Hal!: ((okay))

Awakening Chronicle, Story 4 Chapter II
Played 5/20/2012
Hal: Pat, wouldja say Ody or Sean learned anything important in the last session?
Odysseus: (just from a cursory glance, Ody learned that he needs to organize his workspace
better. Other than that, I'm not yet sure. Gimme some time to look over the logs again and I can
give you an answer :) As for Sean, I wasn't playing him as much so I can't say on him.
Hal!: Take your time and yeah, I don't think I picked up on a lot from Sean.
Amrita: One thing Sean might want to know, though it's trivial. But he's a sports fan -- so,
Amrita is a Giants and 49'ers fan.
Odysseus: (Meh, they're California teams. Wake me when they've been around more'n a hunnerd
yeahs...) :P
Hal!: Oh, this IS the World of Darkness after all... there's a Giants fan in my game. Brian /
Kijika told me he'll be out of town today and doesn't think he'll be able to get online.
Hal!: Okay, originally I was gonna split the party into two chats and run wolves and Amrita in
one and mages in the other, but I've decided it might be more fun if we keep folks together for
the most part today, IC and OOC. Alesia needs to leave @ 9 anyhow, and perhaps we can say
that she and the wolves take off together when the time comes for her to depart or so.
Amrita: ((I know weekend gaming is going to get a little difficult for me shortly. We like to go
camping up in the mountains every summer, and intend to resume that this year for sure.))
Hal!: oh okay. good to know.
Rowena: ((That'll be a good thing for you guys. :) ))
Amrita: ((Dear God. So very, very needful.))
Hal!: We can revisit game schedule as time goes on. Okay, are we more or less ready to begin?
Any any objections to the idea of the mages coming along with Amrita and co to have an initial
face to face with that werewolf pack, and then folks heading for the House of the Setting Sun?
Rowena: None here.
Amrita: I'd prefer it, actually. Separating the party is historically a Very Bad Idea.
Rowena: =heh= As we've discovered, before. We need to have a gaming geek in this group, to
tell us these things. :p
Amrita: That's why I was a little bemused to see it suggested last time, but hey. Whatev's.
Hal!: *g* "Let's split up, gang!" *rotten fruit pelts the fellow who spake thus* Okay, starting up.
Hal!: *The group's vehicles (I leave it to you to say how many of you are carpooling or in your
own wheels) are pulling up to the suggested neutral meeting point: the parking lot of a destroyed
99 Cent Store in the Silverlake area, near the corner of Sunset and Santa Monica. This area is
sort of a mix of ghetto and hipsterville, but was pretty badly damaged in The Harrowing, and
construction has been slow to get going over here for the most part. The neighborhood
immediately around this store seems to be in a bad way, and something of a ghost town. There
are two cars in the store's parking lot: a classic Chevy nomad and a more recent Dodge Charger*
Amrita: *Amrita and Ashton and Vox pull up in her Audi, watching the other vehicles closely*
Linda: *Linda pulls her van up and parks a fair distance across the garbage-strewn lot from the
two tightly packed cars. Her eyes dart over the scene, and Joseph's are narrowed as he surveys
the area*
Amrita: *to Ashton* Got your gun, baby? Mine's in the glove box, better hand it over. You just
never know.
Nightwatcher: Shotgun is in back, I have my cane just in case.
Linda: *Linda checks the knife belted against the small of her back and the pistol in her shoulder
holster. She's wearing her green jumpsuit over her body armor right now. Joseph steps out of the
van first, shouldering the quiver of his bow*
Amrita: Good. *nods* *texts to Linda* Got any extra senses you can employ to look around?
Rowena: *Ro's own Charger pulls up with Aladdin and Linda's van and grabs her smaller med
kit that also acts as a general carry-all. *
Amrita: *then to Ashton* Got any extra senses to use to take a look around, honey?
Linda: *Linda texts back* Checking the Umbra now.
Amrita: *texts to Ro* Hey slow-poke. Pull up an extra sense or two with a rote and take a look
around for me, would you? *Hal, same to Ody, wherever he is*
Nightwatcher: Definitely.
Linda: *Linda utters a quiet prayer, taking a deep breath and then opening her eyes again*
Amrita: ((Hal? Sense Gaia for Amrita, please.))
Rowena: *texts back to Am * Moms :-P But will do...
Hal!: ((Linda arete ( dif: 4) : 10, 10, 2 Sux:2 - she's got spirit and prime senses for the scene))
Nightwatcher: *pulling out his portable, he attaches a cable linked to an antenna and sticks it to
the roof* Take me just a moment. (Corr 1/Mind 1 sense intelligent minds))
Amrita: ((Amrita sensing Gaia ( dif: 6) : 7, 9, 5, 4, 5 Sux:2))
Amrita: *group text* Everyone please say something if you turn up anything unusual!
Hal!: *Despite this being in a damaged, blighted urban wasteland, Amrita most definitely feels
the presence of Gaian energies in the area. Linda's eyes narrow as she looks over the area*
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 19:37:55 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Corr 1/Mind 1 (Diff 4) » 1,5,5 (1
Rowena: ((Rowena Extra senses ( dif: 6) : 2, 6, 1 fail Bah...))
Hal!: *Ash does sense a number of intelligent minds in the area*
Linda: *Linda sends a group text* ~Got some spirits watching. May or may not be theirs.
Amrita: *text* Any way we can tell for sure?
Linda: ~I'd have to ask them. They're not Banes though~
Amrita: *text* Probably theirs, then....
Hal!: *The driver and passenger side doors of the Nomad, which is a beautifully custom painted
metallic royal blue color, open and a pair of people climb out*
Amrita: ((Does Ody have any extra senses he could be using to scan the area?))
Amrita: *texts group* I've got Gaian energies in the area, but that's it. They're getting out, let's
do this.
Odysseus: (( He does... he can use his scanner device... may not yet be able to sense things bpast
the umbra, but I think he, with a small reading of Tobin's Spirit Guide, might be able to sense
banes in the material world... right, Hal?)
Hal!: The driver is a lanky fellow wearing tight embroidered jeans, a printed tee and an
unbuttoned, epauletted jacket that looks like it might have been designed for a marching band.
His hair is a bit moppy and a cigarette dangles from his lips.*
Hal!: ((there aren't any Banes immediately on site in the material world))
Odysseus: Great. Is out of work Beatle.
Nightwatcher: *Ash slides out of the car, leaning against his cane as he move to Am with a
slight limp*
Odysseus: *Ody steps up to the vehicle with the others.*
Amrita: *eyes Ash knowingly, joins him. Leaves the back door open for Vox, just in case. For
now he's staying in the car, though*
Rowena: *Ro gets out of her car, Ozy following as usual.* Could be worse. Could be an out-ofwork Elvis Impersonator.
Odysseus: Please to not reminding me. Bucharest, vacation, 1987.
Hal!: ((LOL))
Amrita: Who in their right mind vacations in Bucharest? *glances at Ody* Oh, right. Sorry,
Odysseus: (LOL!!!)
Hal!: *His companion is a bit taller. She's an African American woman with an afro, wearing a
vest, tan slacks and expensive tennis shoes*
Amrita: ((What's going on with the other vehicle?))
Hal!: *The charger's doors also open, but it's on the other side from the Nomad so it's tougher to
get a good look at its driver and passenger right away, but there are two more, and one of them is
wearing a cowboy hat.*
Nightwatcher: It's better than some corners of south central... or certain areas of downtown L.A.
Amrita: True dat.
Hal!: *Linda comes around the side of her van, trailing a little bit after Kijika, who is following
Joseph as the big Galliard strides purposefully towards the moppy haired hipster*
Odysseus: I can only imagine.
Amrita: *nods to the wolves of her party before they go forward to meet & greet*
Hal!: *The other two come into better view at that point as the emerge from behind the nomad.
first comes a slightly built fellow of perhaps twenty two or so with multicolored streaks in his
hair dressed in a loud and clashing variety of tight, artfully torn clothing. His eyes are different
colors - probably thanks to contacts since one of his eyes is a shocking neon blue color. The
other is a big urban cowboy with a brown leather jacket, jeans and a broad brimmed cowboy hat.
The cowboy is about Joseph’s height, and is broad shouldered and powerfully built. If he’s not
an Ahroun, then none of them have ever seen one*
Sean: *Sean gestures over to the probable Garou* (To Am, quietly) They ya pack?
Amrita: They're someone's pack. *smiles slightly* Dunno whose, yet.
Joseph: *Stops about five paces from them and inclines his head* Gearshift?
Gearshift: *"Beatle" nods and waves his packmates to join him. They stand in a rough line
facing the group* Yeah, that's me. These are my packmates The United Front.
Amrita: *stands easily, weight mostly on one leg, watching, black jeans, sheer black gauze
blouse over an acid-green camisole*
Gearshift: I'm guessing you're Chases-the-Dream, right? *he indicates Joseph*
Joseph: * nods, eyeing each of them. Linda is loitering a bit towards the rear, but making her
way up to join the rest*
Rowena: *Ro takes up space in the back, though keeping a good view of things and a good
awareness of their surroundings.*
Nightwatcher: *Ash stands just behind Amrita, checking the area around them constantly*
Joseph: *Joseph looks to his two sort-of packmates, gesturing to each in turn* Sean and Kijika.
This is Amrita. *he decides it's best to introduce everybody else as well, out of politeness* Our
other companions are Nightwatcher, Odysseus, Rowena and lastly Linda, my mate.
Odysseus: *Ody follows Ro into the vehicle. Sean stands with Nightwatcher and Am, eyeing
over the pack.*
Amrita: *nods easily when her name is mentioned*
Nightwatcher: *Ash nods politely then resumes his watch*
Rowena: *gives a half-salute, half-wave as she's introduced, a small smile in greeting.*
Odysseus: *Ody nods, Sean just looks blankly, putting on his "serious" face.*
Gearshift: Pleasure to make your acquaintance... My associates are Block Party *the black
woman nods her bushy-haired head*, Bronco *indicating the cowboy, who touches the brim of
his hat in greeting and inclines his head slightly, but his eyes are narrowed as he looks the group
over, settling a hard-eyed glance over Linda* and YouTube. *the colorful little guy gives a
desultory wave*
Amrita: *nods again* Good to meet you at last.
Gearshift: *smiles to her broadly, taking the cigarette from his lips* So you're the one he was
telling me about. Your Galliard friend didn't even halfway do your beauty justice, and that's a
crying shame. *The pack leader approaches, offering a handshake to Joseph, Sean, Kijika and
Amrita since they're seemingly the ones he's here to talk to.*
Amrita: *smiles a bit wickedly* I have every faith in Chases-The-Dream. He'll have a few more
opportunities to practice, I suppose. How have things been here in the city since last October?
*shakes his hand amiably*
Sean: *Sean takes his hand* It's an honah t' meet ya.
Gearshift: This town? It's been a rough six months.
Amrita: Any new outbreaks?
Linda: *Linda's eyes widen and she does her best to hide that fact, lowering the brim of her hat a
Bronco:*It's a bit late however, because Bronco's mouth opens in surprise as well, and he
exclaims to go with it, cutting off what Gearshift was about to say* Whatinna... Ah know you!
*With a sudden surge of movement, Bronco quickdraws a huge slabsided handgun that looks a
bit like what Desert Eagles want to be when they grow up, and points it dead at her face*
Sean: Oi oi oi, whaddya doin, pal?
Amrita: *Am steps between them if she can* This woman is under my protection, Bronco. *said
calmly -- dead calmly*
Joseph: *Joseph snarls and sidesteps along with Amrita to interpose himself* Mind where you
point that, cowboy.
Amrita: Easy, Chases. *still unearthly calm* I got this.
Sean: *Sean stands with Am and Joseph* Let me make this cleah. If you hahm her, you ARE
going to hahve to ahnswer to us.
Amrita: Thanks, Sean... Everybody just take a breath, here.
Nightwatcher: *Ash moves to Lin's side, hand on hilt*
Amrita: Nobody's going to be doing any shooting, so let's just put the heat away.
Bronco: *Bronco's Rage is dangerously close to boiling over, and he's subconsciously shifted up
to Glabro form, and snarls through his newly sprouted fangs* Chases, hate to break it to you...
you've been screwing a Fomor. Fixing that won't take a moment.
Rowena: *Ro stays put, because it gives her a better view of the man, thus a better opportunity
to act, but her face is set in implacable lines and her eyes snap in anger*
Amrita: She is not a fomor. Look again.
Linda: *Linda backs away, hands up defensively* Bronco... Ah ain't that girl no more...
Hal!: ((Amrita, gimme a charisma + etiquette roll, difficulty 7 but taking your pure breed into
Amrita: okay)) Amrita charisma etc. ( dif: 7) : 3, 6, 8, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2 fail -- crap.
Joseph: *Hhas shifted up to Glabro also, and Gearshift and the other United Front members are
shifting position to spread out a bit into better position in case this breaks out into a fight*
Amrita: *Vox hops out of the car at this -- if the wolves are shifting, then it's got to be safe for
him to be out too*
Sean: *Sean is staying Homid for the time being, not wanting to present anything that would
give a provocation.*
Kijika: *Kijika slips around Joseph's side so that, if Bronco wants to get at Linda, he's got to go
through not just two but three people*
Nightwatcher: *Ash draws in a deep breath before he speaks* Everyone settle down. (Mind 2
subtle impulse, + WP) ((Mind 2/Corr 1 to be exact))
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Hal!: ((roll it Ash))
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 20:27:21 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Mind 2/Corr 1 (Diff 5, used
willpower) » 1,7,7 (2 successes)))
Hal!: ((that'll be enough to make Bronco hesitate a few bit, let people do some more talking))
Amrita: The Rite Master at Boiling Earth knows a cure, Bronco. So does Kijika, now.
Bronco: *The cowboy was tensing as if to shoulder past Joseph and Amrita to drill Linda with
that oversized hand cannon, but he wavers a bit when Ashton invokes his spell*
Amrita: Soaring Condor performed it on Linda before we left that place. Chases the Dream ws
the one who destroyed the bane in the umbra.
Linda: *Linda backpedals a couple more steps* It's true...
Amrita: *so grateful that Sean and Kijika are staying in Homid!*
Hal!: ~Bronco~ Bullsh- *At that time, Gearshift places a clawed hand on Bronco's extended
arm, pressing downwards* ~Shift down, Bronco. They're straight on this one... somehow.
Amrita: *glances at Gearshift, nods*
Joseph: She turned herself over to my sept, and pleaded for us to cure her. She is no longer Kin
to the Black Spiral Dancers, but to Uktena. So can we get back to business?
Nightwatcher: *relaxes slightly but stays just in front of Lin*
Amrita: We didn't come here to start a fight, Bronco.
Bronco: *Bronco lowers that huge pistol and holsters it again, shaking his head* Ain't never
heard'a nobody curin' a fomor.
Amrita: That's because it's a brand new rite. Soaring Condor and Kijika are likely the only two
garou who know it.
Linda: *Linda approaches a bit hesitantly* Bronco... Ah'm sorry Ah startled ya... Ah didn't
know you was in LA... fer what it's worth, Ah still got some'a the scars ya gave me.
Amrita: *mind speech to Ashton* ~Thank you. Perfectly timed, that was awesome.~
Sean: Ah, so ya two have some back history... Still no call for pullin' th' gun on th' lady, but it
seems a bit more understandable...
Rowena: *snorts softly, but she obviously files the information away.*
Nightwatcher: *MS to Am* ~Just doing my job.~
Bronco: Backstory? *Bronco laughs, still tense* Ya might say that.1
Amrita: ((Is Bronco shifting down to homid?))
Joseph: *Joseph's nostrils flare at the mention that some of Linda's scars come from the Ahroun
in front of him, but he keeps himself under control*
Hal!: *Bronco and Gearshift both return to homid, as does Joseph*
Sean: Enough to where ya're puttin scahs on her. Back then, if she were a Fomor, I'da prolly
joined ya. But now, as a Philodox, I will vouch on my honah that she is who she says she is.
Gearshift: ~ to Sean~ Thanks, boyo.
Gearshift: And you guys can fix Fomori? That's... very interesting information. I'm sure that
Moonshot will want to hear all about it.
Amrita: Kijika can, yes. I'm sure he'd be happy to talk with your Moonshot about it. So,
business? You were going to tell us what has been happening around here in the last six months?
*her expression normalizes from dead calm to her more usual self*
Gearshift: Yeah... Whole place went belly up last October... Fomori and walking dead, Leeches
and things everywhere. Pasadena where our sept is based was pretty much fine, but down here,
and especially downtown? It was really hairy.
Amrita: *nods* Yeah, I'd heard about that. Some of my friends here were caught up in it, in fact.
I was just wondering whether anything unusual had happened since then.
Odysseus: *Ody* Yes, we were being at "ground zero" of the incident when it occurring. Is
seems to have been calmed since, yse?
Gearshift: Well, after the tower blew up, most of the monsters dropped dead or vanished, and
we had our hands full dealing with skirmishes with Spirals and a bunch of human hunters too.
The Fall of La brought every nutjob this side of Las Vegas out of the woodwork.
Amrita: So no more episodes of fomori banding together with nephandi and other bad-nasties,
not since then?
Gearshift: I don't know what "nephandi" are, but we've sure had a number of fomori to worry
about, and the Spirals are still out there. There was sort of a free-for-all with us, Leeches and
some crazy wizards for a little bit... *eyeing them, and glancing Ody's way* Do you know a cat
named Steve? Lanky guy, always talking about beer, crazier than an emo kid at a Rammstein
Amrita: *nods* He died at the Battle of Cinder Cone. Just a few weeks ago. *jaw clenches,
Rowena: *closes eyes briefly and swallows, then re-opens them to keep tabs on everyone*
Odysseus: *Ody casts his eyes down as he hears Steve's name*
Gearshift: *Gearshift shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair* Which makes you
*pointing at Linda* the chick whose voice was with Steve on the recording he sent us?
Linda: *Linda nods, eyes hard and throat tight, unable to speak*
Amrita: So just fomori then, and BSD, of course. *thinks* Anybody hearing anything about a
group called HSL?
Gearshift: All right... guess that makes you *pointing at Ody* One of what he called the.. *rolls
his eyes* "Don't-hurt-you-mages"?
Nightwatcher: *Ash raises an eye brow*
Rowena: ~Ozy ms to Ro~ You need to be on that list.
Odysseus: Yes. I doing nothing to hurt. Just asking my comrade... Or... maybe not. Experiments
are sometimes failing through no fault of my own, yes?
YouTube: *The kid with the one super-blue contact laughs out loud at that*
Gearshift: *Gearshift pinches the bridge of his nose* Okay... how many of you lot were down
here when LA went nuts? *Linda raises her hand quietly*
Odysseus: *Ody raises his hand*
Gearshift: Okay, so just you two… gonna want to talk to you later about that... *shakes his
head* Big time. But back to the question.
Amrita: *eyebrows flicker at this*
Odysseus: (Ouch. That can't be good.)
Gearshift: Spirals use fomori as shock troops all the time. That's nothing special. I'm not sure
we've seen anything out of the ordinary along those lines.
Amrita: HSL, honey. Has anyone heard anything about a group called that? *with an air of
someone who just had to repeat herself*
Gearshift: *He eyes her, a brow raised* YouTube?
YouTube: *The shorter guy with the wacky colored hair speaks up* Holmes and Strickland
Laboratories, right?
Amrita: That's them, yes.
Nightwatcher: Any intel you have on them would be useful.
YouTube: They're involved with a bunch of universities in the area, and they're up to their
elbows with Endron *his expression when he says that isn't pleasant* But they haven't made any
real trouble up here that I'm aware of. Not lately anyways. We don't trust them, but they haven't
made themselves a clear and present danger to our protectorate nearly as much as some troubles
closer to home have.
Amrita: Their involvement in all this may have been limited to their gig at Boiling Earth, but I
doubt it. You heard what they were trying to accomplish there?
Gearshift: *Gearshift nods* Chases here mentioned something about it last night when we
spoke. Though he didn't go into all the details.
Amrita: That's the kind of thing we're looking out for, just now. Fomori, BSD, and nephandi -bad mages, or name breakers, if you must -- banding together.
Joseph: I will be glad to tell the full story when we visit your caern.
Amrita: It's just never good news, when that happens. *nods with Joseph and smiles easily*
Gearshift: *laughs* Yeah, that wouldn't be good news.
Amrita: So do we pass? *still smiling* Can we come over to the caern and speak on these
Gearshift: I've got to report back to our elders, but I expect the Autofire will give his approval;
Moonshot's going to want to get a real good look at you. *He grins at Amrita. Yeah he wouldn't
mind getting a real good look himself*
Amrita: *eyebrows flicker, and she grins* Good. Feel free to pass my phone number to Autofire
and the others.
Joseph: *Regards him coolly* When can we expect to hear back regarding our request to come
meet with your elders?
Gearshift: *gearshift whistles in amusement* I'll give them your number, sure... and Chases? I
figure you guys will get a call inside a couple hours. Just to be clear though... how many visitors
should we expect? *looking the group over calculatingly*
Amrita: Is there a problem with all of us coming? Or do you want Garou and kin only?
Gearshift: It'd probably be a lot more polite if we kept the guest list down. *he says it simply
enough, no real hostility in his voice*
Amrita: *nods understandingly* Then just four of us, maybe five if Linda accompanies us.
Linda: *Linda shakes her head* Better if'n Ah don't, Ah reckon... Ah might could give Joseph
an' the pack a ride, but... Ah don't want no misunderstandin's.
Amrita: Four it is. *smiles* We'll be in my car.
Linda: *She casts a glance Bronco's way and the Ahroun meets her eyes, his expression neutral*
Joseph: *Joseph smiles a somewhat reserved smile* That will be perfect. *He surreptitiously
squeezes Linda's hand and she gives him a shy smile*
Gearshift: Okay then... well this has been highly educational. We'll be in touch. *he shakes
Joseph's hand again and extends it to Amrita also*
Amrita: *takes it warmly* Looking forward to it.
Joseph: *He lifts her hand to his lips and kisses it, then releases it* Hopefully I'll see you again
Hal!: *With that, the United Front retreats into their lovingly maintained and shiny automobiles,
start the engines and pull out*
Amrita: *smiling in private amusement, Am nods to Ash and returns to her own car*
Amrita: ((I'm wrapping it up, kids. Thanks for the fun.))
Odysseus: (Have a good night, Am! :) )
Rowena: Well... that was rather interesting. Adrenalin flow notwithstanding.
Nightwatcher: *pushed the brim of his hat up, and nods to the group as he follows Am back*
Rowena: ((G'night!)
Hal!: ((night Am! enjoy your show, and know that Amrita'll be safe with us.))
Linda: *Linda shakes her head* Ah didn't never 'spect ta see that guy again. *Her heart is still
running a mile a minute*
Rowena: Small world, honey. Small world.
Amrita: ((Try not to stay out of trouble, Ody. :) Just drop Am off someplace, if you would. She
doesn't actually need to be part of the second meeting.))
Rowena: ((Rodeo Drive!!))
Sean: Absent the whole nearly gettin' torn t' pieces, that was productive. Now, Linda, what's the
story behind you and "Dances with bulldozers" there?
Amrita: ((=heh= Or a park somewhere.)) ((Good night.))
Nightwatcher: ((Night!))
Joseph: *Joseph kisses Linda on the brow* Linda, how about you go with the others? We'll keep
Amrita safe, and we'd just as soon not make any complications when you guys go visit Ro's
mom's chantry.
Rowena: Ody and I have her back. *winks*
Odysseus: Of course we will looking after her.
Linda: *Linda shakes her head, releasing a ragged breath* Good idear, Joseph... Ah'll be okay
now... an' Sean? He was part'a a pack that mah ol' boyfriend talkedin ta kidnappin' me ta save me
from mah old tribe... but mah tribe knew they was comin'... that was when they made me inta a
Mockery, an' left me delirious fer Bronco's pack ta find me.
Sean: Ah. Bit more complicated than I was expecting. Sorry then, for shootin' my mouth off
'bout joinin' in.
Rowena: I'm thinking I might come up with a few special curses just for those kinds of people.
Linda: When they realized what'd happened, he tried ta put me down an' put me outta mah
misery. Matt had other idears an' teleported me ta Philadelphia. *She shivers* What he thought a
half-dead, tore up mutant chick wearin' nothin' but half a bathrobe was gonna do in Philly's
anyone's guess. *shakes her head*
Rowena: *laughs softly* He was your boyfriend and he cared. He was trying to get you out of
harm's way, prolly for long enough to figure out what to do.
Nightwatcher: *nods in agreement with Ro*She’s right.
Linda: Ah hope so... Ah ain't never heard from him again... Joseph, babe... couldja ask'im what
happened ta Matthew fer me? He's old news a'course, but Ah... Ah kinda hope they didn't kill
him on mah account.
Joseph: *nods* I'll do that. But go on. You don't want to be late.
Sean: Or, alternatively, he was a rotter who saw her as a liability and tried to get her away from
him, damn the consequences...
Rowena: Boy you're just a ray of sunshine, aren't you?
Linda: *Linda raises a brow at Sean* Ya sure know how ta make a girl feel sexy. *She gives
Joseph a quick kiss and starts retreating to her van*
Sean: Never pays to be Pollyanna, honey. I believe and hope, but I've seen enough of God's
other fallen creations t' know that they can have a pretty black heart when left to their own
Joseph: *Joseph signals to Kijika and follows Amrita towards her Audi*
Nightwatcher: It’s one thing to be realistic, another to be a pessimist.
Rowena: Trust me, as a paramedic, I've seen nearly the worst we can do to each other. But Hope
Springs Eternal, as the saying goes.
Nightwatcher: *glances to Ro* Sometimes hope is all you got.
Rowena: It's part of what kept me going. *smiles* Let's get on and get over to the Chantry, then.
If my mother actually uses the words 'you're late,' we're all in trouble. *grimaces playfully.*
Sean: Theological virtue, definitely. And maybe the human race'll surprise me sooner rather than
Nightwatcher: As I was reminded, you only find what you are looking for. Lead the way Ro.
Rowena: Have fun, guys! *waves at the others* See you later! *opens the doors and motions for
those riding with her to pile in* And someone gets the unmitigated privilege of having a lap full
of Ozy!
Odysseus: Is anyone here allergic to cat? I can fix that...
Nightwatcher: *hops in whatever vehicle has an open seat*
Linda: No burnin' his fur off, sugar.
Odysseus: No, no. That would being inhuman. I merely testing new allergy spray. Has few side
effects... *Ody rattles off a laundry list of side effects, including some which are positively blood
curdling*...and explosive decompression. If you are experiencing any of these, please to be
seeing doctor.
Nightwatcher: I think I'd opt for Benadryl....
Hal!: ((explosive decompression LOL))
Rowena: As a doctor, I think the cure sounds worse than the allergy there, Spark. *laugh*
Odysseus: Yes, but being thinking of the SCIENCE!
Hal!: *The Garou pack and Amrita drive away, to whatever horrors Amrita sees fit to visit upon
them while they are waiting for word from Gearshift or his sept. Perhaps shopping? The horror*
Rowena: Risking explosive decompression is not on my list of things to do, today. Or any day,
really. *once everyone's seated and belted in, Ro puts the car in motion and heads for their
Hal!: ((shall we say Ody's with Ro and Ash is with Linda?))
Odysseus: (Sure)21:09
Nightwatcher: ((works))21:09
Rowena: ((That works))21:09
Hal!: ((okay, while we're enroute, Ash could you make a quick Per+Awareness roll?))
Hal!: ((Linda Awareness ( dif: 6) : 1, 8, 8, 5, 1 fail))
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 22:14:10 » Ashton rolls 5 dice to Awareness » 4,1,8,7,10 (2
Hal!: *As they are driving over towards Mulholland, but before they get up onto the ridge,
Ashton feels the hairs on the nape of his neck prickling.*
Nightwatcher: Um...what was that....
Linda: What was what? *Linda asks, brows furrowing*
Nightwatcher: Something just got my attention. ((Corr 1/Prime 1, checking for traces of magic))
Linda: *she looks in the rearview mirrors and checks the road* ((roll it))
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 22:19:04 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Corr 1/Prime 1 (Diff 4) » 8,5,8 (3
Hal!: Linda Alertness ( dif: 6) : 5, 7 Sux:1, Car shadowing ( dif: 6) : 7, 6, 6, 7, 7 Sux:5
Hal!: *Ashton detects that there's definitely some sort of magic going on. There's an Effect of
some sort on the car, trace leading back to further down the road behind them*
Nightwatcher: Someone is running a program.. rote.
Linda: *She swears* Ya know who? Or how we oughtta ditch 'em?
Nightwatcher: It’s on the car at the moment but it’s from someone behind us.
Nightwatcher: ((Can I tell which spheres?))
Hal!: ((correspondence))
Nightwatcher: Hrm... tracing and identifying... let them follow for a moment but detour as much
as possible, let Ro know.
Linda: *She voice-to-texts to notify Ro what's up and proceeds trying to lose whoever it is after,
of course, waiting a bit per Ash's instructions*
Nightwatcher: ((Going to use Corr 2/Prime 1 to identify the car behind us +1 WP))
Hal!: ((ok))
Nightwatcher: *Ash begins typing furiously in the air, his eyes focused on a unseen screen*
Nightwatcher: (((2012-05-20 22:26:04 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Corr 2/Prime 1 (Diff 5, used
willpower) » 3,10,4 (2 successes)))
Rowena: *Ro acknowledges in the same manner* Got it. Let us know if any more trouble.
*turns to Ody after sending message* They picked up a tail, a magical one at that.
Odysseus: How far is tail being from them? Does he knowing?
Rowena: He's working on finding out. Goddess only knows where they picked it up and who it
Odysseus: Does he knowing whom it is from, even?
Hal!: *Ash is able to pick out, a goodly ways back, that the magic originates with a rather
ominously nondescript black sedan*
Rowena: Not from what Linda said. *shrug* But he's working on that, too.
Nightwatcher: Lovely, standard black sedan. About three cars behind us. I'm working out some
interference and see if I can figure out their intentions.
Linda: Want me ta see if'n Ah can lose 'em?
Nightwatcher: Yep and I'll make them think of something else.
Odysseus joined the chat
Nightwatcher: ((Mind 2/Corr 2, determing what their inttentions are to us))
Odysseus: (If I, EVER, get my hands on those "Your computer has a virus" weasels...)
Hal!: ((Kick them in the nads. with ice skates))
Rowena: ((LOL))
Odysseus: (LOL!)
Hal!: ((Ash, there's opposed magic on this one too. somebody is trying to cloak their
Rowena: ((Boy these guys are just going for the asshattery award today, aren't they? ;) ))
Nightwatcher: ((Well it’s counter magic, most sux win))
Hal!: car wits drive follow ( dif: 6) : 6, 4, 4, 4, 8 Sux:2. Linda wits drive escape (r10 dif: 6) : 10,
3, 4, 8, 3, 4, 2 Sux:2. No change, but Linda's trying to shake them without breaking into a full on
high speed chase))
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 22:40:09 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Mind 2/Corr 2 (Diff 5) » 1,5,6 (1
Hal!: car antimagic ( dif: 5) : 3, 8, 8 Sux:2
Odysseus: (Hal, how far are we from them -- that is Ro and Ody from Ash and Linda?)
Hal!: ((Probably a fair ways. Linda was hanging back a bit from you when she realized they
have a tail, and she's trying not to look like she's following you... especially cus she's trying to
lead them away from you))
Nightwatcher: Hrm. We got a problem. They're resisting my magic. Time for me to make us
untrackable. ((Corr 2, warding both our cars))
Hal!: *One would not know from watching them, but Linda is actively trying to escape without
speeding, and the black sedan is pursuing in a similarly sedate manner*
Odysseus: Rowena, are you thinking we should doubling back? Or keep going and assume that
Ashton and Linda can handling the situation?
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 22:43:49 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Corr 2, diff 5» 5,9,2 (2
Hal!: ((car chase ( dif: 6) : 4, 5, 5, 4, 9 Sux:1. Linda flee (r10 dif: 6) : 4, 5, 9, 10, 10, 1, 6, 1
Sux:2. if we apply Ash's roll as a difficulty mod to Linda's roll then she has 3 successes now, and
if she can get two more beyond the other guys' pursuit she can lose them))
Linda: *Linda brakes coming up to a light just before it turns red, and then guns the engine just
when it changes, winning her some more breathing space in this low speed pursuit*
Rowena: Yeah, let me see if I can follow the followers as it were. *grins and pulls onto a side
street to try and do just that* If nothing else, maybe you can help find out who they are.21:47
Hal!: ((okay, if Linda and Ash can't lose them outright in the next round, then Ro can try to tail
Rowena: ((Works for me))
Nightwatcher: One more trick I can try. ((Corr 2/Mind 2 Subtle impulse on the driver to turn
Hal!: ((okay, roll it.))
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 22:49:06 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Mind 2/Corr 2 (Diff 5) » 1,9,2
Nightwatcher: *Ash begins typing furious and grunts* Dammit, no good. *Ash slides his gun
into his lap* Always be prepared.
Hal!: ((car chase ( dif: 6) : 10, 1, 6, 10, 10. Sux:3 linda escape with right diff (r10 dif: 5) : 3, 2, 7,
8, 2, 9 Sux:3 ))
Odysseus: I will doing my best, of course!
Hal!: ((no change. Linda still has a total lead of 2 sux, needs 2 more to escape. Ro, give me a
perception + drive in order to acquire the target, but with a penalty of 3 dice for its Arcane since
you're coming in from another angle trying to find the right pursuer))
Rowena: ((kk))
Linda: Ah got mah shotty in th'duffel on th'floor right next to ya, ifn ya'd rather have more
Rowena: ((Rowena Tailing the Tail ( dif: 6) : 2, 9, 3, 5, 4 Sux:1 Boy, rolls just suck tonight. lol
Nightwatcher: Perhaps if it comes to a firefight but for now a pistol is more discreet.
Rowena: ((If this were NYC, she'd prolly get a bonus for knowing the location. :p Or I could
make an argument for it. lol ))
Hal!: ((okay, this time they're gonna try subtle influence on Linda, trying to compel her to turn at
a particular street. Ash, any particular action on your part?))
Odysseus: Ro, do we knowing where they are, inexactly?
Hal!: *Ro turns onto the street just barely spotting a long black sedan as it turns*
Nightwatcher: ((Ash will go back to warding the car))
Hal!: ((okay, so that will count as countermagic since it's trying to block them from homing in
on you with the corr aspect of their spell. roll it))
Rowena: Try tracking either Ash's or Linda's phone, or txt them to hook up with Glympse or
something so we can help.
Nightwatcher: ((Yep))
Odysseus: Have you a phone I can use for the texty?
Hal!: (( car obey me! ( dif: 5) : 9, 6, 7 Sux:3 ))
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 22:58:43 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Corr 2 (Diff 5) » 9,2,3 (1
Rowena: *turns to follow that long black sedan, hoping it's the right one* Yeah, there in the
middle console, honey.
Hal!: ((lessee... it has two sux past Ash's roll, but then he already had a two sux ward up, so
that's just enough to knock his ward down without impacting Linda yet))
Odysseus: *Ody scrabbles through the glove compartment, finally retrieving the phone. He
activates it and begins sending a text message.* (Unless the exact message is important, let's
assume Ody is sending a generic R U OK or some such) (I know next to noting about Glympse,
Nightwatcher: *Ash taps the a few keys and calls the phone* You rang.
Hal!: ((Linda drive away (r10 dif: 6) : 10, 4, 8, 6, 7, 9, 3 Sux:5. car noooo! ( dif: 6) : 3, 2, 10, 7, 3
Sux:2 - okay, so Linda beat him by 3 sux that time, so she was a sneaky little thing and got
Odysseus: You are bring quite nonchalant for your situation, are you not?
Nightwatcher: They aren't shooting, so yes.
Rowena: ((LOL))
Odysseus: Is good point. Are you in needing of assistance?
Nightwatcher: The black sedan is tracking us with a corr program. I'm countering as we speak
and Linda is attempting to ditch them.
Linda: *Linda manages to get ahead of a semi truck and out of the sedan's view for a moment
long enough to ditch them down a narrow side street* Ah think Ah lost'im.... *looking in her
Nightwatcher: Lin thinks she lost them and I'm going to improve the barrier. Where are you
Odysseus: We are... where are we being exactly, Ro?
Linda: *She pulls into a business’s driveway and carves her way leftward down an alley*
Nightwatcher: *Ash breathes deeply then exhales, extending his hand infront of him* ((Corr 2
warding again))
Rowena: Following a black sedan and hoping it's the right one, at a discreet distance, on
Hal!: ((Ro, roll perception + drive, still with the 3 penalty going on))
Odysseus: *Ody relays the information to Ash*
Hal!: (( car I see you? ( dif: 6) : 10, 8, 9, 5, 8 Sux:4))
Rowena: ((Rowena Tailing the Tail ( dif: 6) : 8, 4, 2, 4, 1 fail Booo!))
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 23:06:07 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Corr 2 (Diff 5) » 5,1,2 (failure)))
Rowena: ((I swear you'd think that I'd catch some sort of break here.))
Hal!: ((Oh man... she failed and he got 4 sux. He totally spotted her))
Odysseus: (This is going to HURT.)
Rowena: ((Excuse me while I start swearing like a longshoreman about now))
Hal!: *Ro is driving up trying to keep pace with the sedan and it brakes just a few moments early
for the stop light, leaving Ro with nowhere to go but to the limit line, right next to the black
Rowena: Well, now... this totally sucks... I think I hate L.A.
Hal!: *A tinted window rolls down and a man wearing mirrorshades looks over at her as
opposing traffic crisscrosses in front of her*
Odysseus: If I am ever coming into contact with your Randy Newman, I will give him MY
opinion on Los Angeles!
Rowena: ((LOL))
Nightwatcher: *switches to speakerphone* Black hats are watching. Question is why.
Rowena: *turns to look at Ody* Better tell Ash we're made...
Odysseus: Ashton, we may being in a slight situation... Is seems that we are being watched.
Nightwatcher: Relay the location of the car to me and I'll do what I can.
Hal!: The passenger in the car flashes a badge while the driver points towards a parking space on
the next block* ((Subtle impulse))
Nightwatcher: Ody you'll need to try and shield the car from any sort of tracking while I make
them think about something else.
Hal!: car Be a good citizen ( dif: 3) : 7, 6, 9 Sux:3
Rowena: ((Grrr... lol I'd almost think you're borking the die roller. :p ))
Hal!: ((I wish))
Odysseus: (How about this... could I use Ro's phone and Ody's scanner and the electromagnetic
components within to create some sort of "dead zone" for tracking devices, or would that be out
of my ken? Even trying something where I'm making the electronic equivalent of "white noise"
to mask or obscure us electronically and perhaps psychically?)
Rowena: ((And I'm guessing there's not much I can do that'll amount to a resist or a counter?))
Hal!: ((unless Ro saw the actual Mind spell coming, not really. if she did, then she can roll
Willpower to soak its successes))
Nightwatcher: ((Do you have Mind Ro?))
Rowena: ((Nope))
Hal!: ((then nah, not really. 3 sux should be enough to get her to pull over))
Hal!: ((yeah ody you could set up tracking device interference))
Odysseus: (Whadda I need to roll then?)
Rowena: *when the light turns green, Ro sighs and heads for the parking space indicated.* This
is one of those situations where I can hope they're good guys, but I know they probably aren't.
Hal!: ((You'd roll Arete ody. it'll protect against correspondence effects like tracking devices
Hal!: *The light changes and Ro sees the black sedan pulling up behind her and parking*
Linda: Ash... what you got? *Linda gnaws her lip*
Odysseus: (Odysseus Protect the Car! ( dif: 6) : 10, 8, 7, 1 Sux:2) *Ody quickly dismantles Ro's
phone.* My apologies, Rowena, I thought this would being more preferable to a bullet in
brainpan. * He quickly lashes up the innards of the phone to his scanner, and after some quick
soldering and some salty Hellenic invective, he switches on.*
Nightwatcher: Head back, I'll try the Jedi Mind Trick.
Linda: Awright... *She starts driving towards Ro's last position, but it'll take a little bit to get
Nightwatcher: ((Corr 2/Mind 2 - assuming Ody got the info. Ash will give a subtle impulse that
they are unimportant))
Hal!: ((what info did Ody get?))
Nightwatcher: ((the location of them and the car))
Hal!: ((Black Hat awareness ( dif: 6) : 1, 6, 6, 9, 7, 6 Sux:4))
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 23:31:39 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Mind 2/Corr 2 (Diff 5) » 5,9,3 (2
Hal!: *The Sedan doors open and two individuals step out. The driver is a white male and the
passenger is a Hispanic female with short-cropped hair. Both are dressed in official looking suits
and mirroshades.*
Hal!: ((Okay, Ash's effect hits the ward that they had going. Doesn't get through, but it made a
Odysseus: (eep. Can Ody recognize them by their general looks?)
Hal!: ((He's never seen these two before as far as he's aware))
Nightwatcher: ((Ash will try again if there is time.))
Hal!: ((there will be in a moment))
Rowena: So what device have you worked up, Ody? Something to affect them, or us?
Hal!: *The woman furrows her brow behind her mirrorshades and subvocalizes into her
bluetooth headset. The driver makes his way over to Rowena's door, gesturing for her to roll it
Odysseus: Please to be holding. *Ody very surreptitiously pulls out his .45, making sure that the
mirrorshades don't notice (will you need a roll for this, Hal?)
Hal!: ((yes please to be making opposed roll, Ody. Dexterity + subterfuge))
Rowena: ((crosses fingers))
Odysseus: (Can I substitute stealth for the subterfuge?)
Hal!: ((Hm... sure.))
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Hal!: Black Hat spot check ( dif: 6) : 1, 4, 9, 7, 1, 10 Sux:1
Odysseus: (Odysseus Remove gun secretly ( dif: 6) : 5, 2, 4, 5, 3, 3, 7, 7 Sux:2)
Hal!: ((good enough Ody))
Odysseus: (Whew!)
Hal!: ((what is Ro up to?))
Odysseus: (Another thought -- is it too late to try a Scientific effect on the woman's bluetooth,
perhaps setting up so that if trouble goes down, she'll have a screeching noise in her ear -- at best
it'll knock her down, at worst, she'll be distracted, have to rip the Bluetooth from her ear and give
her a splitting headache)
Rowena: ((Well, trying to figure out if I'm supposed to be rolling down the window or not, but
she will since the guy's right there, anyway))
Rowena: *a pleasant expression on her face, Ro looks at the man with raised eyebrows* Yes?
Hal!: ((hm. well, you've already gone for pulling your gun. What you're talking about sounds
like a Forces effect though. though I could see an argument for it being a direct Mind attack))
Odysseus: (Mind would work)
Hal!: ((like to inflict bashing damage))
Odysseus: (Ayup)
Rowena: ((Well, Ro will play nice as a distraction, then. :P ))
Odysseus: (If it can be mistaken for a malfunction in her headset, all the better *evil grin*)
Hal!: ((okay, in a moment. first the man gets to say hi to Ro, and Ash can cast also. Linda's van
hasn't gotten the two of them in visual yet, but Ash can still try a corr effect localized to Ro and
Ody's location.))
Hal!: *The man at the door doesn't see either Ody's gun or the mangled cellphone he's fussing
with* Ms. Brennan, I believe? *the man says to her*
Hal!: ((Ash?))
Nightwatcher: *Ash takes another deep breath exhaling as he types. Focusing his mind on a
single thought and sending it to them*
Nightwatcher: ((2012-05-20 23:47:04 » Ashton rolls 3 dice to Mind 2/Corr 2 (Diff 5) » 5,10,8
(3 successes)))
Rowena: Yes. You need my license and registration?
Rowena: ((Woo!))
Hal!: I don't think that will be necessary, ma'am. We have it on file. *The man's voice is stern
but calm and almost soothing*
Hal!: ((The 3 sux did a number on that ward the black hat had going on, but no effect beyond
that yet. It does set up Ody for his effect though))
Rowena: Okay... then why am I being pulled over?
Hal!: ((Ody, roll it))
Hal!: ((Black Hat cast ( dif: 6) : 4, 6, 5 Sux:1 - this is for the woman. the man isn't casting
Odysseus: (Okay: Odysseus Ody Cause headache! ( dif: 6) : 5, 9, 7, 9 Sux:3)
Hal!: ((okay, the Mind ward she was rebuilding knocked one of those sux out, but you still got
one through and inflict 2 HL's bashing on her))
Hal!: *The woman gasps and sways as her headset blares a brain-frying frequency, having been
more focused on combating Ashton's interference, not having expected such a direct assault*
Odysseus: FLOORING IT!
Rowena: ((does it distract the guy? :) ))
Hal!: ((roll inits, Ro. we'll see. :) ))
Rowena: ((Rowena init: 17b10 ))
Hal!: ((yup. Ody roll inits))
Rowena: ((Plus Fancy Maneuvering, if that helps. Prolly not, though at the moment))
Hal!: ((not on the inits, but on your action that'll help))
Odysseus: (Odysseus init: 8b1)
Hal!: Black Hat man init: 12b6. Black Hat woman init: 7b1
Hal!: ((Ro, BHM, Ody, BHW. what do ya do, Ro?))
Rowena: ((As Ody said, Flooring it! and pulling out into traffic and start heading back toward
the Chantry. Prolly should have just kept going there in the first place. :p ))
Hal!: ((BHM quickdraws his revolver and tries to drill the car. not Ody or Ro, but the car))
Rowena: *Ro turns the key and puts the car in gear almost in one motion, her foot already on the
gas pedal as she peels out into traffic like the experienced ambulance driver she is*
Hal!: Black Hat man shoot ( dif: 6) : 6, 6, 8, 4 Sux:3
Hal!: *He wheels and turns as she peels out, drawing a highly advanced revolver from his jacket
and firing it with both hands properly braced, plunking a single round into the bumper of Ro's
Hal!: ((Ody?))
Odysseus: (Ody WILL shoot back!)
Hal!: ((who are you firing at?))
Odysseus: (At man with advanced revolver)
Hal!: ((roll your shot))
Odysseus: (What's the diff?)
Hal!: ((let's see, you've got to lean out of a moving auto to fire at him while Ro drives like a
maniac? I'll say 8 sounds about right))
Odysseus: (Odysseus Ody Shoot! ( dif: 8) : 8, 10, 7, 9, 2, 4, 5, 4 Sux:3)
Hal!: ((okay, roll your damage + 2 dice))
Hal!: Black Hat man soak ( dif: 6) : 3, 2, 9 Sux:1
Rowena: ((=heh= Well he could just shoot out the back window, but then he'd have to deal with
a very pissed off Verbena lol ))
Odysseus: (Odysseus Damage ( dif: 6) : 8, 7, 1, 4, 5, 1, 8 Sux:1)
Hal!: *The man staggers a bit, but his specially reinforced suit bears the brunt of the impact of
the bullet that winged him*
Hal!: Black Hat woman cast ( dif: 6) : 4, 8, 8 Sux:2
Odysseus: This is not being fun. Rowena, I would suggest alacrity!
Hal!: *The woman puts her headset back in and subvocalizes a couple of commands as she
retreats into the car. Then her companion rejoins her as Ro zooms away*
Rowena: I'm movin', already! *half-laughing and half-growling* Can you get in touch with Ash
and Linda and let them know to go on to the Chantry? That's where I'm headed.
Odysseus: Unfortunately, your phone is somewhat out of commission...
Linda: We's jus' a block or two from where they was stopped, Ash, but Ah lost'er signal.
Rowena: And you don't have one?! *sighs* Okay... then I guess we'll hope they head there, too.
Nightwatcher: Lin, I don’t think there at that spot any more, just get out of here. *dials the cell*
Odysseus: If I had one, it would probably being steam-powered and the size of this car! Not that
would not being awesome...
Linda: *She keeps driving in a different direction, not daring to go within visual of the site of
the traffic stop*
Rowena: *laughs at that* Or you'd keep cannibalizing it for parts. Yeah, okay... I guess I'll have
to carry a spare if I'm going to cart you around occasionally. *she grins and winks*
Hal!: ((I bet with an int+ technology roll diff 7 he could put it back together properly, or more or
less properly))
Odysseus: (He can certainly try :) )
Hal!: ((or he can cheat and use Matter 3. ))
Rowena: ((Well, right now it's currently in use as a cloaking device, of sorts. lol I'd prefer that to
making a call at the moment))
Odysseus: As I am saying before, is preferable to having unusable phone and no bullets inserted
in you, no?
Rowena: Yeah, except there's one in the bumper of my car. And who knows if it's a regular
round or something else?
Hal!: ((Linda is never going to let Ody anywhere near her phone. just sayin'))
Rowena: ((lol)) Odysseus: (LOL!)
Odysseus: If it putting your mind at ease, I inspect bullet once we arrive at Chantry. Unless it is
being phosporous round and blowing up fuel tank. But at least then, we know, yes?
Hal!: *And with that, they head off towards the chantry*
Rowena: That would be appreciated, yes. *chuckles* Thank you.
Hal!: ((so is Ody gonna keep tinkering with that phone to extend the duration of the cloaking in
the meantime?))
Odysseus: (I don't see why not!)
Hal!: ((okay))
Odysseus: (Odysseus Extend the length of cloak ( dif: 6) : 8, 6, 8, 7 Sux:4)
Hal!: *As they drive, Ody detects a signal being emitted from the vehicle's bumper (IE a
correspondence effect)), but as he modulates his scrambling device, he is pretty confident that he
was able to jam it*
Odysseus: Rowena, I am now being confident is not being phosphorous round. Other news, not
as cheery, I am being afraid. But is being managed.
Rowena: Crap. Tracking device? Figures. Well, we'll deal with it permanently when we get to
where we're going.
Odysseus: So long as cloaking device is holding, we should being fine. Now I am being very
glad that you are lenient in my cannibalizing your phone!
Rowena: *chuckles again* So am I, Spark. So am I. And someone's going to tell me that I'm just
lucky that whenever I go out with you and Ash, things get exciting.
Hal!: *Before too much longer, they are driving along the ridge up at the top of the hills between
westwood and the Valley, and have a beautiful view of both sides at various points. Despite all
that's wrong with LA, it really is a spectacular view from up there, and the vast metropolis is
quite a sight in the bright slue skied spring morning light. It also doesn't hurt that up here there's
no real discernible damage left over from the Harrowing. If anything was damaged significantly
in this affluent and very green neighborhood, it's been largely repaired or is hidden behind trees,
walls and fences. Then they reach the site of the House of the Setting Sun, just off Hulholland.
It's a sort of mansion on the downslope facing more towards the Valley than LA proper, but just
barely down from the ridge, and it is an opulent but not ostentatious building surrounded by trees
and verdant gardens*
Rowena: ((Unfortunately, I'm lookin' at the time and thinking I need to call it here. =heh= I need
some down time after all that before trying to sleep. :p ))
Odysseus: (Yeah, I'm in pretty much the same boat.)
Hal!: ((Oh I was thinking it's chapter end time myself))
Rowena: ((Okay, cool. :) ))
Hal!: ((that pursuit ended up being a lot more involved than I expected, but I think it worked
Odysseus: (It was pretty spectacular!)
Rowena: (( Yeah. lol ))
Nightwatcher: ((lol yep))
Hal!: ((Also let Ody flex his brand new Arete 4))
Odysseus: (Yes, sir! :) ) (And put to use a little of the lessons learned in getting that Arete ;) )
Rowena: ((Okay, kids... I'm gonna wish you all a good night and I'll catch up to you all later!))
Odysseus: ('night!)
Nightwatcher: ((Night))
Rowena left the chat
Nightwatcher: ((heading out myself. Night all))
Hal!: ((night! and yes Ody, I saw that you were a lot more fluid and creative with your magic))
Hal!: ((IE more Enlightened. :) ))
Odysseus: (Thanks! :) I'm gonna haveta jump off myself for the night. Talk to ya tomorrow!)