Meeting the Needs of All of Students

Meeting the Needs of All
of Students
May 19, 2014
Participants will:
★ Enhance understanding of word study principles and
★ Understand basic principles of small group instruction forming, planning and conducting to provide
individualized attention/differentiation.
★ Determine skills and/or strategies to teach in small
group based on student data.
★ Plan at least one guided reading/small group lesson.
★ Plan one or more authentic independent practice
Word Study
Take a few minutes to think about your word
study program.
● What are some of your successes?
● What are some of your challenges?
Write down a few of each and share with your table.
Be ready to share whole class.
Word Study in a Nutshell
● Integral part of balanced literacy
● Based on the 3 levels of English orthography -Alphabet,
Pattern, Meaning
● Differentiated
● Words Their Way is one of several word study
programs (Word Journeys-Ganske, Making WordsCunningham, Word Ladders-Rasinski) All are based on
developmentally appropriate instruction and word
Layers of English Orthography
Prefixes, suffixes, Greek and Latin
42-44 sounds-only 26 letters
Letter/sound relationships
Flexible Grouping
Flexible grouping is the cornerstone of successful differentiated
instruction – Carol Ann Tomlinson
Flexible grouping is an opportunity for students to work with a variety of
students, through whole group or in many different forms of small
groups. The key to flexible grouping is in the name…FLEXIBLE. Students
have an opportunity to be in different groups depending on the activity.
● Initially use whole group for instruction
● Divide group for practice or enrichment
● Not used as a permanent arrangement
● Use groups for one activity, a day, a week, etc.
What are your challenges?
At your tables, talk about the challenges you
have with differentiation and/or flexible
Forming groups
Today we will look at
● running records data
● any additional student data
to form and refine guided reading groups.
● Miscue Analysis (Accuracy)
● The Continuum of Literacy Learning
Organization for Successful Small
★Establish classroom management
★Assess and establish groups
★Know what you need to teach
★Plan lessons to mastery
★Create effective and meaningful activities
★Communicate expectations
★Build in accountability
Organization (cont’d.)
★Teacher chooses the groups
★Non-teacher group needs self directed work that is
challenging and engaging
★Un-interrupted teacher group
★Known routines & procedures
★Consistent expectations in transitions
○ Timed
○ Organized
○ Limited movement
Read to Self …………….…..Written/Drawn Response
Writing Station………….….Writing Journal
Word Study………………...Word Study Notebook
Read to Someone…………...
Oral Discussion
Listen to Reading……………
Response Sheets
Write the Room…………….Clipboards and Response Sheets
Science/Social Studies….. Various Forms
Work Stations in Action
Jot down any of
your noticings,
thoughts, or
revelations as
you view this
video clip.
Daily 5 in Kindergarten
A Differentiated Kindergarten
How Do I Start ?
The Initial Framework for Every Classroom
• Students are divided into small groups
(ideally, 4-6 students per group)
• Lessons will run 15-20 minutes
• Determine appropriate level of groups
• Provide a text for each child
Pre-Reading Activities: The Teacher
From Fountas and Pinnell
• Selects an appropriate text, one that will be supportive
but with a few problems to solve
• Prepares an introduction to the story
• Briefly introduces the story, keeping in mind the
meaning, language, and visual information in the text,
and the knowledge, experience, and skills of the reader
• Leaves some questions to be answered through
During Reading Activities: The Teacher
From Fountas and Pinnell
• “Listens In”
• Observes the reader’s behaviors for evidence of strategy
• Confirms children’s problem-solving attempts and
• Interacts with individuals to assist with problem-solving at
difficulty (when appropriate)
• Makes notes about the strategy use of individual readers
Post Reading Activities: The Teacher
From Fountas and Pinnell
Talks about the story with the children
Invites personal response
Returns to the text for one or two teaching opportunities such as
finding evidence or discussing problem-solving
Assesses children’s understanding of what they read
Sometimes, engages the children in extending the story through
such activities as drama, writing, art, or more reading
Sometimes, engages the children for a minute or two of word
Guided Reading in Action
Jot down any of your
noticings, thoughts,
or revelations as you
view this video clip.
• Ongoing observations will probably be the most
beneficial for tracking students.
• A notebook with Post-It notes can serve as your
• Running records provide a quick assessment of
Take a few minutes to…
• Fill out your exit card
• Jot down some reflections/goals