Insect cyborgs with backpacks

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Insect power
Insect cyborgs, equipped with batteries, tiny solar cells or piezoelectric generators to
harvest energy from the movement of an insect's wings are being developed as first
responders or super stealthy spies. Case Western Reserve engineers have even created a
power supply using the insects' normal feeding.
Powering insect cyborgs with an implantable biofuel cell
Insect cyborgs with backpacks
Engineers at University of Michigan are not only u using wing movement to harvest energy,
but they are equipping insect cyborgs with backpacks loaded with power cameras,
microphones, and other sensors.
Harvesting energy from insects in quest to create tiny cyborg first responders
Cyborg insect warriors
Researchers at DARPA are looking at ways to enable remote-controlled dragon-flies capable
of transmitting video and other environmental data from the battlefield frontlines.
Cyborg machine-insects prepare for the battlefields of the future
Scorpions against grafitti
Chemical engineers at Jilin University, PRC, are studying the exoskeleton of the yellow
fattail scorpion to find out how to create wear-resistant, grafitti-resistant surfaces.
Wear-resistant surfaces inspired by scorpions
Bacteria Light & Power
Engineers at the Dutch corporation Philips are studying how fireflies and deep-sea
organisms create green light powered by glowing bioluminescent bacteria.
Philips Bio-light concept lights the home using bacteria
Links Cited in This Chapter
National Punctuation Day. Yep, every September 24.
Related Resources
IEEE Professional Communication Society. Take a look at the podcasts under Learning.
National Punctuation Day. Yep, every September 24.
Grammar Girl. Lots of interesting, helpful tips.
Guide to Grammar and Writing. Sponsored by the Capital Community College Foundation.
Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University. Writing resources, instructional material,
online tutors.
Writing with Statistics. From the Purdue OWL>
Writing Exercises for Engineers and Scientists. Provided by Penn State University.
IEEE Editorial Style Manual