International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 1 2 Isolation, Culture Procedures and Microscopy of the Mouse Peritoneal 3 Cells for Assaying Phagocytosis: An Undergraduate Laboratory 4 Experiment 5 6 Gaber Ramadan1,†, Aysha Al Neyadi1,†, Ahmed Mashli1,RabahIratni1,*and Synan AbuQamar1,* 7 Department of Biology, United Arab Emirates University, PO Box 15551, Al-Ain, United Arab 8 Emirates. 9 These authors contributed equally to this study. 10 *Corresponding author:Synan AbuQamar (; Telephone: +971 (3) 11 713-6733); and RabahIratni(; Telephone: +971 (3) 713-6526). 12 13 Abstract 14 To investigate phagocytosis, a class of undergraduate students isolated, cultured and fixed the mouse 15 peritoneal cells. We concluded that the mouse immune system has high efficiency to eliminate 16 pathogens. Educational research has shown many advantages of using “hands-on” experiments 17 which will help students carry out different experimental techniques and ultimately gain laboratory 18 research skills. Skills that include preparing tissue culture media, handling animals and cell culture 19 techniques, staining, and utilizing microscopes, will develop the knowledge needed to work in a 20 laboratory, to produce a plan to undertake and test scientific hypotheses, and to emphasize future 21 employability skills and attitudes. 22 Key words:Active-learning strategies, peritoneal cells,phagocytosis, microscopy, mouse. 23 24 25 1 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 Introduction 26 Many science education reports have shown that traditional lectures accompanied with “ready 27 recipe” labs do not serve the needs of the student during his/her educational development (Smith et 28 al., 2005; Wood, 2003). Therefore, active-learning strategies, also known as seeking new 29 information, are very important to teach Biology as a discipline to undergraduate students. These 30 strategies can mainly be present in the laboratory work in which the students are highly engaged in 31 practical experiments, rather than having an instructor as the center of the class to run the “show”. 32 Such laboratory practices or classes provide great opportunities to students to handle different 33 “wethand” procedures. This increases the students understanding and makes them rely on the 34 evidence rather than theoretical knowledge. To illustrate, it clarifies/explains an observed event 35 through connecting their theoretical knowledge with the practical skills (Bendassolli,2013). 36 Furthermore, laboratory work increases the student's awareness about the research methodology. 37 Altogether, this may help the students in learning scientific concepts through scientific methods in 38 order to understand the nature of science. The effective laboratory handling helps the student 39 investigate and understand various scientific concepts. The goal of having a laboratory work is to 40 incorporate active learning strategies and develop students with essential skills for industry and 41 research laboratories. Nowadays, the needs of research have undoubtedlybecome much more 42 specialized as biological knowledge has expanded (Cardak et al.,2007; Ottander & Grelsson 2006; 43 Tan, 2008). 44 Theanimal immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues and organsthat work 45 togetherto protect the body and eliminate the infections. This function is carried by the action of 46 several immune cells, which originate from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells found in the bone 47 marrow (Roittet al., 1998). The immune cells are mainly leukocytes which are mainly classified into 48 granulocytes and agranulocytes. The granulocytes are composed of basophils, eosinophils, and 49 neutrophils, while the agranulocytes include monocytes, natural killer cells and lymphocytes 50 2 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 (Burkittet al., 1993). Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes are the main blood 51 phagocytic cells. Within few hours after infection, monocytes can move quicklyto the sites of 52 infection inthe tissues in order to allow them to divide/differentiate into macrophagesto elicit an 53 immune response. Macrophages are found in lymphoid and in non-lymphoid organs such as liver, 54 lung and the peritoneum (Taylor et al.,2005). The peritoneal cavity is a membrane-bound and fluid- 55 filled abdominal cavity of mammals, which contains the liver, spleen, most of the gastro-intestinal 56 tract and other viscera. It harbors a number of immune cells including macrophages, B cells and T 57 cells(Ray &Dittel, 2010). The presence of a high number of unstimulated macrophages in the 58 peritoneal cavity makes it a preferred site for the collection of naive tissue resident macrophages. 59 Macrophages normally assist in guarding against invading pathogens and regulate tissue remolding. 60 Macrophages can identify pathogens by specialized cell membrane receptors (Zhou et al., 2009). 61 These receptors enable the macrophages to recognize or differentiate between the viruses, bacteria 62 and fungi (MacPherson & Austyn, 2012). Macrophages eliminate these foreign bodies by a process 63 known as phagocytosis. 64 Phagocytosis is a mechanism of engulfing foreign bodies or large particles in order to support 65 the body’s defense (Cannon & Swanson, 1992). Phagocytosis was first observed in starfish larvae by 66 Elie Metchnikoff over a century ago. Phagocytosis is present in organisms ranging from unicellular 67 microorganisms to specialized cells in higher organisms. In microorganisms, phagocytosis is related 68 to food uptake, whereas in multicellular animals, it participates in homeostasis and tissue 69 remodeling. Phagocytosis plays an essential role in host-defense mechanisms through the uptake and 70 destruction of infectious pathogens and contributes to inflammation and to the immune response 71 (García-García & Rosales, 2002).Phagocytosis begins with internalizing the foreign bodyinto 72 vesicles known as phagosome. The latter will bind with lysosome to form phagolysosome where the 73 digestion of the pathogen occurs via enzymes and toxic peroxides (Jutras & Desjardins, 74 3 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 2005).Recent studies on different cell systemshave identified the molecules involved in 75 phagocytosis. 76 Phagocytosis is triggered by the interactionof opsonins, which cover the particle to be 77 internalized, with specific receptors on the surface of thephagocyte. These receptors include the Fc 78 receptors (FcR), which bind to the Fc portion ofimmunoglobulins (Ig) (Ravetch&Bolland, 2001), and 79 the complement receptors (Brown, 1992), which bind to complement onopsonized particles. 80 Progressive interaction of the receptors with their ligands allows phagocytosis toproceed in a 81 “zipper-like” manner until complete internalization of the particle; which is achieved within 82 aspecialized structure, the phagosome. The phagosome then travels inside the cell to fuse 83 withlysosomes (Beronet al., 1995) and in this way becomes a microbicidal organelle (Jones et al., 84 1999). Thus, phagocytosis starts with wrapping of the outer macrophage membrane around the 85 pathogen and ends up with degrading it (Aderem & Underhill, 1999). Phagocytes are mainly divided 86 into professional and non-professional phagocytes. The distinction between the two types of 87 phagocytes is based on their ability to carry out this function and if it can digest the foreign body 88 (van Oss, 1986). The professional phagocytes have receptors on their surfaces to detect harmful 89 objects/foreign bodies which are not normally found in the body(Liarte et al., 2011). 90 For this purpose, the senior-level course, Advanced Bioapplications, offered by the 91 Department of Biology (DoB) at United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) was designed based on 92 experiments that help the students to have more hands on experience and acquire fine skills which 93 will support their theoretical studies; and therefore, build their careers (AbuQamaret al., 2015). 94 Among these experiments was the in vitro study of phagocytosis by the isolation of mouse cavity 95 cells.The phagocytosis process was evaluated in vitro by incubating the isolated and cultured mouse 96 cavity cells with antigen particles, such as red blood cells or inactivated yeast cells, for one or two 97 hours. Then, the phagocytosis percentage (PP) and phagocytosis index (PI) were determinedunder 98 the light microscope to investigate the effectiveness of the mouse immune system. While the 99 4 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 PPindicates the number of phagocytes present per 100 cells (Campbell et al.,1994), the PI refers to 100 the phagocytic activity in which it is measured by counting the number of the engulfed 101 microorganism per phagocyte within a period of incubation (O’Brien et al., 2002). In this study, we 102 defined a framework to allow active-learning to be incorporated into a large laboratoryBiology 103 course in a meaningful and manageable manner. 104 Methodology 105 Media preparation 106 Dulbecco’s modified Eagle's (Harry Eagle) minimal essential medium (DMEM) was prepared in a 107 laminar flow hood by adding 10 g of powdered medium (Sigma Aldrich) to 950 mL of sterilized 108 distilled water with gentle magnetic stirring. Then, 5.95 g of HEPES buffer (Sigma Aldrich) and 3.7 109 g of sodium bicarbonate (Sigma Aldrich) were added. Media additives were 10 mL of 110 antibiotic/antimycotic, 10 mL of 50X essential amino acids and 10 ml of 100X non-essential amino 111 acids (Gibco-BRL, Life Sciences). The pH of the media was adjusted to 7.4. Finally, the medium 112 volume was adjusted to 1000 mL by using sterilized double distilled water. 113 The prepared DMEM medium was then sterilized by filtration through 0.22 µm nitrocellulose 114 membrane (Nalgene) using a positive pressure air suction. Themedium was kept at 4°C until use. 115 Cells were cultured in the prepared DMEM supplemented with 10% Newborn calf serum (Sigma 116 Aldrich). 117 118 Isolation of mouse peritoneal macrophages 119 The students were divided into four groups; and each group consists of four students. The isolation 120 of the mouse peritoneal cavity cells was done as previously described (Ray &Dittel, 2010). Mice 121 were sacrified using the anesthesia method followed by cervical dislocation. Mice were obtained 122 from the animal facility located in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, UAEU; and the 123 animal study was approved (UAEU-A4/11)by the ethical committee.Four mice were used in the 124 5 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 experiment. The students followed the research committee guidelines for the care and use of the 125 laboratory animals that were kept in stainless steel cages and fed on standard chow and tap water ad 126 libitum. Mice were anesthetized by inhaling of diethyl ether in a desiccator that was kept inside 127 achemical fume hood. Then, animals were cervically dislocated, transferred to the laminar flow 128 hood, sprayed with 70% ethanol and mounted on sterile Styrofoam block on its back. Sterile scissors 129 and forceps were used to cut and pull the skin in order to expose the intact peritoneal wall. A 5-mL 130 ofcold phosphate buffer saline (PBS) supplemented with 3% newborn calf serum was injected 131 carefully into the peritoneal cavity of each mouse using 27 gauge needles in order to harvest the 132 cavity cells. After injection, the peritoneum was massaged to allow all the cells to detach from the 133 peritoneum cavity into the PBS containing newborn calf serum. By using 5 mL syringes with 25 134 gauge needles, the fluids were collected again from the peritoneal cavity of each mouse in collecting 135 15-ml sterile tubes that were kept in an ice container. The abdominal cavities of the animals were 136 then partially opened to suck as much fluid as possible and added to the cell suspensions in the 137 collected tubes. The collected cell suspension was centrifuged at 1,500 rpm for 8 min, then the 138 supernatant was discarded and the cell pellet was resuspended in 4mL of DMEM. The cell 139 suspension was used for cell counting and viability by the Trypan blue dye (Sigma Aldrich) 140 exclusion test before culturing procedures. 141 Trypan blue cell viability test 142 The 20 µL from each cell suspension was mixed with 20 µL of 0.25% Trypan blue dye (Sigma 143 Aldrich) and 10 µL from each cell suspension was applied to the Neubauerhemocytometer (optical 144 chamber) by the automatic pipette prior to counting underlight microscope (Leica). The cell count 145 was 5 x 105 cellsmL-1. Thus, the total count in the 4 mL cell suspension was 2x 106 cells. 146 147 148 149 6 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 Culturing procedure 150 The isolated mouse peritoneal macrophages were cultured intoNunc Lab-Teck 2 well chamber slides 151 at density of 5 x 105 cells/1.5mL of DMEM medium supplemented with 10% Newborn calf serum at 152 37°C for 24 hrs in a humidified 5% CO2 incubator. 153 Preparation of inactivated yeast 154 In order to inactivate the yeast cells and use it as foreign particles for the cultured macrophage, 155 Baker's yeast (0.2 g) was added to 15-mL of PBS in a glass test tube. The test tube was autoclaved 156 for 15 min at 120oC. After autoclaving, the cells were washed several times withsterile PBS and 157 centrifuged at 1,000 rpm for 5 min each time until the phosphate buffer becomes clear. Cleared cells 158 were then re-suspended in 10 mLPBS and stored at 4oC(Bos& de Souza,2000). 159 Phagocytosis assay 160 Adherent peritoneal cells were washed three times with calcium and magnesium free PBS, and 161 folded with 1.5 mL of the inactivated yeast and maintained in the CO2 incubator for 2 hrs. After 162 incubation, non-phagocytic yeasts were eliminated by washing several times with PBS. 163 The adherent peritoneal cellsin the 2-well chamber slides were then fixed with 100% 164 methanol (Sigma Aldrich) for 10 min. After fixation, cells were washed with PBS and stained with 165 crystal violet for 15 min. The stained cells were washed with distilled water to remove excess stain 166 and wereallowed to dry at room temperature. Then, the frames of the stained slides were removed 167 and the stained cells were mounted by DPX (Thermo Shandon) and allowed to dry for 24 hrs at 168 40°C. Finally, slides were observed by the oil immersion lens of the light microscope to take pictures 169 and determine the number of phagocytic cells, non-phagocytic cells and intracellular (engulfed) 170 yeasts per macrophage (Bai et al., 2012). 171 172 173 174 7 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 Statistical analysis 175 Statistical analysis was performed for 60 fields in all the prepared cultured-slides whichweretwo 176 double chambered slides. Data were expressed as means ± standard deviation (SD) and statistical 177 analysis was performed by Student's t-test, where P-value < 0.05 was set as statistical significance. 178 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 179 Isolation of mouse peritoneal cells 180 The isolation technique was an important step in this experiment because it allowed the students to 181 handle, anaesthetize, treat and dissect laboratory animals and learn how to isolate and maintain 182 animal cells. The isolation protocol of mouse peritoneal cells is an essential procedure to study 183 phagocytosis. In addition, the peritoneal cavity provides an easily accessible site for harvesting 184 resident macrophages (Zhang et al., 2008). This technique is widely used to study macrophage 185 biology which can be easily obtained from the peritoneal cavity. In this experiment, the students 186 followed the isolation technique previously described (Ray &Dittel, 2010).Cell viability determined 187 by trypan blue exclusion staining assay, revealed 100 percent viability of the collected cells hence, 188 indicating that the isolation procedure was correctly performed. 189 DMEM promotes the peritoneal cells growth 190 It has been reported that DMEM and RPMI are the commonly used media for culturing macrophage 191 cells isolated from the peritoneal cavity (Bai et al., 2012; Motaet al., 2014; Su et al., 2013; Zhang et 192 al., 2008).In this work, DMEM was used for the culture of the isolated mouse peritoneal cells.Phase 193 contrast microscopyobservationsrevealed that DMEM promoted the attachment and growth of the 194 isolated peritoneal cells. This was clear from the absence of dead suspended cells and the light 195 refracted peripheries of the attached cells (Figure 1). In addition, most of the attached cells showed 196 pseudopodia-like cytoplasmic extensions and different mitotic stages such as prophase, metaphase, 197 anaphase,and telophase (Figure 2). 198 8 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 199 Figure 1 Phase contrast observations of isolated mouse peritoneal cells. Cells were kept in a 37°C incubator with a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2. Images were obtained using 20X (panel a) and 40X (panels b-d), showing large sized macrophage nuclei with plenty of cytoplasm, extensions in cytoplasm and pseudopodia. Panels (c) and (d) show three cell shapes: extended cells (small arrow), rounded cells (star) and cells with many cytoplasmic extensions (large arrow). 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Cell morphology examination 207 When examined by the inverted microscope, the shape of cells in a culture determines its 208 morphology as well astheir health status.Microscopy observation of cultured cells wascrucialforthe 209 students sinceitgave them various skills, such as using phase-contrast microscope, identifying 210 healthy vs. non-healthy cells, and determining different cell shapes under the microscope. From the 211 phase contrast microscopic examinations, students were able to identify that most of the adherent 212 cells were macrophage. This was verified by the presence of large sized cell nuclei with plenty of 213 cytoplasm, different cytoplasmic extensions and pseudopodia (Figure 1b-d). The pseudopodia are 214 usually used for movement; while cytoplasmic extensions are considered markers for phagocytosis. 215 9 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 216 Figure 2 Phase contrast images of the proliferating mouse peritoneal cells cultured in DMEM. Cells were kept at 37°C incubator with a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2. Images were obtained using 20X (panel (a)) and 40X (panels (b) to (d)), showing mitotic phases of the in vitro peritoneal as interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Panel (b) shows the formation of cell clones (circle). Panel (c) shows one cell during cytokinesis (white arrow). 217 218 219 220 221 222 Furthermore, cell division is consideredas an indicator for the healthy status of the cultured 223 cells. In the present work, different stages of mitosis such as metaphase, anaphase and telophase 224 (Figure 2b-d)were observed. In addition, cytokinesis leading to two daughter cells was clearly visible 225 (Figure 2c).Altogether, these observations clearly attest for the good health of the prepared culture. 226 227 Phagocytosis activity of peritoneal macrophage exposed to inactivated yeast cells 228 Students had previously acquired theoretical knowledge about phagocytosis using diagrams or 229 animated movies.Here, in order to investigate the phagocytotic process, students isolated mouse 230 peritoneal macrophages and incubated them with inactivated yeast at 37°C in an incubator with a 231 humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 for 2hrs (Figure 3). 232 233 10 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 Figure3Light micrographs of the mouse peritoneal macrophages. Cultured peritoneal macrophages were exposed to inactivated yeast cells for 2hrs, fixed by methanol and stained with crystal violet and examined by oil immersion lens. Panel (a) shows normal magrophages peritoneal cells spread on a substratum, have large sized nuclei and showing many cell membrane extensions. Panel (b) shows the peritoneal cells bounded to and phagocytized many yeast cells. Panel (c) shows a non-phagocytic macrophage. Panels (d, e and f) illustrate all the phagocytosis stages; binding, phagophore and phagosome and finally phagolysosme, respectively. 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 Students were able to detect phagocytosis at different stages. Indeed, early steps of 242 phagocytosis were clearly identified by the detection of yeast cells bound to macrophages (Figure 243 3c). Later stages of phagocytosis were identified by the presence of cytoplasmic membrane- 244 surrounded vesicles (phagosomes) containing engulfed yeast (Figure 3d). Phagolysosomes, the site 245 of enzymatic degradation of the yeast cell,resulting from the fusion of the phagosomes and 246 lysosomes also were clearly visible (Figure 3e). Phagocytosis was also measured, by calculating the 247 phagocytosis percentage (PP), as previously described (Methodology).The percentage of phagocytic 248 and non-phagocytic cells was 80.55% ± 0.16 and 20.44% ± 0.16, respectively(Figure 4). 249 250 251 Figure 4 The phagocytosis percentage of phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells of cultured cells. The phagocytosis percentage was calculated in 60 fields by counting the phagocytic cell in each field and then it was divided by the total number of cells present in the same field. There was significant change between phagocytic and non- phagocytic cells (p<0.05). 252 253 254 255 256 In order to investigate whether the phagocytosis process was efficient in our system, we 257 determined another phagocytosis parameter which is the phagocytosis index (PI). The PI was 258 11 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 calculated by dividing the number of yeast cells that were bound and engulfed by the peritoneal 259 macrophages over the total number of phagocytizing macrophages. We found that the PI was 4.29 260 yeast cells per macrophage (Table 1) within 2 hours. Altogether, our data suggest that 261 micepossessesan efficient immune system that can eliminate foreign particles in a short time 262 consideringthe total numberof phagocytic cells which include neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, 263 monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells in the animal body. 264 DISCUSSION 265 A phagocytosis experiment was performed by undergraduate senior students during the capstone 266 course “Advanced Bioapplications”in the Department of Biologyat UAEU. The experiments were 267 conducted in three sessions during one week of this practical course. The phagocytosis experiment 268 taught the students a number of skills that are related to their 269 Table 1. The phagocytosis index (PI) which refers to the number of yeast cells that were engulfed by the macrophages within 2-hrs in all the examined fields (mean: 4.29±1.64). 270 271 272 Field # PI Field # PI Field # PI Field # PI 1 3.59 16 3.11 31 4.13 46 5.29 2 2.73 17 5.10 32 5.37 47 6.00 3 2.57 18 3.50 33 3.91 48 8.43 4 2.82 19 4.66 34 2.55 49 7.63 5 2.46 20 2.75 35 2.10 50 5.23 6 2.38 21 3.20 36 4.58 51 5.83 7 2.63 22 8.00 37 2.87 52 5.71 8 2.56 23 4.90 38 3.70 53 5.00 9 3.63 24 2.50 39 4.50 54 4.60 10 2.00 25 4.55 40 3.62 55 4.75 11 3.78 26 6.89 41 4.92 56 9.75 12 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 12 2.57 27 4.11 42 3.40 57 5.70 13 3.50 28 2.54 43 4.14 58 4.40 14 2.70 29 5.07 44 3.67 59 6.73 15 3.50 30 5.38 45 4.91 60 4.80 educationalknowledge.Scientifically, this experiment increasedthe students understanding about 273 274 phagocytosis process, including the phagocytic cells, stages of phagocytosis, and phagocytosis 275 parameters. Moreover, they learned different experimental techniques such as experimentaldesign, 276 mediapreparation, animal handling and dissection, statistical analysis and datainterpretation. The 277 experiment also investigated the efficiency of the mouse immune system and correlated their 278 theoretical knowledge with real experiment conducted by them. 279 The immune system carries out various defense processes in order to protect the animal form 280 as 281 macrophages(Medzhitov, 2008). These macrophages have an essential role in the body defense 282 especially in phagocytosis and are considered as professional phagocytic cells. Macrophages first 283 recognize the foreign body and then start to engulf it. Herein, we investigated the efficiency of the 284 mouse immune system by measuring the phagocytosis percentage (PP) and phagocytosis index (PI) 285 of its peritoneal macrophages in vitro by using inactivated yeast cells as foreign particulates (Gagnon 286 et al., 2002).It is well known that high percentage of phagocytic cells is an indication of an efficient 287 immune system (Campbell et al.,1994). Our results showed that the PP was about 81% indicating 288 that most of the cultured macrophages were phagocytosis-competent (Figure 4). Moreover, the 289 phagocytosis index showed that approximately 4 yeast cells were engulfed by each macrophage cell 290 in 2 hrs. Together, our datasuggest a high efficiency of the mouse immune system. 291 foreign bodies. This isdone by recruiting many different types of cells such Similar approach to the one used in this study was carried by another group (Bos& de 292 Souza,2000), where they describeda method by which internalized and surface-bound yeast particles 293 can be identified by differential interference contrast microscopy using Trypan blue to stain surface- 294 13 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 bound yeast particlesin order to examine phagocytosis process and the receptors involved. In that 295 report, they also used mouse peritoneal macrophages with yeast cells and found that the percentage 296 of internalized yeast was 69%, which is lower to the present work (80.5%). Moreover, the 297 internalized yeast particle was 4.1 yeast cell/ macrophage which is in agreement with our finding (4 298 yeast/macrophage).Ourresultsalso revealed thatDMEM is the most appropriate medium because 299 cultured peritoneal cells were able toattach quickly and proliferate as well. This finding is in 300 agreement with previous work by Anwar and collaborators who also cultured in DMEM,harvested 301 and plated the peritoneal cavity macrophages and J774 cell line macrophage (Anwar et al., 2009). 302 Similarly, Motaet al.,(2014)used DMEM as culture media for mouse peritoneal macrophages. 303 Flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy were usedto determine the PP and PI for 304 different Candida species exposed in vitro to isolate mouse peritoneal macrophages(Carneiro et al., 305 2014). The percentage of macrophages that engulfed or attached to C. orthopsilosis was almost 80%. 306 The result matches and supports our datadespitethe slight variationbetween the two pathogenic 307 species. It is noteworthy to mention that several factors might influence the phagocytosis processes 308 such as the size ofpathogens and the type of the cells involved mouse macrophages and neutrophils 309 against C. albicanswere comparedusing adherent monolayer method(Vonket al., 2002). They found 310 that macrophages had higher PP where it reached approximately 55% compared with neutrophils 311 which reached 40% only. Another study showed that human neurophils had different PPs when 312 exposed to two different species of yeast which are C. parapsilosis and C. albicans(Destin et al., 313 2009). The PPs were only 20% when the neutrophils exposed to C. albicans, whereas it reached 80% 314 when treated with C. parapsilosis. 315 316 317 318 319 14 International Research Journal of Education and Innovation (IRJEI) Vol 1 No 8 August 2015 320 CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, this study revealedthat the mouse immune system is a highly efficient system 321 that can eliminate pathogens through phagocytosis. We found that such types of experiments 322 increase the hands on skills,and support and encourage the students to participate in research and 323 create a friendly-learning environment laboratorycourses. As potential futurescientists and/ordecision 324 makers, students are required to be able to conduct and plan researches and write scientificreports. 325 326 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 327 We would like to express our thanks and appreciations to all students from Advance Bioapplications 328 course for their participation in conducting the phagocytosis experiment.This project was funded by 329 the National Research Foundation-UAEU [RSA 2014-06]; and the Khalifa Center for Biotechnology 330 and Genetic Engineering-UAEU [KCGEB-2-2013] to SAQ. 331 332 REFERENCES 333 AbuQamar, S.F.,Alshannag, Q., Sartawi, A.,&Iratni, R.(2015). Educational awareness of 334 biotechnology issues among undergraduate students at the United Arab Emirates University. 335 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education,Early view.doi: 10.1002/bmb.20863 336 Aderem, A.,& Underhill, D.M. (1999). Mechanisms of phagocytosis in macrophages. 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