Aspirin Analysis # 24 What are we doing today • We are going to use a spec. 20 to determine the absorbance of our tablet. • Once we know the absorbance we can determine the strength of our aspirin . • Remember use the equation of line. • To help determine the absorbance, we complex the aspirin. Procedures • Obtain, wash, and dry with acetone a mortar and pestle • Obtain and accurately determine the mass of a aspirin tablet. • Grind up your aspirin and place it in a 125 mL. Erlenmeyer flask. • Add 10 Ml. Of 1. M NaOH and about 70 mL. Di. H2O •Place the flask on a hot plate and warm the solution while swirling. •Warm the solution until it boils. •Rinse the flask down with Di. water •Filter the solution into a 250mL. round bottom flask. •Mix very thoroughly. Procedures Continued • Pipette 1 mL. of your solution into a 25mL. graduated cylinder. • Add 0.020M IronIIIChloride solution and fill to the 20mL. line. • Mix thoroughly • Follow procedures on spec. 20 to determine absorbance. Table 24-1 Calibration Graph Data M of Complex X 104 .898 Absorbance .146 1.78 .310 2.660 .470 3.550 .620 4.440 .780 Remember .898 actually means .898 X10-4 Lou Tisone Chem116-30 Fall-06 Absorbance Molarity Vs. Absorbance y = 0.1782x - 0.0099 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 Molarity X10+4 4 5 Due Next Week • Two graphs #1 absorbance Vs. M x104 from the data I gave you • # 2 Abs Vs. Mg./ Tablet you must calculate • Do two trials ( two different tablets) • Complete table 24-2 • Answer questions 2-4 Lou Tisone Chem116-30 Fall-06 Absorbance Mg of Aspirin Vs. Absorbance y = 0.002x - 0.0097 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 Mg. of Aspirin 400 500 Help with table 24.1 Convert from Molarity to mg/tablet Ex #1 .898X10-4 4 .898x10 moles .250L 180g 1000mg 20 1L 1tablet mole 1g 80.82mg/Ta blet You must do the same for the rest of the data so you can make the second graph Table 24.2 Trial # 1 Mass of my aspirin is .370grams, and abs = .482 from my calibration graph # 1 y = 0.1759X-0.0015 .482X 0.0015 X 0.1759 X 2.76M Don’t forget X10-4 the actual answer = 2.76X10-4 M Mg Aspirin / Tablet table 24.2 2.76x10 4 moles .250L 180g 1000mg 20 1L 1tablet mole 1g 248.4mg/Tablet Percent Aspirin / Tablet Weight of entire tablet = 0.370g or 370mg 248.4mg/Ta blet X100 67.02% Aspirin 370mg/Tabl et