BELLRINGER: FEB. 2 • Complete the bellringer paper. • It will be graded. • Write with complete sentences and USE YOUR NOTES!!! NOW DO THIS! • Highlight or underline your claim (thesis, argument, premise) for your paper. • Highlight or underline the topic sentence in each subsequent body paragraphs. • If you don’t have your draft here for whatever reason, fill out the missing assignment slip. Know that I will be contacting home regarding this missing assignment. 7 COMMON GRAMMAR ERRORS • • • • Add to the back Their Its There They’re It’s • To (preposition or adverb) Your You’re Too (also) GRAMMAR TO LOOK FOR IN YOUR DRAFTS • Check for all the basic grammar errors which if you make will earn you an automatic FFFFFFF. • Check for your dependent clauses – make sure that they are talking about what you think they are. • Hiking the trail, the birds chirped loudly. – who is hiking? The sentence is telling me that the birds are hiking. MORE EXAMPLES – YOUR REFERENCES NEED TO BE CLEAR. • The robber ran from the policeman, still holding the money in his hands. • While still holding the money…, the robber ran…. • After being whipped fiercely, the cook boiled the egg. • After the cook fiercely whipped the egg, he fried it. • Flitting gaily from flower to flower, the football player watched the bee SANDWICHING YOUR EVIDENCE (QUOTATIONS) • When you use evidence (quotations) in your writing, you must sandwich them. • Introduce the evidence – DO NOT SAY “in this quote” or anything like that ever again in your writing. “Quote” is banned in your development. • Another way that Cowperthwaite evokes pity involves showing footage of orca mothers crying for their missing babies. The film shows an orca making high pitched noise and based on the context we can only assume that it is footage shot after the baby was removed. Reasonable humans could not help feeling that the separation SeaWorld has created is wrong and we would identify with a mother missing her child. This example would help her argument because of our sympathetic pity and it also casts SeaWorld in a harsh, unfeeling light. COUNTERARGUMENT. • Refresher video • It goes against your MAIN argument. • After you present it, you have to refute it – say why that argument is wrong. IF YOU ARE DEFENDING • Your counterargument will argue that the film is not a convincing argument. • Base your counterarugment on the crux of your claim • So, if you say “The film’s effective manipulation of the audience to associate negative feelings with SeaWorld and life therein coupled with logical evidence and strong credible sources creates the overwhelming need to cease marine park shows and keep those animals in the wild. On what should your counterclaim be based? IF YOU ARE REFUTING • Your counterargument will argue that the film is not a convincing argument. • Base your counterarugment on the crux of your claim • So, if you say “The film’s overwhelming manipulation of the audience to associate negative feelings with SeaWorld and life therein coupled with weak evidence and biased sources creates more issues with the oversimplified implication that SeaWorld should cease operating and release their marine life. • On what should your counterclaim be based? QUALIFYING STUDENTS • Qualifying is more difficult because it is more nuanced. • So, if you write “The evidence of harm against life in Seaworld demonstrates proof that changes must occur; however Cowperthwaites’ manipulative film editing, musical score, and testimonials do create reasons to take another look at the issue and not just rely on the film.” • Your counterclaim should probably address how the evidence is not logical or effective. • OR it could claim that the testimonials DO render the film unconvincing (you are originally claiming that the testimonials do occur, but don’t render the film unconvincing) • Remember, qualify is a YES, but with some limitations. EXIT TICKET • On the paper, what is ONE or TWO areas with which you will need help for your essay. • HOMEWORK: You are working on revising. • You will bring the REVISIONS back on THURSDAY. • The essay is not due until MONDAY.