Skill Aquisition Past Paper Questions

June 2009
Figure 2 shows a performer in a springboard diving event. Both springboard and
highboard diving are Olympic events.
Figure 2
3 (a) The skill of springboard diving can be classified according to various skill continua.
Classify springboard diving according to the following four continua and justify
each of your choices.
Open to closed
Self-paced to externally paced
Discrete to continuous
Gross to fine
(4 marks)
3 (b) Performers have to learn the various techniques involved in springboard diving.
One form of learning is through operant conditioning.
Describe operant conditioning theory and give an example of how a diving coach
may use it to improve learning.
(4 marks)
3 (c) Springboard divers often train using trampolines. Explain how a coach can ensure
that practising on a trampoline assists the learning of skills in diving.
(4 marks)
4 In games such as badminton, performers use information processing to make
4 (a) (i) State four types of sensory information used in badminton.
(3 marks)
4 (a) (ii) Perception is part of an information processing system. Briefly explain each of the
three processes that occur as part of perception.
(3 marks)
4 (b) When playing badminton, the shuttlecock occasionally hits the top of the net during
a rally and the receiver has to adjust their response. This causes a delay before
the final response can be made. Explain why this occurs.
(3 marks)
4 (c) In order to improve a badminton player’s performance, a coach may set goals.
Explain why these goals need to be realistic, specific and time-based.
(3 marks)
Jan 2010
3 A badminton coach may observe players in matches to see whether they are skilful.
(a) What are the characteristics of a skilful performance?
(3 marks)
In order to improve their performance, badminton players need motivation.
(b) (i) Explain the meaning of the term ‘motivation’.
(2 marks)
(ii) How could a coach motivate a badminton player to improve?
(3 marks)
(c) One form of learning is through schema. ‘Schmidt’s schema theory’ (1975) is based on
the concept that every time athletes make a movement, they gather information from four
Explain how athletes use these four sources of information to make a movement.
(4 marks)
4 In order to learn gymnastic skills, gymnasts need to remember important instructions and
use selective attention.
(a) What are the characteristics and functions of ‘short-term memory’?
(3 marks)
(b) How can a coach ensure that important information is stored in the gymnast’s ‘long-term
(4 marks)
(c) (i) Explain the meaning of the term ‘operant conditioning’.
(2 marks)
(ii) How can a coach use operant conditioning to develop a gymnast’s skills?
(3 marks)
June 2010
3 When learning a skill such as triple jumping, performers will use their abilities to
improve their level of skill.
3 (a) Briefly explain the terms ‘ability’ and ‘skill’.
(2 marks)
3 (b) The skill of triple jumping can be classified according to various skill continua. Classify
the triple jump according to the following continua, justifying each of your choices:
open to closed
self-paced to externally paced
discrete to continuous.
(3 marks)
3 (c) Name the four stages of Bandura’s observational model of learning. Using examples,
explain how a coach may use this model to teach the correct technique for skills such
as triple jumping.
(4 marks)
3 (d) What other factors should a coach consider for a demonstration to be effective?
(3 marks)
4 For effective performance, games players require the ability to receive, interpret and
use information. Figure 2 shows the relationships between the memory stores in a simple
information processing model.
Figure 2
4 (a) (i) Selective attention is an important part of information processing. Using Figure 2,
identify where ‘selective attention’ occurs and explain how it aids performance.
(3 marks)
4 (a) (ii) How can a coach improve a player’s selective attention?
(3 marks)
4 (b) (i) Performing a skill involves ‘movement time’, ‘response time’ and ‘reaction time’.
What is the relationship between these three time phases?
(1 mark)
4 (b) (ii) Identify the factors that could affect a games player’s response time.
Jan 2011
3 When learning to long jump, athletes will use their abilities to perform this skill.
3 (a) (i) Briefly explain the terms .ability. and .skill..
(2 marks)
(a) (ii) What are the characteristics of a skilled performance?
(3 marks)
3 (b) Explain the term insight learning and suggest how this approach could have a
positive effect on learning to long jump.
(3 marks)
3 (c) Describe how the type of feedback being used by a long jumper differs between the
early stage of learning and the final stage of learning.
(4 marks)
4 Many physical activities require a performer to throw an object, either at a target or
for distance.
4 (a) (i) The action of throwing can be transferred from one activity to another.
Describe what is meant by the term .positive transfer of learning.
(1 mark)
4 (a) (ii) Name and explain three other forms of transfer of learning that can take place.
(3 marks)
4 (a) (iii) How can a coach make sure that successful transfer of learning takes place?
4 (b) During activities that involve throwing, performers will use open and closed loop
control systems to control the movement. Figure 4 shows an ’open loop control system’.
4 (b) (i) What are the characteristics of an open loop control system?
(2 marks)
4 (b) (ii) Explain why an open loop control system is not applicable to all types of skills.
(3 marks)
3 Games players practise to improve their skills. Improvements in skill performance
may be identified through repeated attempts at the skill over a period of time.
Figure 2 shows a typical performance curve, where skill performance is recorded
over time.
3 (a) (i) Using Figure 2, explain what is happening in relation to skilled performance
between point A and point B.
(2 marks)
3 (a) (ii) Suggest possible solutions to limit what is happening between point A and point B
in Figure 2.
(4 marks)
3 (b) (i) To be effective, games players will need to use 'selective attention'.
Using an example from a game, explain the term selective attention.
(3 marks)
3 (b) (ii) How can a coach improve a player's selective attention?
(3 marks)
4 In order to learn a skill, a performer needs to be motivated.
4 (a) (i) What do you understand by the term 'intrinsic' motivation?
(2 marks)
4 (a) (ii) Explain the disadvantages of using 'extrinsic' motivation to motivate an individual.
(2 marks)
4 (a) (iii) How could a coach motivate a group of performers, of differing abilities, who
regularly practise together?
4 (b) 'Schmidt's schema theory' is based on various sources of information which are
used to modify motor programmes.
Explain the functions of 'recall schema'.
(4 marks)
January 2012
Figure 2 shows swimmers waiting for the official to start the race.
3 (a) (i) The swimming start can be classified on continua as ‘open – closed’, ‘self paced –
externally paced’ and ‘discrete – serial – continuous’.
Classify the swimming start using these three continua.
(1 mark)
3 (a) (ii) Justify how two of these continua may change during the race.
(2 marks)
3 (b) The swimming start is a skill that requires certain abilities to be performed well.
Using examples from a swimming start, explain the differences between ‘motor
ability’ and ‘perceptual ability’.
(3 marks)
3 (c) Performers could learn the swimming start by observational learning. ‘Bandura’s
observational model of learning’ is shown in Figure 3.
Observation of
Using Figure 3, explain how attention, motor production and motivation are used to
help the process of learning a skill.
(3 marks)
3 (d) Suggest how a coach might help a performer to retain newly learned skills.
(3 marks)
4 Tennis players need to develop their skills so that they can become more effective.
4 (a) As a tennis player moves from the early ‘stage of learning’ through to the final stage
of learning, the type of feedback they use will change.
4 (a) (i) Name the early and the final stages of learning, and describe the characteristics of
(3 marks)
4 (a) (ii) Describe how the ‘feedback’ that a tennis player uses will change between these
two stages of learning.
(3 marks)
4 (b) During a tennis rally, a player will have to react and respond quickly to their
opponent’s shots.
Figure 4 shows the relationship between the number of possible responses and the
time taken to respond.
4 (b) (i) Using examples from tennis, explain how the relationship shown in Figure 4 will
affect the time it takes for a player to respond to an opponent’s shot.
(3 marks)
4 (b) (ii) Use the ‘single channel hypothesis’ to explain why there is a delayed response by
a player in tennis when their opponent’s shot hits the top of the net and changes
(3 marks)
June 2012
3 Players in a team game will use their skills to play effectively.
(a) Explain how players use their short-term memory to perform skills during a team
(3 marks)
(b) 3 (b) Using examples, explain why different skills in a team game could be classified
as: open skills closed skills
(2 marks)
(c) 3 (c) In team games, players often need to move into position quickly.
3 (c) (i) Explain the difference between the terms movement time and reaction time.
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
3 (c) (ii) Choice reaction time is far more common in team games than simple
reaction time. Explain this statement.
(2 marks)
3 (c) (iii) What can games players do to improve their response time?
(3 marks)
4 (a) What are the characteristics of a skilled performance?
(3 marks)
4 (b) Coaches will encourage performers to practise skills so that the skills can
transfer to the competitive situation. Describe what is meant by the term transfer of
learning and explain two different forms that transfer can take.
(3 marks)
4 (c) (i) When teaching new skills, coaches often implement the principles of
Schmidt’s Schema Theory. Explain the functions of recognition schema.
(4 marks)
4 (c) (ii) What implications does Schmidt’s Schema Theory have for the way in which
sports skills should be taught?
(2 marks)
January 2013
3 Performers need to learn skills in order to take part in physical activity. Skilled movements
are learned, economic and efficient – they do not waste energy.
3 (a) Suggest three other characteristics of skill.
1. ......................................................................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................................................................
3. ......................................................................................................................................
(3 marks)
3 (b) (i) One way of learning a new skill is through operant conditioning which involves
reinforcement to strengthen the stimulus-response bond. Use examples to distinguish
between the different types of reinforcement.
(3 marks)
3 (b) (ii) Apart from reinforcement, how else could a coach make sure that operant
conditioning is likely to result in the successful learning of a new skill? (3 marks)
(3 marks)
3 (c) One way of helping performers to learn is to set suitable goals. What are the benefits of
goal setting?
(3 marks)
4 Observational learning involves the stages of attention, retention, motor production and
4 (a) (i) Using examples, name the two different types of extrinsic motivation.
(2 marks)
4 (a) (ii) Explain the factors that can influence the effectiveness of attention, retention and
motor production in observational learning.
(4 marks)
4 (b) In team games, players will use the skills that they have learned to create a situation
where there are two attackers against one defender (2 v 1).
4 (b) (i) When the players involved in a 2 v 1 situation are novices, the attack often breaks
down. In terms of the input stage of information processing, explain why the attack may
break down.
(3 marks)
4 (b) (ii) In terms of the psychological refractory period, explain why a 2 v 1 situation
should cause a defender’s response time to be slower.
(3 marks)
June 2013
3 Games players will practise to improve their skills, but to do this regularly requires
3 (a) (i) How does intrinsic motivation differ from extrinsic motivation?
(1 mark)
3 (a) (ii) Explain why intrinsic motivation is thought to be a better form of motivation than
extrinsic motivation.
(3 marks)
3 (b) Games players may find that their skill performance reaches a plateau. Suggest
possible solutions that a coach could use to minimise a learning plateau.
(4 marks)
3 (c) Skilful play within a game relies on effective information processing. According to
Adam’s closed loop theory, two pieces of information called traces are used to control
movement. 3 (c) (i) Name these two traces.
(1 mark)
3 (c) (ii) Describe how these two traces are used to produce skilled movement.
(3 marks)
4 Passing a ball is an important aspect of many team games.
4 (a) Using examples of passing from a team game, explain the differences between motor
ability and perceptual ability.
(3 marks)
4 (b) Explain the functions of the short-term sensory store and the long-term memory when
performing the skill of passing.
(4 marks)
4 (c) Coaches will use reinforcement as part of operant conditioning to improve skill levels.
4 (c) (i) What is operant conditioning?
(3 marks)
4 (c) (ii) Using an example from a team game, explain the term negative reinforcement.
(2 marks)