Name one similarity between Annie Johnson and the old washwoman.
Name one difference between Annie Johnson and the old washwoman.
Obj.: Determine a theme or central idea of a text.
Obj.: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text.
Obj.: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.
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Study your Word Book or bring a book back to your center for quiet independent reading
Review yesterday’s vocabulary words
Complete the vocabulary worksheet
Read the passage first
Circle the appropriate words
Write your responses on a piece of lined paper
Note: Antonym means “opposite of”
Study your Word Book
Copy down yesterday’s vocabulary words
Review Unit 1 Big Question vocabulary
Look in your Word Book, or check the handout
Complete both vocabulary worksheets
Forgot details of the essays? There is a copy of each for you to review
Important: Use Big Question vocabulary words in each of your answers!
Important: On a piece of lined paper, write down the reasoning behind each of your answers.
Reading: Make Predictions
Predictions are based on information from the text and knowledge from your own experience
As you read, notice details and clues
Ask yourself what you think will happen
Literary Analysis: Narrative Essay
A narrative essay is a short piece of nonfiction
It tells a true story, and includes significant details
Important: On a piece of lined paper, write down the reasoning behind each of your answers.
Reading: Author’s Purpose
An author’s purpose is his or her reason for writing
To entertain, to inform, to describe, and to persuade
Literary Analysis: Theme
A theme is the message, insight, or lesson that a writer presents in a work
Sometimes the writer states the theme directly
Sometimes the theme is implied; you must figure out the theme by noticing what happens in the story