymarket Square Incident, which happened coincidentally with anarchists. They
included both skilled and unskilled workers, which made their goal vague.
The AF of L to the Fore
Know: American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, Closed Shop
How was the AFL different from previous unions?
The American Federation of Labor was different from previous unions in that it focused on skilled
workers and not political organizations. Instead, it focused on wages, working hours, safety issues,
bargaining agreements, and better working conditions.
Makers of America: The Knights of Labor
Mother Jones, Terence Powderly
Were the Knights conservative or revolutionary in their ideas?
The Knights were relatively conservative in their ideas. They barred the Chinese and lawyers from
joining. They fought against wage-slavery and for cooperative commonwealth. We can see that they
were not revolutionary because the group declined in the 1890s.
Varying Viewpoints: Industrialization: Boon or Blight
To what degree is it possible for common people to improve their status in industrial
Industrial America brought both advantages and disadvantages. The Industrial Revolution
brought better transportation and wealth for some, while worsened living and working
conditions, as well as financial situations for the working class.
Chapter #25: America Moves to the City – Big Picture Themes
1. Cities grew because factories grew. The Industrial Revolution kicked into gear in America
in the late 1800s and factories needed workers, so people flocked to the cities.
2. Problems arose as cities boomed. The problems included: exploitation of immigrant
laborers, poor/unhealthy work conditions, over-crowdedness and sanitation problems,
corrupton, and “nativism” (anti-immigrant feelings).
3. Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. DuBois were the top black leaders. They disagreed on
how to help blacks—Washington encouraged blacks to obtain a practical skill at a trade
school, DuBois encouraged blacks to study anything they wished, even academic subjects.
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4. The roles of women began to change, if only slightly. More women worked, though most were
still at home. The “new woman” was idealized by the althletic, outgoing “Gibson Girl.”
Chapter #25 Identifications
Florence Kelley
Florence Kelley was a middle-class woman who dedicated herself to improving the urban
masses. She was one of the first generation to be educated at a college and founded the Hull
House in Chicago in 1889 as settlement homes and for the immigrants. She condemned war
and poverty, and won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.
Mary Baker Eddy
Mary Baker Eddy founded the Church of Christ in 1879. She believed in spiritual healing, that
true Christianity would heal all sickness. She wrote the Church of Christ's fundamental
doctrine, called the "Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures".
William James
William James was a philosopher who worked in Harvard. He wrote "Principles of
Psychology", "The Will to Believe", "Varieties of Religious Experience", and "Pragmatism".
James and his books contributed to what is modern philosophy and psychology.
Henry George
Henry George was a journalist and controversial reformer. He wrote the book "Progress and
Poverty" and believed the growing population and definite amount of land increased land
value, and that a tax on land would balance out economic inequalities.
Horatio Alger
Horatio Alger was a writer raised in New England in a Puritan background. He wrote more
than one hundred volumes about juvenile fiction and sold over 1 million copies. He believed
that success and wealth is caused by good morals and actions.
Mark Twain
Mark Twain was a Missouri-born author who gained fame through his book "The Celebrated
Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" in 1867. In 1873 he teamed up with Charles Dudley
Warner to write "The Gilded Age", which became the name of the time period. He wrote "The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" in 1884. He was a writer who included humor in his writing
to entertain his readers. His real name was Samuel L. Clemens.
Also called antiforeignism, nativism was the belief that immigrants are bad and should be
treated badly by those already in America.
Philanthropy were education boosts by large donations from industrial giants (often
Caroline Chen
Period 6
Social Gospel
Social Gospel was the belief that Christianity would lead to socialism, and was preached by
Gladden and Rauschenbusch. It advocated social issue attacks.
Settlement House
Settlement Houses were places for women to express their beliefs. Here, women often
attempted social reform and women's activist roles.
Women's Christian Temperance Union
The Women's Christian Temperance Union was created to stop the consumption of alcohol by
people, but it was taken too far and looked down on by others.
Eighteenth Amendment
The Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the manufacturing, transportation of, and sale of
alcohol. This Amendment was later repealed.
Chapter #25: Identifications
The Urban Frontier
Know: Louis Sullivan, Walking Cities, Department Stores, Tenements
What factors led to the growth of cities in the second half of the 1800's?
In the second half of 1800s, skyscrapers were made extremely popular by Louis Sullivan.
Skyscrapers allowed more people to live in a condensed area. Walking cities came from places with
no transits. Department stores increased the number of jobs and were places for middle-class people
to buy their goods. Tenements were crowded slums where there were many children.
The New Immigration
How were the new immigrants different from the old immigrants?
The old immigrants were mostly Protestants and Catholics from Western Europe and were literate.
They usually came from places with a representative government. After the 1880s, the new
immigrants were mostly from orthodox churches and synagogues in Southern and Eastern Europe
and were usually illiterate. They usually came from places with despotic governments and preferred
to have industrial jobs.
Southern Europe Uprooted
Why did the new immigrants come to America in such large numbers?
New immigrants came to America in large numbers because there was an overpopulation problem
in Europe, and unemployment rates were high and prompted people to start a new and supposedly
better life in America.
Makers of America: The Italians
Know: Birds of Passage, padron
How did Italian immigrants live their lives in America?
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The Italian immigrants mostly made money by making investments in stores and property. Because
they did not blend in with other people, they clumped in their little towns that closely resembled
their old towns. They were not educated or skilled, so most of them performed manual labor for
Reactions to the New Immigration
Know: Political Bosses, Social Gospel, Jane Addams, Hull House, Settlement houses, Lillian Wald,
Florence Kelley
How did political bosses help immigrants?
Political bosses helped immigrants by providing for them places to live, food to eat, and jobs to
work at. In return, the immigrants voted for what the political bosses wanted. Social gospel urged
churches to change their social issues and led to socialism. Jane Addams would create a reform
movement based on social gospel. The Hull House in Chicago was a settlement house for women to
express their ideas and opinions. Lilian Wald and Florence Kelley protected women and helped
their growth.
Narrowing the Welcome Mat
Know: Nativists, Anglo-Saxon, American Protective Association, Statue of Liberty
In 1886, what was ironic about the words inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty?
On the base of the Statue of Liberty is the sonnet called "The new Colossus", which says "Give me
your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". This is ironic because the
immigrants would arrive in America expecting to be free, but were soon tied down by the industrial
and financial difficulties.
Churches Confront the Urban Challenge
Know: Dwight Lyman Moody, Cardinal Gibbons, Salvation Army, Mary Baker Eddy, YMCA
What role did religion play in helping the urban poor?
Religion helped the poor because many, such as Dwight Lyman Moody, tried to help the boor.
Moody tried to find a balance between work and economy, while Cardinal James Gibbons wished
for help for the American labor movements. The Salvation Army gave out free soup to the poor.
Mary Baker Eddy established the Church of Christ, and the YMCA was created to try to join
education and religion.
Darwin Disrupts the Churches
Know: Charles Darwin, Origin of the Species, Fundamentalists, Modernists, Colonel Robert G.
What effect did the theory of evolution have on Christian churches?
At first, the Christian churches could not accept the theory that humans descended from apes could
be suggested at all. They hoped that even if the theory were true, then it should not be known to the
public. Eventually, the churches had to find a way for religion and the theory, along with other
sciences, to coexist.
The Lust for Learning
Know: Normal Schools, Kindergarten, Chautauqua
What advances took place in education in the years following the Civil War?
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After the Civil War, the education systems included both the young and the old. They were
available to the free. Reconstruction allowed for a public school system and the first colleges for
Booker T. Washington and Education for Black People
Know: Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Institute, Accomodationist, George Washington Carver,
W.E.B. Du Bois, NAACP
Explain the differences in belief between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois.
Booker T. Washington wasn't entirely against white supremacy; he only wanted for blacks to
become financially stable. This became the Accomodationist method. The Tuskegee Institute was
agricultural and was favorable to people like George Washington Carver, who taught at the institute.
W.E.B. Du Bois was extreme and wanted completely equality between the two races.
The Hallowed Halls of Ivy
Know: Vassar, Howard, Morrill Act, Land Grant Colleges, Hatch Act
What factors allowed the number of college students to dramatically increase?
College enrollment increased because of the inclusion of multipurpose institutes, with many
different programs for the students. Families earned more money and needed better jobs, so more
people had to get education for better jobs.
The March of the Mind
Know: William James
Describe some of the intellectual achievements of the late 1800’s.
Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb and motion picture. Automobiles were invented, and
petroleum became a big industry. Other achievements included industry, factories, and railroads.
The railroads provided better transportation for trade with Asia and for the westward movement.
The Appeal of the Press
Know: Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, Yellow Journalism
How did the ability to produce newspapers inexpensively change their content?
Because newspapers could be inexpensively printed, yellow journalism was created. Joseph Pulitzer
and William Randolph Hearst often competed. They started newspaper chains and increased
circulation of newspapers.
Apostles of Reform
Know: Edwin L. Godkin, Henry George, Edward Bellamy
How did writers in the 1870's and 1880's try to address the problems of their time?
The writers of the 1870s and 1880s tried to address the problems of their time by illustrating the
situation in a first person point of view, so that the readers could have a good reading and relate to
the circumstances at the same time. By relating to the situation, the author created emotional appeal
that swayed readers.
Postwar Writing
Know: Dime novels, Horatio Alger, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson
Did the trends in writing after the Civil War make it a good period for literature? Explain.
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Trends in writing in the years after the Civil War made it a good period for literature because many
people were still very differently opinionated on very touchy subjects such as women's suffrage and
unequal black rights. These opinions made the writing very passionate and varied.
Literary Landmarks
Know: Kate Chopin, Mark Twain, Bret Harte, William Dean Howells, Stephen Crane, Henry
James, Jack London, Frank Norris, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Charles W. Chestnut, Theodore
What did many writers in the late 1800's have in common?
Writers in the late 1800s were all activists in their own cause and in their writings, were very vocal
about their problems with society and their opinions and feelings. They often wrote about politics
and other such subjects.
The New Morality
Know: Victoria Woodhull, Anthony Comstock
What evidence demonstrated a battle raging over sexual morality?
The evidence that shows a battle over sexual morality is the lack of women's suffrage at the time. At
this time, women fought for their rights to vote, while society pushed them back down and refused
to grant them suffrage, even though women also had jobs and were active in society.
Families and Women in the City
Know: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman
Catt, National Women Suffrage Association, Ida B. Wells
What changes were occurring in the women's rights movement?
In the women's rights movement, marriages were delayed and the spread of birth control knowledge
happened. Charlotte Perkins Gilman fought for women's independence. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
established the National Woman Suffrage Association. She and Susan B. Anthony organized
women's rights conventions. Ida B. Wells started the black women's movement.
Prohibition of Alcohol and Social Progress
Know: Women's Christian Temperance Union, Carrie Nation, Anti-Saloon League, 18th
Amendment, Clara Barton
What social causes were women (and many men) involved in the late 1800's?
Many women and men were involved in the Temperance Union, which asked for the prohibition of
alcohol. Carrie A. Nation smashed bottles and bars. The Anti-Saloon League prohibited alcohol in
Main. The Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the manufacturing and sale of alcohol but was later
repealed. Clara Barton started the American Red Cross for both genders.
Artistic Triumphs
Know: James Whistler, John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt, George Inness, Thomas Eakins,
Winslow Homer, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Metropolitan Opera House, Henry H.
Richardson, Columbian Exposition
Why is this section titled "artistic triumphs?"
This section is called "artistic triumphs" because many people mentioned in this section were great
painters. In addition, music became popular, especially blues, ragtime, and jazz. The phonograph
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was invented by Edison and allowed the reproduction of sound. The revival of classic architecture
promoted city planning.
The Business of Amusement
Know: Vaudeville, P.T. Barnum, Buffalo Bill Cody, Annie Oakley, James Naismith
What forms of recreation became popular from 1870 to 1900?
Many live shows were watched by the people, minstrel shows (now with black singers) became
popular, the circus blew up in popularity, and baseball, football, pugilism, croquet, and bicycling
became American favorite pastimes.
Chapter #26.2 Agricultural Revolution and Populism – Big Picture Themes
1. Miners looking for silver and/or gold fled to Colorado and Nevada seeking quick fortune. A
few found it, the vast majority didn’t.
2. Cattle became king in Texas as cowboys drove herds north to the Kansas railroads and
reaped quick money.
3. Farmers struggled out west due to several problems: weather, insects, high mortgage rates,
high railroad shipping rates, and low prices for their crops.
4. The farmers’ struggles led to the People’s (or Populist) Party. This party sought “cheap
money” (or silver money) in order to create inflation and thus make it easier to pay off debts.
Chapter #26:2 Identifications
Joseph F. Glidden
Invented and patented barbed wire in 1874
James B. Weaver
The candidate of the Greenback Labor Party in the election of 1880. He was an old Granger
and only polled 3% of the popular vote.
Oliver H. Kelly
Kelley was the National Grange of the Patron's of Husbandry's leader. The primary goals of
this group were to stimulate the minds of the farm people by social, educational, and fraternal
Mary Elizabeth Lease
Also known as "Mary Yellin" and "the Kansas Pythoness", she made about 160 speeches in
1890. In her speeches, she criticized Wall Street and the wealthy, and said that Kansans should
raise "less corn and more hell".
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Comstock Lode
This was a lode of gold and silver found in Nevada, prompting a huge number of miners to
migrate to Nevada in 1859. From 1860-1890, more than $340 million gold and silver was
mined there. The number of settlers led to the premature admittance of Nevada into the Union
Long Drive
The long drive refers to the journey cowboys would make to take their herds to railroad
terminals, where they could be sent to the East for selling. Along the way, the cows grazed on
government grass (for free).
Patrons of Husbandry
The Patrons of Husbandry was a group established in 1867, and it was lead by Oliver H.
Kelley. It was known more as the Grange. It was very secretive and consisted of a group of
farmers who wanted to improve their conditions.
Granger Laws
The Granger laws were a series of laws passed in the western states after the Civil War to
regulate grain elevator, railroad rates, rebate, and the discrimination of long and short hauls.
Farmers' Alliance
This was the first "national" organization of the farmers and led to the creation of the Populist
party. They sponsored social gatherings, were active in politics, organized cooperatives, and
fought against industrial dominance.
The Populists were a new political party formed by mostly frustrated farmers asking for
financial and social reform.
Jacob S. Coxey
Coxey was a wealthy Ohio quarry owner who marched at Washington in 1894 while
demanding the government relieve unemployment with an inflationary public works program.
His "Commonwealth Army" was arrested for this.
Williams Jennings Bryan
William Jennings Bryan was a Nebraskan Congressman who spoke for the coinage of silver,
against the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, and was nominated by the Democrats
after his "Cross of Gold" speech.
Bimetallism was the idea introduced by the Republicans in 1896 that would recognize a goldsilver standard, using both gold and silver for monetary purposes.
Free Silver
The free coinage of silver would lead to more circulation of money and decrease the value of
money. This would make it easier for debtors to pay off their debts.
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Depression of 1893
This was the economic fall at the beginning of Cleveland's (second) presidency. Some factors
were overbuilding, overspeculation, labor disorders, and agricultural depression. The problem
was that there was an "endless cycle" of gold coming from the Treasury
Cross of Gold Speech
This was a speech made by William Henry Bryan that gave him a presidential nomination for
the Democrats, and gained him popularity.
Chapter #26.2 Guided Reading Questions
The Farm Becomes a Factory
Know: Montgomery Ward, Combine
Explain the statement, "The amazing mechanization of agriculture in the postwar years was
almost as striking as the mechanization of industry."
In the years after the Civil War, the West made a lot of crops and agriculture flourished. It was so
good that it was almost compared to the industrialization.
Deflation Dooms the Debtor
Know: Deflation
2. What problems faced farmers in the closing decades of the 19th century?
During the close of the 19th century, farmers had a large economic downturn likely caused by their
overproduction of grain and the type of food given to it. Agricultural technology improved
agriculture, which further pushed overproduction.
Unhappy Farmers
How did nature, government, and business all harm farmers?
Nature harmed farmers because the good soil was slowly disappearing, and there were floods,
droughts, and erosion. The market hurt the farmers because the farmers were forced to sell their
land for a cheap price while everyone went away. Businesses harmed the farmers because they
would raise the prices on manufactured goods.
The Farmers Take Their Stand
Know: The Grange, Cooperatives, Greenback-Labor Party, James B. Weaver
How did the Grange attempt to help farmers?
The Grange attempted to help the farmers by gathering together to plan out which crops would be
planted by each farmer. This could prevent possible overproduction of a crop, which would then be
Prelude to Populism
Know: The Farmers’ Alliance, Mary Elizabeth Lease
What steps did the Farmers’ Alliance believe would help farmers?
The Farmers' Alliance operated free mills and gins that the farmers could use at pretty much any
time of day. This group believe in graduated income taxes, sub-treasure warehouses and gold
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Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike
Know: Coxey’s Army, Eugene V. Debs, Pullman Palace Car Company
Why did President Cleveland send in federal troops during the Pullman Strike?
President Cleveland sent in federal troops because the strikers stopped the Pullman cars, which
stopped the railroad and prevented trade. The trade included meat, which rotted during the
following days. Cleveland stopped their strike for the greater good.
Golden McKinley and Sliver Bryan
Know: Mark Hannah, William McKinley, William Jennings Bryan, Cross of Gold speech
Was William McKinley a strong presidential candidate? Explain.
William McKinley was an Ohio Republican and supported high tariffs on imports, which would
help the economic situation at the time. He also upheld the gold standard, and that stabilized the
gold system.
Class Conflict: Plowholders versus Bondholders
Know: Fourth Party System
“The free-silver election of 1896 was probably the most significant since Lincoln’s victories
in 1860 and 1864.” Explain.
This election was significant because it proved to be a victory for big businesses and big cities. It
pretty much guaranteed support for the wealthy.
Republican Standpattism Enthroned
Know: Dingley Tariff Bill
Did McKinley possess the characteristics necessary to be an effective president?
He did not possess the characteristics necessary to be an effective president because during his
presidency, he hurt the farmers financially by raising the tariff to 48.4% which made foreign
goods extremely expensive but crops extremely cheap.
Varying Viewpoints: Was the West Really “Won”?
Know: Frederick Jackson Turner
Which criticism of the Turner Thesis seems most valid? Explain
The criticism of New Western historians seems the most valid because it explained that in the
end, it is humans that must bend to nature's will. We cannot change nature, no matter how
"heroic" we are, and we will always be a resident or a victim of nature, never a conquerer.
Chapter #23.2 Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age – Big Picture Themes
1. The government did reach the billion dollar level for the first time. This was largely due to
military plans. The plans were very popular and revealed the goal of the legislators—pass
something that will get me reelected.
2. Populism started. This was a farmer and worker movement that sought to clean up the
government, bring it back to the people, and help the working man out.
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Chapter #23.2 Identifications
James A. Garfield
20th president of the U.S. in 1881; 2nd U.S. president to be assassinated; in office for about six
Chester A. Arthur
21st president of the U.S.; suspected to have planned Garfield’s assassination; Collector of
Customs for the Port of NY before Hayes fired him for faulty info of bribery and corruption;
devoted to civil service reform and the passing of the Pendleton Civil
Charles J. Guiteau
U.S. Attorney; a Stalwart; person who killed Andrew Garfield and mislead people into
believing that Conkling was the one who assassinated Garfield
Grover Cleveland
22nd and 24th U.S. Presidents; honest president who was strongly against corruption and the
spoils system of the Gilded Age
Resumption Act
The Resumption Act was an act passed by Congress in 1875. It promised to eliminate all
"greenbacks" to bring up the value of "hard money". Its goal was to prevent a second Panic of
1873 and went into effect in 1879.
Crime of '73
This was actually the Fourth Coinage Act of 1873, which said that silver would no longer be
used as a species of money. It made gold really valuable, but it made miners angry, so they
called it the Crime of '73
Bland-Allison Act
The Bland-Allison Act was passed in 1878 and said that silver could now be used as money
again. It was used to counter the Fourth Coinage Act because it devalued silver and made gold
the only valuable metal on the market.
The Half-Breed was one of the divisions of the Republican Party. It was led by James G.
Blaine and supported by Rutherford B. Hayes. This party supported civil service reform and
the ending of Reconstruction.
American political movement made up of Republicans who supported Democratic candidate
Grover Celeveland for the election of 1884; switched parties because they did not trust the
Republican candidate James Blaine; after the election, the party continued for a decade;
connected with reforms all the way into the 20th century
Pendleton Act of 1833 The Pendleton Act was passed in 1883 and implemented the placement
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of employees according to merit and skill, and not by relations with higher ranking employers.
It was supported by President Arthur and created a 3-member Civil Service Commission.
Thomas B. Reed American novelist who wrote popular novels in “unusual settings” notably
with the American West; wrote based off of his own adventures in America; captured the
attention of American youths including Theodore Roosevelt
"Billion Dollar" Congress
The Billion Dollar Congress was the 51st Congress that had a billion dollar budget, a surplus.
They passed the Pension Act of 1890, which gave pensions to most of the Union Civil War
veterans. This solved the "problem" of budget surplus.
Pension Act
The Pension Act was an act passed in 1890 with the support of Harrison. It gave pensions to
Civil War veterans and solved the problem of budget surplus.
Chapter #23.2 Guided Reading Questions
The Birth of Jim Crow in the Post-Reconstruction South
Redeemers, sharecropping, tenant farming, Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson
Analyze the data in the lynching chart on page 513.
At first, the number of black people lynched was less than the number of white people lynched.
However, the number of white people lynched decreased dramatically while the number of black
people lynched reached a peak in 1895. Overall, the total number fluctuated and hit peaks in 1885
and 1895.
Class Conflicts and Ethnic Clashes
Great Railroad Strike of 1877, Denis Kearney, Coolies, Chinese Exclusion Act
What was the significance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?
After President Hayes cut wages for railroad workers, workers went on strike, but this strike was
stopped by government authorities when Hayes sent troops to stop the strike revealing the weakness
of the labor union and loss of worker self-esteem. This showed how easily thwarted such a
movement was at the time.
Garfield and Arthur
Know: James A. Garfield, Charles J. Guiteau, Chester A. Arthur, Pendleton Act of 1883
What new type of corruption resulted from the Pendleton Act?
A new type of corruption was created. Although now jobs were awarded on a merit-based system
which reduced a lot of corruption in lower ranks, now politicians were forced to find support and
funds by themselves without jobs or positions as leverage. Because of this, they now needed to
“marry” big businesses to get funding to run campaigns which introduced corporations into the
political game of America.
The Blaine-Cleveland Mudslingers of 1884
James G. Blaine, Tattooed man, Mugwumps, Grover Cleveland, Ma, ma where's my
pa?, Rum, Romanism and Rebellion
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Explain how character played a part in the presidential election of 1884.
When poor character of the presidential candidate Blaine, was revealed through the Mulligan letters,
he lost heavy support due to his dishonesty. Cleveland, on the other hand, had his affair and possible
illegitimate child revealed to the public. The election of 1884 lead to a lot of mudslinging that
determined the outcome of the election.
“Old Grover" Takes Over
Assess the following statement: "As president, Grover Cleveland governed as his previous
record as governor indicated he would."
Grover Cleveland had said that the people should support government, but the government is not
obliged to support the people. Because of this, Cleveland vetoed several military pension bills as
well as acts that provided “seed” money for businesses. Cleveland was a man of his word and had a
“lassiez faire” mindset that supported business.
Cleveland Battles for a Lower Tariff
What were the reasons behind Cleveland's stance in favor of lower tariffs?
Cleveland favored lowering tariffs to end budget surplus. The government was taking in more
money from the people then it needed and there were two ways to fix this issue. One of which was
to cut taxes while the other way was to invent things that would basically eat this money.
The Billion Dollar Congress
Thomas Reed, Civil War pensions, McKinley Tariff Act of 1890
Explain why the tariff was detrimental to American farmers.
The tariff was detrimental to American farmers. It supported businesses since it protected their
businesses by making foreign products expensive, but it also in turn, decreased the price of
agricultural goods and increasing price for equipment needed in agriculture to compete with other
The Drumbeat of Discontent
What was the most revolutionary aspect of the Populist platform? Defend your answer with
The most revolutionary aspect of the Populist platform was that it rallied the farmers and workers
that were suffering in this time period and created a lot of strikes which created the possibility of a
government truly for the people. With the Populist platform, the government would make more
laws made to benefit the common man like a graduated income tax.
Cleveland and Depression
Grover Cleveland, Depression or 1893, William Jennings Bryan, Sherman Silver
Purchase Act
What could Cleveland have done to lessen the impact of the financial turmoil?
Cleveland could have lessened the impact of the financial turmoil by keeping the tariff high since in
1893, the government actually had a government deficit which also meant that the people of
America could not go to the government for the little welfare that was provided. It could have also
offered inflationary policies like silver currency as proposed in the Sherman Silver Purchase Act
and somehow preventing the people from trading money in for gold.
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Cleveland Breeds a Backlash
Know: Wilson Gorman Tariff
Is the characterization of the Gilded Age presidents as the “forgettable presidents” a fair
one? Explain.
These presidents, however sweet and promising at first sight, eventually lead the country into
economic downfall due to their greed and lack of foresight. The damage and corruption of the
Gilded Age could be seen as one of the darkest periods in American History which in large part was
due to the poor, and often times corrupt, leadership in this time period. The Gilded Age was fair in
the description that everything looked ok on the surface, but was actually very corrupt under.