An exploratory analysis of rail travel time and fare differences between London and the North using publicly available datasets. The Institute For Transport Studies – The University of Leeds Dr Andrew Mark Tomlinson 23rd April 2015 Class 87 at Crewe, April 1977 3 x Class 86’s at Preston, April 1977 Class 08 shunter waiting for work at Preston, April 1977 Presentation Aims • To introduce and raise awareness of two useful rail datasets • To outline the content of the datasets and the difficulties associated with using them • To demonstrate the use of the datasets in an example problem • To report on leading edge research Station Usage Data • Shows Passenger Entries/Exits/Interchanges • Differentiates between Peak, Off-Peak and Seasons • 1997 onwards • • Excel format, with notes on methodology • Better estimate of total passenger trips compared to ORR headline figure (1332.5M vs 1600M) Leeds Station: Total Entries 1998 - 2014 UK Centres of Gravity (using rail station usage data) • UK Population • Rail Station • Rail Passengers Median Method: Number North=Number South & Number West=Number East UK Population: Centre of Gravity (Polesworth) UK Rail Station: Centre of Gravity (Olton) UK Rail Passengers: Centre of Gravity (London Marylebone) UK Rail Passengers: Centre of Gravity (London Paddington) How does the daily commute differ between London and the North? • Fare Paid • Journey Time Examined using publicly available datasets: • ATOC Timetable Data • ATOC Fares Data Timetable Dataset • UK timetable available in electronic form from ATOC ( – Text based fixed format files defined according to CIF End User Specification ( • Stations (nodes) – identified by CRS (3-letter) code and TIPLOC (timing point location) – geocoded to within 500m using Easting/Northing pair • Services (links) – Header record: • validity, days of operation, head-code, power-type, speed, class, TOC – Details records (one per pair of adjacent stations): • Arrival/departure times, allowances, special instructions/activities • Problems – Missing interchange times for large stations? • Stations + Service records create a 3 dimensional network (x, y, and time). • Traversing this network yields all routes and timings between two points Timetable Dataset Example Service Header Station Arrive Depart Service UID Y52133 HUD From 14/12/2014 SWT 10:22 10:22 To 10/05/2015 MSN 10:27 10:28 Days Run 0000001 GFD 10:36 10:36 Head-code 2M63 MSL 10:41 10:41 Power Type DMU SWT 10:45 10:46 Speed 075 AHN 10:50 10:50 Timing Load A MCV 11:04 Train Class S TOC (X Header) NT 10:15 • 2,953 station records, • 70,166 train service headers (period December 2014 – May 2015) • 837,007 train service movements (between pairs of stations) Fares Dataset • All UK rail fares available in electronic form from ATOC – Text based fixed format files – Uses a mix of CRS and NLC codes to identify locations – Comprehensive description of each table and field available ( – Split into standard fares and non-derivable, TOC specific and Advance purchase fares – Useful other information: restrictions, discounts, rounding, rail cards, rovers, supplements • Problems – Dataset very large • standard fares alone can be imported into Access • Importing other fares cause Access 2GB limit to be exceeded – No information about how to query the data • Reverse engineering + Validation • Standalone Advantix Traveller application also available (much faster than the web) Finding a Fare Station Cluster One-way fare Station Cluster Two-way fare Destination Origin CRS: HUD NLC: 8437 + Group Stations (Bradford Stations) + Ticket Type: return/single, anytime/off-peak, first/standard + Route + Restrictions: Via / Not Via, Valid / Not Valid CRS: LDS NLC: 8487 Avantix Standalone Application Four Northern Cities Liverpool: MPTE - LIV Manchester: GMPTE - MAN London: TfL LON Leeds: WYPTE LDS Sheffield: SYPTE SHF Model Specification(s) Attribute Value Model Type Linear (OLS) 2 x Models 1. Destination LDS + MAN + SHF + LIV 2. Destination LON 2 x Dependant variables A. One way fare to centre, £ (Anytime day return/2) B. Travel Time to centre, minutes (including waiting time) Independent variables Variable A (Fare) Model 1 • Cartesian Distance (km) • Is Not in PTE (Dummy) • Is City X (dummy) Variable B (Time) Model 2 • Cartesian Distance (km) Models 1 + 2 • Cartesian Distance (km) • Is Not Direct (Dummy) Filter Origin >5 km, Not HS1 station, Journey Time < 90 minutes, Day Return Data Points LON: 427, LDS: 119, LIV: 177, MAN: 228, SHF: 111 Results Model A (Fare) Model 1 (North) Model 2 (London) n 635 427 Adjusted R2 0.80 0.84 Standard Error 1.04 1.32 B Std. Err B Std. Err Constant: Access Charge (£) 1.01 0.105 1.00 0.137 Distance (£/km) 0.12** 0.005 0.25** 0.005 Not in PTE (£) 1.37** 0.126 Is MAN (£) 0.44** 0.087 • Fares increase (almost) linearly with distance • Access charge becomes less significant as distance increases • Fares within the ‘home’ PTE region cheaper than those outside PTE region Results Model B (Travel Time) • • • • Model 1 (North) Model 2 (London) n 635 427 Adjusted R2 0.69 0.55 ! Standard Error 10.7 8.5 B Std. Err B Std. Err Constant (minutes) 8.45 1.02 11.82 0.88 Distance (minutes/km) 1.11** 0.04 0.78** 0.03 Change needed (minutes) 6.73** 0.98 1.56 0.96 Fit not that good Travel time increases (approximately) linearly with distance Overall journey times are shorter in London Impact of changes more significant in North What proportion of fares difference can be attributed to time savings? Model 1 (North) Model 2 (London) n 635 427 Adjusted R2 0.79 0.84 Standard Error 2.14 1.82 B Std. Err B Std. Err Constant (£) 2.14 0.217 2.47 0.188 Distance (£/km) 0.26** 0.01 0.35** 0.007 Not in PTE (£) 2.28** 0.26 • Model rephrased to include Value of Journey time @ £6.81/hour (commuting VOT, 2014) • Difference suggests that time saving benefits represent 25%-30% of fare premium paid by Londoners • Some value could also be attached to other quality attributes (The Hated Pacers!) London vs North Attribute Winner Notes Journey Times London (≈ 20km/h faster) Effect of Changing Trains London (fewer and less disruptive) Fares North (≈ £0.12/km VOT benefits account for 25% of difference cheaper) Fare Boundaries London (fewer/none) PTE boundaries create artificial barriers, impose financial penalty on cross boundary travel (compare with VRR in Germany) Day Return Tickets London (available from all origins) London: 427 (99.8%) out of 428 North: 635 (91.2%) out of 696 Thirsk-Leeds, Preston-Manchester Longer Distance Commuting London Limited opportunities for commuting from >50km in North London: 103 (24%) average wait 7.2 minutes North: 238 (38%) average wait 12.6 minutes Further Uses • To create a repository of all timetables and fares data going forward • To study evolving service patterns in order to write a narrative around the changing nature of passenger rail travel/industry • Combine: – fares, timetable and station entry/exit data – population and employment data To reverse engineer/synthesise a public OD trip matrix How does the cost of car commuting compare to rail ? AA (July 2014), ‘Average’ Petrol car • Fixed costs £3,678 • Running costs £0.13/km (@ £1.09/litre) • Commuting assumed 5 days/week for 46 weeks/year • Excludes parking costs and values of difference in journey time How does the cost of car commuting compare to rail ? • • • Rail cheaper than car when fixed costs are included Discounts on Season tickets would make fares almost equivalent to running costs only Assumes Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV)